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Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (2): 101–120.
Published: 01 October 2020
..., facilitated by the very stone that had seemed to entrap her. Drawing on critical Indigenous studies, legal studies, and ecomaterialism, this essay concludes that both King Horn and “Yonec” offer a medieval British imaginary of lithic relational sovereignty that runs counter to teleological, naturalizing...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2019) 57 (2): 7–21.
Published: 01 October 2019
... historical societies, historical markers, family heirlooms, and many other forms of memorialization. Yet this seeming abundance of memory arises from equally powerful kinds of forgetting: collective colonial amnesias that endeavor to erase, sideline, overwrite, or delegitimize other dimensions of exceedingly...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2023) 61 (2): 39–57.
Published: 01 October 2023
...Mona Bhan Abstract This article examines how weather became an important element of India’s imperial project particularly after 2019, while its everyday forecast and management, as well as its seeming predictability, offered the Indian state an illusion of control in Kashmir’s uncertain political...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2023) 61 (2): 58–68.
Published: 01 October 2023
... and circulation of these realistic images have also reached a point of visual fatigue. At this juncture of a seeming visual impossibility, the essay proposes creative configurations and visual imaginaries through artistic visioning as a means to continue the work of visual production. [email protected]...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2000) 37 (3): 25–35.
Published: 01 March 2000
... corresponding dram atic developments in A Masque. While one may reasonably d o ubt th at M ilton m ight transcend class consciousness in order to lionize an assaulted servant, it seems entirely possible that an ambitious young poet may have wished to court a potential benefactor by eulogizing the Earl...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2011) 49 (2): 23–33.
Published: 01 September 2011
... and hands, it seemed that healing is a horizon, one my body-mind crosses so slow ly that it always seems far away. Healing is a place so wide it's convex to look across it, tim e curving w ith the earth. Is that the shape of the I? II. April 15, 2011 (AM) Spring is a difficult tim e for my body-mind...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2008) 46 (1): 47–60.
Published: 01 March 2008
..., his com m itm ent to phonic patterning which at times verges on pure abstraction, and, conversely, because he seems to belong to an earlier era of devotional verse in which poets m ight grapple w ith the spiritual life but not refuse its centrality. He English Language Notes 46.1 Spring / Summer 2008...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2005) 43 (2): 14–18.
Published: 01 December 2005
... on the sec­ ond day, in which the prey is a boar.7 The double collocation of boars and knarre in this poem seems to confirm a contempo­ rary linkage between the two that both Chaucer and the pilgrim badge make use of, although in different ways; the examples from Sir Gawain suggest that the linkage derives...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2001) 38 (3): 40–52.
Published: 01 March 2001
... as his characterization of women in term s of sin and justice in Paradoxes and Problems. A lthough this exam ple from Paradoxes and Problems seems almost sinister, in T he Flea, the p o e t s playful argum ent opposes the fem ale resp o n d en t s open­ ing conclusion that honor appropriately defines...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2001) 38 (3): 56–68.
Published: 01 March 2001
... in th e last books of Paradise Lost th a t seem to echo Taylor s a rt of dying. Cmp. Holy Dying, 69: B ut as n o piety can secure [a long life], so m ust no confidence expect it, b ut wait for the tune, and accept the m a n n er o f dissolution. O n th e resonance o f th e w ord dissolu­ tio n...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2000) 37 (4): 8–19.
Published: 01 June 2000
..., in however und erstated a m anner, a sustained use o f sporting imagery th ro u g h o u t the play, which seems to be particularly, though not exclusively, focused on June 2000 9 metaphors derived from the game of real tennis.2 References to game-playing are especially frequent in the first, crucial scene. W...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2018) 56 (1): 7–20.
Published: 01 April 2018
..., thought of as an opposition between praxis and theory became this dilemma: How do we reconcile the double call of Christian charity or Christian love, which involves love of God and love of neighbor? How do we reconcile those two different demands? How do we both love God, which seems tied to the realm...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2007) 45 (1): 45–56.
Published: 01 March 2007
... and they are startlingly many, from the stories o f Borges to the hype around Google or W ikipedia seem most dazzled by its prom ise o f richness and inexhaustibility: unbounded by the domesticating linearity of earlier form s like the novel, reaching beyond w hat can merely be grasped by the human m ind...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2009) 47 (2): 61–73.
Published: 01 September 2009
..." seems striking, at first, for its overt contradictions, but it is in fact a fairly typical text in its genre, exemplary fo r revealing tw o persistent tropes w ithin midVictorian pseudoscientific handbooks. After marketing their usefulness as reasonably scien­ tific solutions for social confusion...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2000) 38 (2): 34–42.
Published: 01 December 2000
... to fly away from him or to dem onstrate h e r ability to traverse regions where he cannot follow her. So, h ere it seems reasonable to fall back on the protective, encircling image of the angel s outspread wings, sheltering the m ortal whom she guards. However, figura­ tively reápproaching the same image...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2002) 40 (2): 88–92.
Published: 01 December 2002
... the clini­ cal theory of George A. Kelly (1905-66), an Am erican psycholo­ gist known for his personal construct theory. For som eone as insistent as Lee th at we keep to the period in which Shakespeare wrote, this choice might seem at least a little odd, but it remains the only original contribution in what...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2003) 41 (2): 66–71.
Published: 01 December 2003
... plate 20, in the Musées Royaux des BeauxArts, Brussels, that Auden would seem to have had in mind in his Musée des Beaux Arts (1940).4 The smaller plate 19, New York and Brussels, D. M. van Buuren Collection, contains much more distinct images of the witnesses to the fall. Daedalus, high in the sky...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2013) 51 (2): 139–142.
Published: 01 September 2013
...-opted in startling ways. The so-called flat ontologies o f the Speculative Realist school seem to offer a productive alternative, but only by abandoning or dulling our capacity to assign value to certain interactions in the absence of a critical human in te lli­ gence. Combatting w hat I am tem pted...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2002) 39 (3): 41–54.
Published: 01 March 2002
..., and lovely, appeared in the brilliancy o f an u n ­ clouded night, and the contrast of the deep shade of the woods. Q uite as conventional as the setting are Fanny s words which 42 English Language Notes conjure up w ithout seem ing too derivative, for she is said to speak her feelings a particular kind...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2010) 48 (2): 111–128.
Published: 01 September 2010
... legitimacy depends upon the crafting of boundaries, often so naturalized as to seem invisible. We take for granted, for example, that "ju ris d ic tio n " the legitimate reach of particular legal institutions is a matter of territory.1Yet such assertions of jurisdiction do not necessarily advance the claims...