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Journal Article
English Language Notes (2002) 40 (1): 57–60.
Published: 01 September 2002
... of White Jacket and Shakespeare, I suggest this following set, citing the occasion only, letting commentators arise as may please: WhiteJacket angels, new-lighted upon earth, from some star in the Milky Way (222) Hamlet the herald M ercury/ New lighted on a heaven-kissing hill (3.4.58-9...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2018) 56 (2): 51–54.
Published: 01 October 2018
..., as a state of exception, from the modern Western (Protestant) idea that America was discovered by Europeans in the fifteenth century, or that America was ever “discovered” by anyone at all. This exceptionalist paradigm of discovery can be understood in terms of a “White Legend” that structurally depends...
Published: 01 April 2019
Figure 10. Shark carnage in Peter Gimbel and James Lipscomb, Blue Water, White Death , 1971.
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (2): 189–194.
Published: 01 September 2006
... h ite -s k in n e d " citize n sh ip in a chapter devo te d to "th e negro," and thereby participates in a process th ro u g h w hich ethnic w hites have claim ed an exclusive national identity by disavow ing th e ir ow n difference through the evocation of a black/white racial d ich o tom y...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (2): 50–63.
Published: 01 October 2020
... in the idea of the “medieval” to rationalize “white possessive logics” (Moreton-Robinson, White Possessive ). It explores medievalisms in legal, mainstream, and academic contexts that focus on Indigenous land rights and law in the Australian settler-colonial state. It examines the High Court of Australia’s...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2022) 60 (1): 139–149.
Published: 01 April 2022
...Ellen Lansky Abstract This essay situates Ernest Hemingway’s iconic “Hills Like White Elephants” as a short story about drinking. From this perspective, Hemingway’s story enables readers to experience a personal and deeply felt emotional engagement with the characters, the scene, and the situation...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2024) 62 (1): 13–29.
Published: 01 April 2024
... of white supremacist narratives. What is often glossed over in these conversations, however, is how Black music plays an explicitly ecological role. This article thinks about how Black sound is instrumental in refiguring what Brent Hayes Edwards calls the “historical transcript,” while also gesturing...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2018) 56 (2): 44–47.
Published: 01 October 2018
...Anna Brickhouse Abstract This short essay was written in the days after white supremacists and neo-Nazis invaded the campus of the University of Virginia and downtown Charlottesville, many of them heavily armed and dressed for combat. After offering a brief reflection on how Latino/a/x studies...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2005) 42 (4): 95–102.
Published: 01 June 2005
...Scott R. Stalcup The Edge of Meaning . By James Boyd White . Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2003 . Pp. 315. pb. $17.00 . 0-226-89480-0 Copyright © 2005 Regents of the University of Colorado 2005 June 2005 95 The scholarly avenues open to those researching African...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2005) 42 (4): 83–95.
Published: 01 June 2005
... large economic expenditures and oftentimes black theaters did not have the money to advertise in newspapers about a particular performance or to distribute posters, and white journalists writing in early American newspapers would not deem it im portant to review black plays. The desire to fill those...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2004) 42 (2): 1–10.
Published: 01 December 2004
... a sermon using language both esoteric and exoteric in order to explain how Christian souls may be changed into a whiteness above snow :4 It is n o t enough to com e to a calcination, or a liquefaction o f the metal, (that m ust be done) nor to an ablution, to sever dross from pure, nor to a trans m...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2022) 60 (1): 1–15.
Published: 01 April 2022
... “the success of OxyContin hinged on racially bifurcated understandings of addiction. The fundamental division between ‘dope’ and medicine, after all, has always been the race and class of users.” 30 White drug users are sanctioned as “licit health seekers,” while Black users are condemned as “illicit...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2021) 59 (1): 73–92.
Published: 01 April 2021
... in the midst of the Great Depression, so the primitivism of earlier years was largely abandoned and critiqued as a symptom of the New Negro’s overreliance on white patrons and its desire to cater to white audiences. The post-Renaissance period called for new ways of thinking and new modes of critique...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2007) 45 (1): 149–159.
Published: 01 March 2007
... was shaking and had taken an edge to my voice. I became aware o f my African American travel companions sitting across the room and the few other white tourists who were part of our m orning party. Mr. S w ellfellow had flushed and begun to sweat. He had become anx ious and nervous. Clearly, his parks...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (1): 178–185.
Published: 01 April 2020
... This is not only a cultural reference but also a gender-specific one, as tipis “were the exclusive responsibility of the women.” 19 According to Lakota linguist Albert White Hat, women are “the keeper of all our traditions and . . . the foundation of the home.” 20 These different word choices emphasize...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (2): 1–17.
Published: 01 October 2020
... of history as a conservative cousin of more liberal humanities disciplines, like literature. See Spiegel, Past as Text , 3–43 . 11 These pop-culture references are less benign than we might imagine, as Sierra Lomuto argues in “White Nationalism and the Ethics of Medieval Studies.” 12...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2001) 38 (3): 93–95.
Published: 01 March 2001
... a white na tion (29-30). This white-on-white character o f the Boer War is at the heart of the chapter contrasting the attitudes o f W. T. Stead and A rthur C onan Doyle toward the war. White chivalry was at the core of th eir dispute. Doyle contested Stead s claim that British soldiers had raped Boer...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2003) 41 (1): 80–82.
Published: 01 September 2003
..., Capt. Willy, smiled approvingly. He was not going to have his family dropping their aitches ah over the place. In writing about the South, regional authors often use the aspirated form of the pronoun it, written hit, as an example of Southern speech, especially that of the lower classes, be they white...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2009) 47 (2): 75–81.
Published: 01 September 2009
..., Ern, undertook a eugenicist project to breed "the first-born-successfully-white-m an-in-the-fam ily-line" (13). As Harley recovers from a serious car accident and the death o f his father, Tommy, he meets his uncles, W ill and Jack, and travels w ith them on a series of journeys around his ancestral...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2005) 42 (3): 1–14.
Published: 01 March 2005
... white Luces in their Coate. It is an olde Coate. The dozen white Lowses doe become an old Coat well: it agrees well passant: It is a familiar beast to man, and signifies Loue. The Luse is thefresh-fish, the salt-fish, is an old Coate,1 Shallow s The Luse is the fresh-fish, the salt-fish, is an old...