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Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (3): 697–708.
Published: 01 November 2024
..., for example, witches. When medieval Europe was haunted by imaginaries of a degenerate age and end-times during the Little Ice Age (fourteenth–nineteenth centuries), the idea of a demonic witch conspiracy gained traction. Long winters, wet summers, and unprecedented thunderstorms that led to epidemics, famines...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2016) 7 (1): 227–232.
Published: 01 May 2016
...Rosemary-Claire Collard; Jessica Dempsey; Juanita Sundberg 16 Federici, Caliban and the Witch; Arlie Hochschild with Anne Machung, The Second Shift: Working Families and the Revolution at Home (New York, NY: Penguin Books, 2012). 17 Asafu-Adjaye et al., “An Ecomodernist...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2016) 8 (2): 263–269.
Published: 01 November 2016
... and climate crises proceed apace, that everything in nature is connected. 1. Francis, Laudato si’ (hereafter cited by section number in the text). 2. Northcott, Place, Ecology and the Sacred . 3. Lewis, Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe ; Northcott, Environment and Christian Ethics...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2022) 14 (2): 341–360.
Published: 01 July 2022
... Sonia , Alarcon Norma , and Urquijo-Ruiz Rita E. , 75 – 98 . San Francisco : Aunt Lute , 2012 . Ehrenreich Barbara , and English Deirdre . Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers . 2nd ed. New York : Feminist Press at the City University of New...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2020) 12 (1): 186–189.
Published: 01 May 2020
... with other ways of being and of acting. The metamorphic zones are thus the witch’s cauldrons where agencies exchange their properties: everything—proteins, rivers, enzymes, rocks, humans, animals, plants—is affected and transformed, and influences others’ courses of action, in short, manifests as much...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (3): 554–570.
Published: 01 November 2024
..., the fungus Moniliophthora perniciosa , which causes witches’ broom disease, is known for its devastation of Caribbean cocoa plantations. 18 Although fungal pathogens may align with exploited workers’ antipathy to the cash crop system, they may also require added labor from those workers, placing laborers...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2020) 12 (1): 88–112.
Published: 01 May 2020
..., outreach programming, and digital and print publications. Using the form of an open call disseminated online, I invited artists, writers, witches, scientists, brewers, chefs, activists, ecologists, translators, poets, and other researchers to respond to what it might mean to bring fermentation and feminism...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (1): 265–269.
Published: 01 March 2024
... . Resurrecting Cannibals: The Catholic Church, Witch-Hunts, and the Production of Pagans in Western Uganda . Woodbridge, UK : James Currey , 2011 . Bloch Maurice , and Parry Jonathan , eds. Death and the Regeneration of Life . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1982 . Calkins...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (3): 725–745.
Published: 01 November 2024
...., “Bodies Tumbled into Bodies,” M8 ; Silverblatt, Moon, Sun, and Witches , xxii. 20. Salaman, History and Social Influence , 10 ; Murra, La organización económica , 32 . 21. Johns, Origins of Human Diet and Medicine , 102 . 22. Haraway, When Species Meet . 23. Scott...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2018) 10 (1): 295–309.
Published: 01 May 2018
... . Hooper James . “ Demon Dogs of Norfolk and Suffolk .” Eastern Daily Press , February 7 , 1894 . Hutton Ronald . “ The Wild Hunt and the Witches’ Sabbath .” Folklore 125 , no. 2 ( 2014 ): 161 – 78 . Irvine Richard . “ Deep Time: An Anthropological Problem .” Social...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (1): 44–63.
Published: 01 March 2023
... Bird . “ Lively Ethnography: Storying Animist Worlds .” Environmental Humanities 8 , no. 1 ( 2016 ): 77 – 94 . Vogt Evon Z. , and Hyman Ray . Water Witching USA . Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2000 . Weston Kath . Animate Planet: Making Visceral Sense...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2021) 13 (1): 181–200.
Published: 01 May 2021
... , 2000 . Painlevé Jean , dir. “ Acera, or the Witches’ Dance .” 1972 . Science Is Fiction: Twenty-Three Films by Jean Painlevé . Criterion Collection, 2009 . DVD, 13 min. Painlevé Jean . “ The Castration of the Documentary .” In Science Is Fiction: The Films of Jean Painlevé...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (1): 208–230.
Published: 01 March 2023
... frames the antagonistic forces Tayo is up against through the ironic metaphor of white people’s creation via Indigenous witches’ attempts to one-up each other’s depravity, thereby highlighting the linkages between colonialism and environmental injustice without erasing, essentializing...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2018) 10 (2): 501–527.
Published: 01 November 2018
.... Other potential compostables include Ruddick “Maternal Thinking,” and Federici, Caliban and the Witch . 64. A preliminary list includes Audre Lorde’s “Uses of the Erotic,” Judith Butler’s Antigone’s Claim , and Kath Weston’s Families We Choose . 65. Sandilands, “Some ‘F’ Words...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2022) 14 (1): 145–161.
Published: 01 March 2022
... a relatively comfortable life. However, during one of Anna’s scavenging expeditions, Astor is kidnapped by a gang of older children. Anna soon discovers that her brother was taken to a former Grand Hotel where children work for a mysterious witch-like figure known as “the Picciridduna,” who is said to have...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (2): 1–18.
Published: 01 July 2023
... Sudipto , Saikia Abhinandan , Dutta Pijush Kumar , Ghosh Dipankar , Pangging Govinda , and Goswami Anil K. . Biodiversity Significance of North East India . New Delhi : WWF-India , 2006 . Chaudhuri Soma . Tempest in a Teapot: Witches, Tea Plantations...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2022) 14 (3): 661–679.
Published: 01 November 2022
... the association between frogs, witches, and the devil. 66 Frogs and toads serve as vehicles for xenophobia, from English caricatures of French people and suspicion of the French for eating this strange and “unclean” creature, to Australia’s battles over the Cane Toad, an invasive species that stands...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2013) 3 (1): 71–91.
Published: 01 May 2013
... is That every trifle nature's bosom wears Should seem so lovely and appear so sweet And charm so much my soul while heedless passenger Soodles me by, an animated post, And ne'er so much as turns his head to look But stalks along as though his eyes were blinded And as if the witching face of nature Held...