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Old English

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Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (2): 83–100.
Published: 01 October 2020
... of American Indigenous peoples and for using decolonial and comparative considerations to guide the future of a scholarship whose framework is increasingly global. 13 Singer and Cockayne, Leechdoms , 1:xlvii . The Old English medical corpus is the earliest European vernacular medical corpus...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2001) 38 (3): 1–19.
Published: 01 March 2001
...Erick Kelemen English Language Notes Volume XXXVTII N um ber 3 M arch 2001 CLYPPANAND CYSSAN: THE FORMULAIC EXPRESSION OF RETURN FROM EXILE IN OLD ENGLISH LITERATURE The alliterating pair clyppan and cyssan, m eaning to clasp and to kiss, occurs th irteen times in nine texts o f O ld English...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2001) 38 (3): 19–20.
Published: 01 March 2001
...Ruth Carroll M arch 2001 19 29 C. R. Dodwell an d P e te r C lem oes, eds., The Old, English Illustrated Hexateuch: British Museum Cotton Claudius Early English M anuscripts in Facsimile 18 (C openhagen: Rosenkilde and Bagger, 1974). 30 For an explanation o f this passage, see Dom T hom as Symons...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2005) 43 (2): 1–8.
Published: 01 December 2005
... <abal> in the Old English poem Genesis cannot be interpreted as definitive evidence in favor of the native origin of the term because, in his opinion, <abal> is best understood as a Saxonism. O ther than Genesis , OE afol power, m ight , either as a simplex or as the determ inatum in the com pound woruldafol...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (1): 81–86.
Published: 01 March 2006
...Daniel Donoghue Copyright © 2006 Regents of the University of Colorado 2006 T he T rem u lo u s Ha n d an d F lying Eag le ts D a n ie l D o n o g h u e T o an Anglo-Saxonlst the concept of "vernacular theology" has an immediate appeal because an overwhelm ing proportion of Old English...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2003) 40 (3): 1–13.
Published: 01 March 2003
... that creatu re s nam e and a ro o t form with the following shape: *grVnd. Even so, no critic to date has been able to formulate an entirely satisfying etymology based on Old English words with this root structure. With m orpho­ logical and poetic conventions governing o u r h e ro s nam e, Beowulf, firmly...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2004) 41 (4): 71–74.
Published: 01 June 2004
... of the primacy o f source materials. After examining the inter-textuality of Old English homilies, O rchard breaks away from the traditional elegiac reading of The Wanderer. In a detailed, well-researched analysis o f the O ld En­ glish vocabulary, O rchard hypothesizes with a startling clarity that the Wanderer...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2005) 43 (2): 8–14.
Published: 01 December 2005
...., Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch, 2 vols (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1993) s.v. afal, and Lloyd and Springer s.v. avalôn; the English transla­ tions are my own. See, however, Richard Dance, Wards Derivedfrom Old Norse in Early Middle English: Studies in the Vocabulary ofthe South-West Midland Texts, MRTS 246 (Tempe, AZ...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2000) 37 (3): 1–11.
Published: 01 March 2000
... Cavili has noted, over the last twenty years, most editors have let the text stand as writ­ ten in the manuscript.5 For various reasons, though, many no­ table scholars believe the text beheoldon peer engel dryhtnes ealle needs some kind of em endation. In his Seven Old English Po­ ems, Jo h n C...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2020) 58 (2): 151–166.
Published: 01 October 2020
... , no. 2 ( 2004 ): 189 – 223 . O’Brien O’Keeffe Katherine . Visible Song: Transitional Literacy in Old English Verse . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1990 . National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation . “ Reports .” nctr.ca/reports.php (accessed January 20 , 2020...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2010) 48 (2): 9–14.
Published: 01 September 2010
... translation (113). By the mid-seventeenth century, French was no longer used in law reporting and was used infrequently in court (132). Am ong the many doublings in law to which French has contributed: breaking and entering (Old English and French); cease and desist (French, from Latin); fit and proper (Old...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2002) 40 (1): 1–13.
Published: 01 September 2002
... with the weapons and horse: he is about to go on ajourney and must not be encumbered with the weight of a stone m onum ent like the ones the Romans place on top of their graves. There is a curious passage in the Old English poem The Sea­ farer which indicates a survival of this originally pagan mythos of the dead...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2003) 41 (2): 1–18.
Published: 01 December 2003
...James D. Thayer Copyright © 2003 Regents of the University of Colorado 2003 English Language Notes Volume XLI Number 2 December 2003 FRACTURED WISDOM: THE GNOMES OF BEOWULF As many critics have noted over the years, Beowulfshares in the Old English literary tradition of presenting readers...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2002) 39 (3): 103–104.
Published: 01 March 2002
... Imagination: Literature in Africa and the Black Diaspora. O xford: O xford UP, 2001. Pp. xviii + 296. pb. 0-19-508619-8. Klinck, A nne L. The Old English Elegies: A Critical Edition and Genre Study. M ontreal and Kingston: M eGill-Queens s UP, 1992. Pp. xlvi + 469. h c ./p b . $95.00/$39.95. 0-7735-0836-8/0...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2003) 41 (2): 32–36.
Published: 01 December 2003
.... (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1962) 56. 2 Wendy Gibson, Sidney s Two Riddles, Notes and Queries ns 24 (1977) 520-21. 36 English Language Notes 3 Harley ms. 1960, British Lib., London; quoted by permission of the Brit­ ish Library. 4 Text and commentary in Craig Williamson, ed., The Old English Riddles...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2001) 38 (4): 1–9.
Published: 01 June 2001
... influential. The Toronto Dictionary of Old English has n o t yet published its G fascicle, b u t the M icrofiche C oncordance to O ld English15 has am ple evidence o f glæd in the sense of happy or cheerful, citing glosses to Latin felix,16 laetitiam,17 ludibundus, 18 and gaudet19 (bib glæd) and also...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2006) 44 (1): 127–137.
Published: 01 March 2006
... and Bede. As Daniel Donoghue points out in his overview of vernacular religious w riting in Old English, the construction of the early phases of this tradition is itself well on its w ay as early as the thirteenth century, when theTremulous Hand laments the past days in which English, not Anglo-Norm...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2004) 42 (1): 76–81.
Published: 01 September 2004
... of the old order of petty states in Scandinavia, the emergence of the English monarchy, the establishment of a large Danish settlement in an area between the Thames and Wading Street, reconquest of this area by Egbert of Wessex and his descendants, and finally the 78 English Language Notes abandonm ent...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2004) 41 (3): 1–11.
Published: 01 March 2004
... of Beowulf," Anglo-Saxon England 29 (2000): 5-41, and for a reca­ pitulation of recent scholarship on the dating see Robert Hasenfratz, A Decade s Worth of .BeoumZfScholarship: Observations on Compiling a Bibli­ ography, Old English Newsletter .3 (1994): 36-37. In his article, Hasenfratz reports...
Journal Article
English Language Notes (2003) 41 (1): 90–92.
Published: 01 September 2003
.... $34.95. 0-8143-2992-6. Grossman, Jonathan H. The Art ofAlibi: English Law Courts and the Novel. Bal­ timore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2002. Pp. xii + 202. he. $39.95. 0-8018-6755-X. Harbus, Antonina. The Life of the Mind in Old English Poetry. Amersterdam, New York: Rodopi Bv, 2002. Pp. vi + 220. pb. $45.00. 90...