Written in honor of art historian Esther Pasztory, this volume celebrates her career at Columbia University through a series of fifteen scholarly essays on ancient American (pre-Columbian) visual culture contributed by former students and colleagues. Although space prevents a full description of every essay, all are of high quality, illustrating Pasztory’s influence as scholar, educator, and curator. Coeditors Andrew Finegold and Ellen Hoobler note that Pasztory’s scholarly and academic approach consistently tends toward critical examination of disciplinary methodologies and assumptions.

The volume begins with Cecelia Klein’s description of Pasztory’s early years in graduate school in the late 1960s, when they both studied at Columbia University. She situates Pasztory’s approach to the material, and that of her cohort, as original and distinct from other methods employed outside halls of Columbia University. Klein masterfully articulates the historiography of the field at a time when art historians were beginning to reject notions of...

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