“Become What You Must”: Trethewey's Poems and Bellocq's Photographs
Debora Rindge is an Associate Professor of Art History at North Central College in Naperville, IL. Her curatorial work and publications have focused on American art of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially in photography and landscape painting, reviews of contemporary art, and the pedagogy of team-teaching.
Anna Leahy is the author of Constituents of Matter, which won the 2006 Tom and Stan Wick Poetry Prize and is forthcoming from Kent State University Press, and is the editor of Power and Identity in the Creative Writing Classroom: The Authority Project (Multilingual Matters 2005). She is an Assistant Professor of English at North Central College.
Debora Rindge, Anna Leahy; “Become What You Must”: Trethewey's Poems and Bellocq's Photographs. English Language Notes 1 September 2006; 44 (2): 291–305. doi: https://doi.org/10.1215/00138282-44.2.291
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