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Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (3): 219–234.
Published: 01 November 2023
... Hugh . “ Speculative Volcanology: Time, Becoming, and Violence in Encounters with Magma .” Environmental Humanities 10 , no. 1 ( 2018 ): 273 – 94 . Clark Nigel , and Szerszynski Bronislaw . Planetary Social Thought: The Anthropocene Challenge to the Social Sciences . Cambridge...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (3): 145–158.
Published: 01 November 2023
... system dynamics, mineralogical relations, and energetic possibilities, to the extent that people cannot be who they are without these pervasive anthropogenic geologies. Finally, planetary predicaments helps diagnose the politically vital and collective but deeply unequal and nonhomogeneous conditions...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2024) 16 (3): 643–660.
Published: 01 November 2024
... the plant may expand and produce batteries. The rhetoric, as before, is that a teeming planetary fleet of vehicles will eventually run on the Sun’s energy. The arrival of this factory shows that “solarity” is not necessarily liberatory or egalitarian when mediated via a societal and technological system...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2016) 8 (2): 245–250.
Published: 01 November 2016
... on anthropotechnics on “the planet of the practising” that there is no such thing as religion, only practice, “only regimens that are more and less capable and worthy of propogation” 14 —perhaps especially they—might find it worthwhile to give some new or old planetary practice a go. In any case...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2014) 5 (1): 155–170.
Published: 01 May 2014
...Tobias Boes Abstract This article examines the hermeneutic and poetic operations by which we as human beings turn our very planet into a signifier for our collective existence as a species, a process which I refer to as “planetary mediation.” I identify the so-called Whole Earth images first...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (2): 215–231.
Published: 01 July 2023
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (1): 25–43.
Published: 01 March 2023
... narrative animates the concept of planetary parks. These have gained increased popularity as a mechanism of environmental protection in space, but it is important to note how they entertain a settler future in outer space and legitimize claims to territorial property and extraction. In a dialogue...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (3): 266–283.
Published: 01 November 2023
...Andrea Ballestero Abstract Planetary awareness has become synonymous with awareness of large-scale temporal, geographic, and geologic events. Given the scalar multiplicities and instabilities of life on earth, concepts such as planetarity, the Anthropocene, and even the global have provided...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (3): 174–189.
Published: 01 November 2023
... humanities, anthropology, geography, and feminist geophilosophy that aims to rethink racialized forms of violence alongside planetary forces and earthly formations, this article explores how geosocial relations and exclusions register distributed forms of violence that are often kept separate from each other...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2012) 1 (1): 7–21.
Published: 01 May 2012
...Timothy Morton Abstract The Anthropocene is the radical intersection of human history and geological time. Humans have belatedly realised that they have become a geophysical force on a planetary scale. This creeping realisation has an Oedipal logic, that is to say, it is a strange loop in which one...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2016) 8 (2): 215–234.
Published: 01 November 2016
... more alive. This essay suggests that the development of sentience in the Phanerozoic eon exerted an emergent, autonomous influence on the interaction of minerals and life. Conscious human agency and its effects on planetary transformation are therefore the culmination of a very long process. However...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2013) 2 (1): 1–20.
Published: 01 May 2013
... a complication of current conceptualizations of eco-cosmopolitanism. The article aims to show the struggles of rural people to embrace a planetary consciousness—a global awareness that can paradoxically foreground as well as participate in the continued ecological devastation of the landscapes these activists...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (3): 235–250.
Published: 01 November 2023
...Adam Bobbette Abstract This article presents an alternative political history of recent planetary thought through an examination of geopoetics rooted in the colonial politics of Indonesia and Cold War geosciences. This history reveals how geopoetics has not been marginal or critical of dominant...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (3): 251–265.
Published: 01 November 2023
...Jerome Whitington Abstract This article looks toward nineteenth-century earth sciences with attention to their humanistic themes. In the early decades of the century, multiple lines of evidence concretized a humanistic experience of man as a finite being with a contingent and accidental planetary...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (3): 284–291.
Published: 01 November 2023
... the underground as a corporeal colonial afterlife. Orebodies differentiate bodies. Nigel Clark and Rebecca Whittle, in “Planetary Rifting and the Paleogeography of Care,” raise the precarious rift of thinking across generations as responsibility and care. The question this raises for me is whether...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2022) 14 (2): 401–418.
Published: 01 July 2022
...Eduardo Kohn Abstract What kind of guidance can the world Eduardo Kohn calls “forest” provide for living well on Earth in times of planetary anthropogenic ecological fragmentation? How, that is, can humans learn to ecologize their ethics? Reflecting on his ongoing ethnographic research...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2023) 15 (2): 62–84.
Published: 01 July 2023
..., it utilizes stable carbon dating, whose methods provide the opportunity to locate particular cultural objects in relation to the deep time of planetary climate change. In doing so this paper develops the proposition that, articulated as such, these objects are complex climatic ecological compositions, and so...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2014) 5 (1): 233–260.
Published: 01 May 2014
... environmental humanists at a distance from those geoscientists currently trying to popularise the Anthropocene proposition and a set of related grand ideas (like “planetary boundaries”). This is unfortunate because geoscience—like other branches of science—tends to enjoy a higher profile in key decision-making...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2016) 7 (1): 41–58.
Published: 01 May 2016
... of planetary economics. Copyright: © MacLellan 2015 2015 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of a Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). This license permits use and distribution of the article for non-commercial purposes, provided the original work is cited and is not altered...
Journal Article
Environmental Humanities (2018) 10 (1): 273–294.
Published: 01 May 2018
... of artisanal pyrotechnology. Our reading of the dynamic and violent interchange between the inner and outer Earth in these examples points to a non–self-identical planetary condition, on which the very structure of temporality emerges through a play of destruction and generativity. In this light, we circle...