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Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (3): 590–602.
Published: 01 November 2024
... Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). pattern naturecultures shimmer differentiation fielding Pattern in the Occidentalist West is undervalued, undertheorized, and overlooked. Human cultures bestow patterns with histories and meanings while demanding its delimitation. 1 Western dogma...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2019) 11 (1): 1.
Published: 01 May 2019
..., including Hidden Histories (1991) , Dingo Makes Us Human (1992) , Nourishing Terrains (1996) , Country of the Heart (2002) , Reports from a Wild Country (2004), and Wild Dog Dreaming (2011). At the time of her death she had just completed work on a final book, Shimmer , which explores the entangled...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2019) 11 (2): 461–464.
Published: 01 November 2019
... of textual “broom,” is provided to us as readers when Macfarlane and his companion step “out onto the flats, and back into the Mesolithic,” 10 culminating in a lyrical description of the landscape of Doggerland that once linked Britain to the Northern European mainland. The shimmering, disorientating...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2022) 14 (3): 575–578.
Published: 01 November 2022
... beautifully, bands of translucent material shimmer in the light, and I have traveled with it for years, like a kind of friend—in a little box, in my wallet, in a sealed pocket in my rucksack, sometimes in my hand. 2 I call it Fossil. Fossil is not alive, of course—but it possesses a kind of aura, a “thing...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2016) 8 (2): 172–195.
Published: 01 November 2016
... is equally well placed to hear what might transpire between the musical performance and the surrounding turbulence. Sila: The Breath of the World premiered on July 25, 2014, at Lincoln Center’s Hearst Plaza, New York City, and for one wailing, swelling, shimmering hour, it turned and tuned the ears...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2017) 9 (1): 60–83.
Published: 01 May 2017
... was designed to emit only “a smokeless shimmer of vapour.” 52 Conjuring the building’s implication in the city’s visibly polluted past, The Weather Project’ s yellow mist bears the atmospheric traces of a “London particular,” recalling London’s most famous and deadly recent fog, the Great Smog of December...
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Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2020) 12 (1): 388–405.
Published: 01 May 2020
... such cosmic framings, life and matter and energy are apparently a mere shimmer through a vast dark universe. As far as we can tell all possible life, and all life on earth, lives within these vast universal frameworks, and as a spatiotemporal event, as this middle-aged planet and the wider solar system...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2022) 14 (1): 202–215.
Published: 01 March 2022
... in contemporary poetry: Audre Lorde’s “Brown Menace or Poem to the Survival of Roaches,” whose speaker “alter[s] . . . to survive,” or Terrance Hayes’s enigmatic simile in which a protestor’s “thighs shimmered like the wings of a teenage / Cockroach.” 52 Many ideas advanced here invite further consideration...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2012) 1 (1): 57–68.
Published: 01 May 2012
... that hint of pale rainy blue, shimmering beneath the network of grasses 17 The same scientist tells us of how he harvested a small amount of kangaroo grass with a whipper snipper, just before it went to seed, and scattered it at another site, and how for three years nothing happened...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2019) 11 (1): 180–193.
Published: 01 May 2019
...—at the price of being absent from the field of the visible. Our sun is the radiance of the earthly—not the heavenly—city that, itself visible, plunges the shimmer of celestial bodies into invisibility. Salt and sugar are the flavors du jour (which is to say de nuit ) of the postmetaphysical sun...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2017) 9 (2): 418–432.
Published: 01 November 2017
... and then stopping as the next green flag blanked out of view. We paused in the loud heated vehicle, staring out the window, until the next flag shimmered into view. We would drive out to the next flag and not leave it until another one was in sight. The flags anchored us to a safe track in an uncertain landscape...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (2): 478–494.
Published: 01 July 2024
... fossil fuel extraction. This is a form of hope. * * * I want to conclude with the petrograph Boreal Web , which shows an intricate network of the spider’s web, shimmering in the aureate hues of bitumen. The spider’s web points to interconnectedness. We see the impossibility of separating...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2014) 5 (1): 155–170.
Published: 01 May 2014
... and other seismic events around Alaska. And shimmering sounds in the extreme registers—the Aurora Bells—are tied to the fluctuations in the magnetic field that cause the northern lights. 28 As far as aelectrosonic artworks go, The Place isn't particularly original; Kahn documents examples...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2014) 4 (1): 1–18.
Published: 01 May 2014
...” of concentration, gives her entry to a realm of vibrant matter. 32 Much of her poetry can be seen as acts of, to borrow from Bennett, “giving voice to ... a shimmering, potentially violent vitality intrinsic to matter.” 33 Her third book, Woods etc., opens (in “Sea poem”) with a characteristic question...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2022) 14 (3): 641–660.
Published: 01 November 2022
... of progress. He argues that “the figure of this Child seems to shimmer with the iridescent promise of Noah’s rainbow, serving like the rainbow as the pledge of a covenant that shields us against the persistent threat of apocalypse now—or later.” 44 Contemporary zoological gardens often employ the mythology...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2019) 11 (2): 302–323.
Published: 01 November 2019
... with the territorializations of myriad other creatures and all manner of other sounds. Then, this display song erupts into a glorious, operatic flourish in which almost all corporeal demarcation is dissolved in a shimmering field of forest. Second, for Bruns, poetry is rooted in sounds produced by the voice. For the lyrebird...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (3): 530–553.
Published: 01 November 2024
... and military warfare. Its remains are laid into the hands of the viewer themselves. Within the sharp folds of the installation publication’s dark green wrapper, Price reveals a shimmering still life of ecological catastrophe: the incinerated whale, simultaneously seductive and repulsive. In Vertigo Sea...
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Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2015) 6 (1): 1–27.
Published: 01 May 2015
... mother: wood anemones from the Little Wood, primroses and blue violets from the hedges of the Gillfach. In the winter, the stream (home to water voles) flooded into large wind-ruffled shallow lakes, a whole shimmering blustery world for playing and exploring. And there were the trees—the walnut, cherry...
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Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2015) 6 (1): 131–157.
Published: 01 May 2015
... the charge one feels when snapping two puzzle pieces together. The process of searching for the gardens brings its own rewards. As I wander among cottonwood and locust trees and the remaining orchards, objects shimmer in the dry heat. William Least Heat Moon describes the West's “apparent emptiness...
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Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2014) 5 (1): 171–201.
Published: 01 May 2014
... the intellectual property of Google once formatted and layered for the Google platform. 110 In this sense, writes Helmreich, “Google Earth ... shares with Spaceship Earth something of the quality of a fetish, a shimmering image meant to be consumed, perhaps as an icon of nostalgia for an Earth we may be about...
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