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Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2017) 41 (2): 28–42.
Published: 01 April 2017
..., commercial society heading into what Charles Taylor has recently called the “immanent frame.” Its heroes and heroines are best understood as virtuous Christians beset by new temptations, misunderstandings, seductions, which they generally, in the end, overcome. In this light, sentimentalism might be defined...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2013) 37 (2): 126–139.
Published: 01 April 2013
...Toni Bowers Binhammer Katherine . The Seduction Narrative in Britain, 1747-1800 ( Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. , 2009 ). Pp. vii + 246 . $90 Conway Alison . The Protestant Whore: Courtesan Narrative and Religious Controversy in England, 1680-1750 ( Toronto : Toronto...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2003) 27 (2): 1–22.
Published: 01 April 2003
... to be the evil agents
of seduction and ruin, why and how did women persist in reading and
writing them? This essay attempts to answer the question by examining
scenes of novel-reading in two novels written by women: Mary Hays’ fem-
inist Memoirs of Emma Courtney (1796) and Elizabeth Hamilton’s satiric...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2001) 25 (3): 43–61.
Published: 01 September 2001
... recruit-
ment as seduction and establishes a masculine gender model in Plume
that is geared toward encouraging men to march to their deaths. In fact,
Farquhar practically succeeds in making war and enlistment attractive,
partly by accepting the corruption...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2016) 40 (2): 66–87.
Published: 01 April 2016
... argue that the presumed validity of con-
tract marriages, and the popularity of clandestine marriages, make Sarah’s
relentless pursuit of Rakewell seem to involve more than a casual seduction.
By historicizing the Rake’s Progress from the perspective of matrimonial
conventions in the first half...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2015) 39 (2): 87–91.
Published: 01 April 2015
... to seduction. Taking issue with those who
see Haywood as a mere pornographer, Lubey claims that, by Haywood’s own
account, her amatory fiction is based on the premise that “the body’s pleasures”
achieved through an imaginative reading of her works “can uphold moral clar-
ity regarding desire...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2011) 35 (3): 104–109.
Published: 01 September 2011
Eighteenth-Century Arts of Love 1 0 9
and its vicissitudes, often humorous, cannot be fully reconciled with a roman-
tic attachment to a soulful love that occupies its subjects from within, often
engenders suffering, and is ultimately uninterested in the techniques and poses
of seduction...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2007) 31 (2): 96–102.
Published: 01 April 2007
... enjoyable contextual study, François Boucher: Seductive Visions, which
accompanied an exhibition (30 September 2004 to 17 April 2005) mounted by
the Wallace Collection, one of the most splendid repositories of Boucher’s pic-
tures in the world.3 Notwithstanding this and other worthy publications, Hyde...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2001) 25 (1): 43–63.
Published: 01 January 2001
... of taste in that both
participate in the practices of polite refinement and employ the same
middle-class version of feminine beauty identified by Jones. However,
gallantry also operates as seduction; and so unlike the discourse of taste,
it offers no resistance...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2000) 24 (1): 45–61.
Published: 01 January 2000
that an Eastern, male-centered truth would be distasteful to the dame de
la Cour, so he transforms the truth to fit her tastes. In this reading, Zuléma
is Rica veiled in silk (travesti), a Rica who has taken on a seductive female
voice in order to prevent any unpleasantness. Zuléma’s rhetorical strate-
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2018) 42 (1): 1–27.
Published: 01 January 2018
..., replete as that corpus is with scenes of seduction,
rape, incest, adultery, bigamy, and prostitution. But the predominance of
that critical focus over the years has, to my mind, served to overshadow the
equally prevalent and relevant component of Behn’s work that is the subject
of this essay...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2009) 33 (1): 144–147.
Published: 01 January 2009
an important role in reconfiguring the sexually active woman into the victim
of seduction. Paradoxically, the love of liberty deprived many people of their
sexual liberty.
However, part of the sea change Lyons detects is really a matter of degree
rather than kind, and it may also reflect a change...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2014) 38 (1): 1–17.
Published: 01 January 2014
... even physi-
cal, conflict)” between Burney and Guiffardière are “described, as a clash of
intellects and wills,” and sees them as fictionalized in a certain way, Burney
playing the heroine in a seduction narrative, suspicious “that the married
clergyman may have a guilty predilection in her...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2007) 31 (1): 22–38.
Published: 01 January 2007
Amorio her “Brief and sorrowful Adventures” (47) as a virtuous Devon-
shire farm girl seduced by an aristocrat and abandoned by him in London
without money or friends. One day, she was accosted by a “genteel Fel-
low” in Somerset Gardens to whom she told the same tale of seduction;
the fellow...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2019) 43 (3): 127–137.
Published: 01 September 2019
... and then dividing the latter two categories into thematic subgenres ( adventure and travel, seduction and rape, and so forth). I will have more to say on this 1 3 0 Eighteenth-Century Life approach later. In all of this, Orr did not find much of what Watt had called presentational realism : Verisimilitude...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2020) 44 (3): 30–50.
Published: 01 September 2020
... perspectives, and often privilege marginal voices. Not very high- minded, they never- theless are self- conscious about the ramications of secrecy, ethically and politically. Sex and power are inseparable in scenes of seduction, confusion of agency, and abuses of power. Explanatory keys can make readers com...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2010) 34 (3): 23–27.
Published: 01 September 2010
..., or romance as a mode of both marvels and seductions,
flower colorfully but briefly, only to disappear. Williams’s staccato inflections
may be partially justified by her contention that grandiose poems on public
events aspire to sublime moments, and that integrity was not part of these
works’ designs...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2021) 45 (1): 105–109.
Published: 01 January 2021
... Life of Books proves conclusively, however, such depictions of reading are works of fiction as seductive and potentially mislead- ing as any of the novels held by these entranced sitters. The history of sociable reading (3) that Williams s book eloquently and brilliantly constructs from an impressive...
Journal Article
“The Call of the Popular” Revisited; Or, English Literary History's Resistance to Balladry Corrected
Eighteenth-Century Life (2009) 33 (1): 138–143.
Published: 01 January 2009
...), reconciles “the demands of the individual and the collective”
(142) so as to “preserv[e] particularity within generality” (140). Wordsworth for
his part is said—with some lack of clarity—to have resisted “the seductions of
the Ballad Revival, both its historicist assuredness and its reliance...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2001) 25 (1): 126–130.
Published: 01 January 2001
..., Gregory. Early Modern Italy, 1550–1800: Three Seasons in European History
(N.Y.: St. Martin’s, 2000). Pp. xv + 444. $65, $19.95 paper. ISBN 0-312-23179-
2; 23180-6
Hartmann, Pierre. Le contrat et la séduction: Essai sur la subjectivité amoureuse dans le...