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Journal Article
English Language Notes (2000) 37 (3): 62–66.
Published: 01 March 2000
... P ater 189-90. 20J o h n H enry Newman, Essays Critical and Historical (London: Longm ans G reen, 1901) i 29. 21 Sermons ii 373. 2- Essays i 290-91. 23Essays ii 442. 24Further Letters 408. CHEKHOV AND GERHARDI: THE RUSSIAN SOURCES OF ANTHONY POWELL S VENUSBERG {1932) The influence of Chekhov...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2018) 56 (2): 55–66.
Published: 01 October 2018
... . Powell Donald . The Peralta Grant: James Addison Reavis and the Barony of Arizona . Norman : University of Oklahoma Press , 1960 . Rivera John-Michael . The Emergence of Mexican America: Recovering Stories of Mexican Peoplehood in U.S. Culture . New York : New York University Press...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2003) 40 (4): 88–91.
Published: 01 June 2003
... Criticism: Oscar Wilde s Philosophy ofArt, Kerry Powell s Oscar Wilde and the Theatre of the 1890s, William Tydeman and Steven Price s Wilde: Salome, and Mary Blanchard s Oscar Wilde s America: Counterculture in the Gilded Age. Knox writes in h er Introduction (p. xii) that she found that critics who m...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (2): 135–142.
Published: 01 September 2006
... Colin Powell, "S tatem ent to the United Nations Security Council, February 5th, 2003." Th e Council for the A d v a n c e m e n t of Arab-British Understanding, Sept. 2005, <httpw w w .caa bu.o rg/p ress/ docum ents/pow ell-iraq.htm l>. 18 Marco Breuer, A rtist Statement. Note: This te x t was w ritten...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2017) 55 (1-2): 163–166.
Published: 01 March 2017
...). He is currently working on a m anuscript describing how friendship can serve as a helpful model for the human relationship to the rest of nature. La w re n c e Buell is Powell M. Cabot Professor of Am erican Literature Emeritus at Harvard University. His books include The Environm ental Im agination...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2021) 59 (2): 9–19.
Published: 01 October 2021
... film, recalls the work of one of Romero’s favorite directors: Michael Powell, and Peeping Tom (1960) in particular. Powell spoke of his own shocking horror film as “a very tender film,” and I think the same could be said of the equally shocking Martin . 10 Much of this tenderness comes from...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (2): 9–24.
Published: 01 September 2006
... be h in d th e effect, the collusion o f the institutions of British patriarchy w ith the violence and b rutality of Fascism. The plates o f Three Guineas are effectively an indictm ent, a set o f caricatures Elena G ualtieri 19 F i g u r e 5 . A General (Lord Baden-Powell). From Virginia Woolf, Three...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2000) 37 (3): 56–62.
Published: 01 March 2000
..., 1959) 179, 200-01. 18Letters 155. 19 P ater 189-90. 20J o h n H enry Newman, Essays Critical and Historical (London: Longm ans G reen, 1901) i 29. 21 Sermons ii 373. 2- Essays i 290-91. 23Essays ii 442. 24Further Letters 408. CHEKHOV AND GERHARDI: THE RUSSIAN SOURCES OF ANTHONY POWELL S VENUSBERG {1932...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2001) 38 (4): 40–49.
Published: 01 June 2001
...): 163-74. 3 T he M anciple s Tale, T he F riar s Tale, T he P a rd o n e r s Tale ( D eath and the Ruffians T he S quire s Tale ( Cambus K han an d possibly T he N u n s P rie st s T ale, w hich is e ith e r by T hom as Powell o r H u n t see S purgeon, II, P art ii, 239-40. 4 Leigh H unt...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (2): 25–43.
Published: 01 September 2006
... such as W illia m Dyce and W illiam Powell Frith, w hose attention to detail celebrates and affirm s the pow er o f the observer.The premise o f th e ir w ork appears to be that if one only gazes hard and long enough, everything there is to know about the subject can be gleaned fro m looking at the painting...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2010) 48 (2): 85–97.
Published: 01 September 2010
... University Press, 1990). 22 Edward Powell, K in g sh ip , Law , a n d S o cie ty : C rim in a l J u s tic e in th e R eign o f H e n ry V (Oxford: Clarendon, 1989), 74-76. 23 Jeffrey Jerom e Cohen, M e d ie v a l Id e n tity M a ch in e s : H y b rid ity , Id e n tity , a n d M o n s tro s ity in M e d ie v...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (2): 87–100.
Published: 01 September 2006
..., 1980. . The Diary o f Virginia W oo/fVolum e III: 1925-30. Ed. Anne O livier Bell and A ndrew McNeillie. San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1980. W oolf, Virginia and Roger Fry. Introductions. Victorian Photographs o f Famous Men and Fair Women. 1926. By Julia M argaret Cameron. Ed.Tristram Powell...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2010) 48 (1): 49–63.
Published: 01 March 2010
... (1945): 15. See also Sergei Eisenstein, "Dickens, Griffith and Ourselves," in S. M. Eisenstein: Selected Works, vol. 3, ed. Richard Taylor, trans. William Powell (London: BFI, 1996), 193-238; and Maskarad Lermontova: sbornik statei, ed. Pavel Novitskii (Moscow-Leningrad: VTO, 1941). 14 Komitet po delam...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2011) 49 (1): 11–27.
Published: 01 March 2011
... niversity Press, 2007). 35 Malvern van W yk Smith, The Poetry o f the A nglo-B oer War, 899- 902 (Oxford: Oxford U niversity Press, 1978). 36 Boehmer, E m pire W riting, 287-88. 37 Robert Baden-Powell, Scouting fo r Boys, ed. Elleke Boehm er (Oxford: Oxford U niversity Press, 2004), 336-37. 38 MacDonald...