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Published: 01 November 2017
Figure 3. Beatriz da Costa’s dog Lucinha with her copy of Anticancer: A New Way of Life . Photo: Beatriz da Costa. More
Published: 01 May 2021
Figure 3. was no one / way went Alice (2015), collage from Jennifer Scappettone’s The Republic of Exit 43: Outtakes and Scores from an Archaeology and Pop-Up Opera of the Corporate Dump , 57. More
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2018) 10 (2): 397–420.
Published: 01 November 2018
... forest knowledge through relations of distance to the forests is crucial for attaining institutional legitimacy over the forests. This way of acquiring authority and influence is championed by a broad epistemological tendency to address only the absent, which is then made present by accredited...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2019) 11 (2): 324–350.
Published: 01 November 2019
..., the article considers how these works illustrate and perform alternative worlds and forms of life in an environment that is perceived as hostile to those ways of being. These works resist a totalizing impulse in the production of urban architectures and landscapes that would prematurely foreclose the world...
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Published: 01 May 2019
Figure 2. Being able to read the chemicals in bodily fluids means being able to read the writing of the Anthropocene in ways we have not been able to do yet, in ways that might illuminate the common crowds we bear and the crowds in common that we are. More
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2020) 12 (1): 88–112.
Published: 01 May 2020
... experiment Fermenting Feminism , looking to multidisciplinary practices across the arts that bring together fermentation and feminism in dynamic ways. The article outlines ten ways in which fermentation is a ripe framework for approaching transinclusive, antiracist, countercolonial feminisms. As the author...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2013) 3 (1): 149–155.
Published: 01 May 2013
... to social and moral concerns, is not the best way to conceive of the project of the Presocratics. Nor does this narrative offer us the best way to conceive of the distinctive tasks of the environmental arts (a term which I argue is to be preferred to the environmental humanities) and their relation...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2022) 14 (1): 89–109.
Published: 01 March 2022
... in the same direction. But this is just the crisis that we know about, that we can in some way quantify. In Hawai‘i, and all over the world, a diversity of species—many of them invertebrates—are being lost while they still remain unknown to science. In fact, for every described species that blinks out...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2022) 14 (2): 401–418.
Published: 01 July 2022
... as a “thinking forest,” one that is mind manifesting or psychedelic in nature and as such requires a mode of attention that is itself psychedelic. Ethical guidance comes from finding ways to appreciate the “shape” of the larger mind of which people are a part, and in this way, to find direction from that form...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (1): 128–140.
Published: 01 March 2023
... that is grounded in the acknowledgment of multiple ways of knowing, experiencing, and attributing meaning to consequential connections between the human and the more-than-human world. Although Western science, with singular ecology as one of its many descendants, leaves an undeniable imprint, the essay aims to ask...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (3): 145–158.
Published: 01 November 2023
...Jerome Whitington; Zeynep Oguz Abstract What conditions of possibility have emerged for learning to live on a new earth? This special section builds on scholarship in the environmental humanities, critical Black studies, and geophilosophy to explore how emergent ways of becoming human are forged...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (2): 371–384.
Published: 01 July 2024
... in retrospect, Backster’s work expresses attempts to conceptualize plant subjectivity and plant agency against the backdrop of the emergent environmental movement. While it might be overly charitable to credit these experiments in plant communication with inspiring contemporary research into the ways plants...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (3): 8–29.
Published: 01 November 2023
... a way of relating to the physical environment, and rituals help people respond to problems such as coastal erosion and overfishing. However, there is no evidence suggesting that this particular animistic belief system has given way to environmentalist action, let alone induced systemic change. Animistic...
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Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (2): 441–459.
Published: 01 July 2024
... of irony, parody, and satire to model alternative and hopeful ways of interacting with contemporary toxic landscapes. The article demonstrates that while genres and devices such as satire, irony, and parody all trouble anthropocentric paradigms of human mastery, they do so in different ways...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2013) 3 (1): 71–91.
Published: 01 May 2013
... this technical response might be effective at managing discrete environmental problems it can obscure important questions about the ways in which we produce and reproduce social and natural life. The 18th century was also a period in which the problem of scarcity gave rise to new ways of managing and organizing...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2016) 7 (1): 169–190.
Published: 01 May 2016
..., we explore the ways in which western and Inuit cosmologies differentially inform particular relationships with the inhuman, and ‘trash animals' in particular. We argue that waste and wasting exist within a complex set of historically embedded and contemporaneously contested neo-colonial structures...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2016) 8 (1): 1–23.
Published: 01 May 2016
...Thom van Dooren; Eben Kirksey; Ursula Münster Abstract Scholars in the humanities and social sciences are experimenting with novel ways of engaging with worlds around us. Passionate immersion in the lives of fungi, microorganisms, animals, and plants is opening up new understandings, relationships...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2014) 4 (1): 171–194.
Published: 01 May 2014
... renders killing an intervention into the metabolic relationships that tie together numerous species of microbes living within wine. In acting on wine as a whole it kills rather indiscriminately, simultaneously terminating multiple lives that relate to humans in different ways. Pasteurisation therefore...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2020) 12 (1): 388–405.
Published: 01 May 2020
...Owain Jones; Kate Rigby; Linda Williams Abstract In responding to the spatiotemporally specific geographies of extinction charted in the articles in this special section, this article reflects on the sociocultural factors that inform the ways in which extinction is framed and impede recognition...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2021) 13 (2): 414–432.
Published: 01 November 2021
...Philip Hüpkes; Gabriele Dürbeck Abstract This article focuses on an important aspect of aesthetics in the context of the Anthropocene: the situatedness of aesthetic techniques and operations within earth’s (changing) materiality. Aesthetics is not only a way of making sensible but also contributes...