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Submission Guidelines

Please visit to submit manuscripts to be considered for publication in Ethnohistory.

Send correspondence concerning book reviews to the relevant book review editor: for books on Latin America and Africa: Kathryn Sampeck, Ethnohistory Book Review Editor, c/o Robert Schwaller, University of Kansas, Department of History, 3650 Wescoe Hall, 1445 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence, KS 66045; e-mail: [email protected]; for books on the United States, Canada, and Asia-Pacific: Aubrey Lauersdorf, 310 Thach Hall, Auburn, AL 36849-5207; email: [email protected].

All manuscripts are reviewed anonymously. Members of the editorial board, as well as the associate editors, advise the editors both on specific manuscripts and on editorial policy. Please submit your manuscript with the author’s name nowhere on it, a 100–150 word abstract, 3–5 keywords, and a title page with the title, author’s name, and contact information. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the "Ethnohistory Style Guide," and The Chicago Manual of Style, seventeenth edition. Double-space the lines in each manuscript (including extracts, notes, and references) and have ample margins. All manuscripts must be no more than 9,000 words, including endnotes and references.

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