This “Of Note” installment continues the focus on new approaches to the archive from the “Of Note” section in volume 59, number 1. Here, however, we move from a concern with slavery and the archive to a concern with the archive of race and police violence. In contributions by two scholars of the subject, A. J. Yumi Lee and Bryan Wagner, we have a chance to assess some of the most recent and exciting work being done at the intersection of Black culture and police power. The work Lee and Wagner reflect on includes Angela J. Aguayo, Danette Pugh Patton, and Molly Bandonis’s “Black Lives and Justice with the Archive: A Call to Action” (Black Camera, Spring 2018); Elaine Richardson and Alice Ragland’s “#StayWoke: The Language and Literacies of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement” (Community Literacy Journal, Spring 2018); and David Ponton’s “Clothed in Blue Flesh: Police Brutality...

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