Elizabeth Hill Boone, Professor, Martha and Donald Robertson Chair in Latin American Art, Tulane University. Elizabeth Hill Boone has, for several decades, been among the leading voices in the study of Indigenous arts and culture in Mexico. Elizabeth completed her PhD in art history at the University of Texas in 1977, and she went on to serve as the director of Pre-Columbian Studies and curator of the Pre-Columbian Collection at Dumbarton Oaks from 1983–95. In 1995, Elizabeth joined the faculty at Tulane University, where she currently holds the Martha and Donald Robertson Chair in Latin American Art.

Elizabeth’s intellectual endeavors have shaped the way we understand Aztec art, pictorial codices, and the relationship between art and writing. Trying to distill decades worth of Elizabeth’s accomplishments into a few brief paragraphs proved impossible. The list of meaningful honors and publications is too long to include here, to say nothing of the...

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