(Im)Materiality and Chaucer's Temple of Mars
Cristina Maria Cervone teaches English literature and medieval studies at the University of Memphis. Among her interests are Chaucer, alliterative poetry, fourteenth-century England, poetic form and poetics, metaphor, allegory, cognitive linguistics, textual criticism, the visual arts, and theology. Her first book, Poetics of the Incarnation: Middle English Writing and the Leap of Love, was published by University of Pennsylvania Press in 2013. Current projects include a book on metaphor, the vernacular, and poetics, and two collaborative efforts: a collection of essays on reading late medieval English poetry with attention to form and an examination of the nature of Middle English lyric.
Cristina Maria Cervone; (Im)Materiality and Chaucer's Temple of Mars. English Language Notes 1 September 2015; 53 (2): 103–117. doi: https://doi.org/10.1215/00138282-53.2.103
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