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Journal Article
English Language Notes (2019) 57 (2): 71–85.
Published: 01 October 2019
... a way to salvage Rose’s memories by exercising her savage resourcefulness. Instead of needing to know exactly why Rose created the ensemble, Esch adds to the constellation of pictures; making a bigger myth while allowing the disjointed plots to come together irrespective of differences. Esch works...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (2): 21–34.
Published: 01 October 2020
.... Of course, metaphor can itself be profoundly productive and generative. Land acknowledgments, for instance, are almost entirely symbolic. I’ve yet to see one given that also ended with the actual return of land. Yet, as the rest of this essay argues, metaphor and myth, particularly when taken literally...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (1): 283–301.
Published: 01 March 2006
...Erwin Cook The Modem Construction of Myth . By Andrew von Hendy . Bloomington : Indiana UP , 2002 . Pp. 400 . hc. $39.95 . 0-253-33996-0. Copyright © 2006 Regents of the University of Colorado 2006 R e v ie w E ssay The Modem Construction of Myth. By A ndrew von Hendy. Bloom...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (1): 186–199.
Published: 01 April 2020
... researchers has been collecting since 2010. Some Iskonawa myths of origin and survival tell us about their relationship with nature, their use of animals and plants, and a bleak future of deforestation, contamination, drug trafficking, and other crimes. In some of these narratives, it is possible to find...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (1): 92–102.
Published: 01 April 2020
...Alexandre Belmonte Abstract The Andean experience of the everyday is affected markedly by respect and reverence for tradition, for teachings of the past, and for myths that explain and simplify reality. This article reflects on the uses of ancient rituals in Bolivia today, in the context...
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Journal Article
English Language Notes (2022) 60 (2): 144–155.
Published: 01 October 2022
... production. 17 Outka refers to “that perennial icon of noncommercial ties, the private home” ( Consuming Traditions , 113 ). 18 Starmore observes that “the myth of the distant Celtic origin of the Aran sweater is largely the work of Heinx Edgar Kiewe (1906–1986), who ‘discovered’ an Aran sweater...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2000) 38 (1): 50–58.
Published: 01 September 2000
..., which he used throughout his career. An earlier p o em ,The Four Zoas (1797P-1807?) is shot through with glimpses o f classical myth, including those o f Ve­ nus, Vulcan, and Mars, of Venus and Cupid, of Cupid and Psyche, as well as o f Ceres and Proserpine, who are the subject o f this paper.2Blake...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (1): 132–144.
Published: 01 April 2020
... origin myths ethnopoetics coyote stories Native American oral narrative Miwok people A number of Sierra Miwok narratives have been published, in both English and Sierra Miwok, but little attention has been paid to the texts in the original language, especially from the perspective of verbal arts...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2001) 39 (1): 41–50.
Published: 01 September 2001
..., as the novel suggests we do, Victor follows the archetype of the m atri­ cide, in particular through the myth of Orestes, contradicting his perceived role of fate and underlining his overall tragedy of character. Aside from the creation of the m onster itself, the most sig­ nificant event within Frankenstein...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2022) 60 (2): 121–143.
Published: 01 October 2022
... to the Ayé by incarnating the bodies of the initiates; they can dance and relive their historical myths ( CU , 69). On the African continent, the cult of òrìṣàs was geographically divided into cities and blood-related families who worshipped a specific deity in that region. In Brazil, Candomblé...
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Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (1): 5–11.
Published: 01 March 2006
...-obsession of subject and model excluded from further consideration the contested object of desire. La violence et le sacré (1972) found this m im etic rivalry represented covertly but every­ where in myth and ritual, and Girard expanded his theory to provide a genetic model for all cultural forms. Primitive...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (1): 200–213.
Published: 01 April 2020
... their origin. Finally, when the Natives migrate to Western-influenced cities, they record their myths through paintings. The Icaros sung in the film are from Colombia, but the Icaro is a tradition shared with other Indigenous people across the Amazon of Peru, Ecuador, and Brazil. My description...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (1): 178–185.
Published: 01 April 2020
... Riggs and Deloria provided different interpretations of “Fallen Star,” the basic plot of this myth remains the same. In both versions, a young woman marries a star, becomes pregnant, falls through a hole in the sky, and plummets to the earth, where she gives birth to a baby boy, who ages quickly...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2004) 41 (3): 29–30.
Published: 01 March 2004
..., polluting Harpies in Book 2 of The Argonautica, a favorite work of Milton s that, according to Edward Phillips, was assigned to his students.1 Phineus is one of classical myth s most vivid examples of an excluded worthy bidden guest {Lycidas 118). And though in some versions he is neither worthy nor...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2003) 40 (4): 73–77.
Published: 01 June 2003
... ithout a father figure, w ithout an older, wiser male to give advice, to an­ swer questions, in short, to teach him how to be a m an.3Raised by a concerned m other who loved but could not control her son, the myths of Hercules are rich with the many problems June 2003 75 and difficulties of the boyish...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (2): 184–186.
Published: 01 October 2020
... examples of Anglophone and French fiction that, in figuring migration as an apocalyptic event that threatens to destroy European civilization, epitomize Europe’s transition from an outward-looking “colonial utopianism,” with its attendant myth of mission civilisatrice , to current nationalisms that cast...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2014) 52 (1): 129–130.
Published: 01 March 2014
... adding and expounding upon the them e.The Peters­ burg myth started w ith its very creation, in 1703, by Peter the Great. It is em blem atic o f the force and w ill of the state over the individual, created as it was at the edge of the Baltic Sea. The draining of the marshes and subsequent building cost...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2002) 39 (3): 18–27.
Published: 01 March 2002
... Language Notes While Renaissance authors were fam iliar with the Metamor­ phoses and o th er classical texts, they also u n derstood classical mythology through various dictionaries, handbooks, and com­ mentaries, many of which sought to explain the myths allegori­ cally.4In the M iddle Ages, the role of M...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2012) 50 (2): 113–126.
Published: 01 September 2012
... other mystical contemporaries. In the Zohar Lexicon,Yehuda Liebes proposes the web of associations that I w ill seek to develop here, one that connects seduction and sexual transgression w ith the myth of the birth of the Messiah. In general, he interprets the idiom as: 1) potter's wheels, 2) scales, 3...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2024) 62 (2): 21–35.
Published: 01 November 2024
... for recognition are also dares, invocations, and provocations. I dare you to say the name of a victim murdered by the state. I dare you to say the name of a victim of mob violence. I dare you to remember them and recognize their humanity. As such, by using Émile Durkheim’s myth-ritual theory of the sacred...