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Journal Article
English Language Notes (2000) 38 (1): 87–93.
Published: 01 September 2000
... on Wilde between 1926 (when the bibliography abandoned its essay form for a m ore com prehensive listing) to 1955. However, W ilde s stock has been steadily rising since the m iddle of the 1950s, and received a m ajor boost with the pub lication o f R ichard E llm a n n s b io g rap h y in 1988. Now...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2003) 40 (4): 88–91.
Published: 01 June 2003
... dedicated pursuit of either an aesthetic or coded hom o erotic vision than many critics have recognized. To forestall m isunderstanding, it is im portant to say here that although Guy and Small em phasize that W ilde s writing was driven by a constant need for money, and that indeed he pos sessed a rather...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2012) 50 (1): 131–134.
Published: 01 March 2012
... h ild " (94) w h o m ust eventually find a place w ith in p ublic discourse in which to speak and be heard.2 He then com pares Mene's struggle to speak w ith subsequent child s o ld ie r n a rra tive s such as A h m a d o u Kouroum a's A lla h N 'e st Pas O b ligé (2002) o r U zodinm a Iweala's...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2012) 50 (1): 29–32.
Published: 01 March 2012
..., façade.The architect to u rs me thro u g h U jlipótváros, Budapest's X lllth d is tric t, the Bauhaus landscape o f his ch ild h o o d. We sto p in fro n t o f a b u ild in g that bears b u l let holes fro m the 1956 R evolution. S ig n ifyin g structure shaken. I take o ff m y glove to touch the pockmarks...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2005) 42 (4): 62–75.
Published: 01 June 2005
... with the traditional critical recep tion of the Stoker-Wilde connection. Yet still, Belford notes albeit speculatively that legend has Stoker meeting Wilde in exile and providing cash support for his ruined friend: A story still circulates th at Stoker brou g h t m oney to W ilde w hen h e was des titute...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2012) 50 (1): 135–139.
Published: 01 March 2012
... individuals charged w ith grave crim es against hum anity, in cluding genocide and other "w a r crimes." A m ong the crim es listed in A rticle 8 o f the S tatute is th a t o f "c o n s c rip tin g o r e n listin g ch ild ren u n d e r the age o f fifte e n years in to the n a tio na l a rm e d fo rce s o r...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2004) 42 (2): 59–68.
Published: 01 December 2004
... theory about Shakespeare s Sonnets which, alas, is again not W ilde s original invention (although he grandiloquently called it entirely new in a letter to the publish er William Blackwood3). Shakespeare s sonnet sequence and its theme of love passion are also m entioned in Dorian Gray. Something...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2008) 46 (1): 173.
Published: 01 March 2008
... of wine w ill help. Being 47. Being 90. Being 27. Miss USA gone w ild, place the w ord hom e to the left o f home, now be hom e he's addicted and it's not working. He can't get what he needs, Jack said. Make me a puppet. And men do n't get wom en, and wom en try but men are so full o f shit, Jack said. I...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2005) 42 (3): 39–52.
Published: 01 March 2005
... and Schuster, 1981), 7. 3 Primarily for this reason, throughout this paper I distinguish Saki, the writer and narrator of the stories, from Munro, the private man. 4Jonathan Dollimore, Sexual Dissidence: Augustine to Wilde, Freud to Foucault (Oxford: Clarendon, 1991), 323-24. 5 W ilde s transgressive...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2012) 50 (1): 173–176.
Published: 01 March 2012
... ousin o f the clap-ometer, w hose needle arm dips and flutters like a h u m m in g b ird past the sixty, seventy, ninety marks. The studio audience has gone w ild fo r the ukulele-playing gym nast! Backstage, the yod e lin g kazatzka dancer rips o ff her cape and w h ip s it onto the floor. She has lost...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2016) 54 (2): 33–40.
Published: 01 September 2016
... n o t e s 5 4 . 2 Fa l l / W i n t e r 2 0 16 KODIAK BEFORE TIDAL WAVE KODIAK AFTER TIDAL WAVE Kodiak Before Tidal Wave. Kodiak A fte r Tidal Wave c o n d itio n s th a t drew bu ild ings, roads, and cars deep in to sp lin te rs o f c le ft te rra in . The entire s o u th c e n tra l A la ska n...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2010) 48 (1): 89–100.
Published: 01 March 2010
... a l m em o ry. For exam ple, in th e ch ild h o o d m e m o ry o f his fa m ily's routine Sunday afternoon gatherings, the narrator as an attuned child tropes Harlem as a place o f darkness, against w hich w in d o w s again serve as a protective b o u nd ary: " [t]here th e y sit [. . .] and th e n...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (1): 141–143.
Published: 01 March 2006
... in the direction outside or otherwise than reason." Religion remains strange, uncanny, even somewhat w ild, in that it does not lend itself to cultural, materialist, or historicist modes o f analysis that attempt to tame its enigm atic nature. In "Notes on the 'ReligiousTurn': Mystery, Metaphor, Medium," Philip...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2016) 54 (2): 123–139.
Published: 01 September 2016
... ted to a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or tra n sg e n d e r (LGBTQI) in d iv id u a l's sexual o rie n ta tio n or g e nder e xp ression . T hanks to re lia nce on th e fig u re o f th e ch ild , fra m e d s u c c e ssfu lly as w o rth y of p ro te ctio n , th e tw o discou rses becom e yoked th ro u g h...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2000) 38 (1): 73–79.
Published: 01 September 2000
... of rhetoric in m odernist poetics may be the argum ents for art-for-art s sake in Pater, W ilde, an d A rchibald Septem ber 2000 79 MacLeish, or perhaps Ezra P o u n d s distinction betw een th e p o et an d the advertising agent in A R etrospect an d revision o f Sidney s Apologyfor Poetry in T he...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2016) 54 (2): 13–23.
Published: 01 September 2016
... re silie n ce in th e fa c e o f d e a d ly o p p re s s io n ."2 These w o rd s speak to ge ogra phe r R uth W ilso n G ilm o re 's s tu d y o f th e p riso n -b u ild in g boom in C a lifo rn ia , and her d e fin itio n o f ra cism as "th e s ta te -s a n c tio n e d and e xtra le g a l e x p o...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2014) 52 (2): 1–10.
Published: 01 September 2014
... enterprise. Apart from the risks associated w ith arduous journeys across seas and unfam iliar, w ild terrains, where nature, unregulated, could its e lf threaten illness and oth er b o d ily harm, English m apm akers such as those in early modern Ireland also had to contend w ith violent local resistance...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2015) 53 (1): 83–96.
Published: 01 March 2015
... it. " Oscar W ilde, Lady W inderm ere's Fan De sp ite so m e s c h o la rly re h a b ilita tio n o f th e a rt and lite ra tu re a sso cia ted w ith th e P o p ular Front fo llo w in g the p u blication o f M ichael D enning's The C ultural Front (1997), th e re is s till a c o n sid e ra b le critica l te...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2001) 39 (1): 51–70.
Published: 01 September 2001
... starts with a deliciously com forting pastoral setting: The soft unclouded blue of air T he earth as golden-green and fair A nd bright as E d e n s used to be That air and earth have rested me Laid on the grass I lapsed away Sank back again to c h ild h o o d s day All harsh thoughts perished m em ory...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2011) 49 (2): 11–22.
Published: 01 September 2011
... but to get distracted by dreams of dom esticity or . . . A:That specific? S:Thinking about a future together. J: Before even the first kiss? S: Yes. J:This is when we must control the spinning of our minds. A: It causes many people to drink or use drugs. I'd hope something w ild w ould start with friends...