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Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2000) 24 (1): 88–102.
Published: 01 January 2000
...Alex Pitofsky The College of William & Mary 2000 88 The Warden’s Court Martial: James Oglethorpe and the Politics of Eighteenth-Century Prison Reform James Edward Oglethorpe was the most celebrated and prolific En- glish prison reform...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2006) 30 (2): 1–31.
Published: 01 April 2006
...Philip Woodfine Duke University Press 2006 Debtors, Prisons, and Petitions in Eighteenth-Century England Philip Woodfi ne University of Huddersfi eld Drawing on manuscript sources...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2020) 44 (3): 140–159.
Published: 01 September 2020
..., both in the later eighteenth century and the present day. It focuses specifically on two poets who formulated the private sublime: Freneau in the 1781 British Prison-Ship and Ann Eliza Bleecker in the poems that she wrote after her daughter’s death in 1777. While Freneau’s poetry emphasizes terror...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2024) 48 (1): 159–182.
Published: 01 January 2024
... into ten blank octavo books. The items collected include scaffold speeches by executed Jacobite prisoners, eyewitness narratives of those who helped the Stuart cause, letters, songs, poems, and even a list of goods the Jacobites purchased in the last few months of the conflict. Although “The Lyon...
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Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2017) 41 (2): 59–72.
Published: 01 April 2017
...Karen Green While in prison, Jeanne-Marie Roland expressed the wish that she might have written a history that would have made her the Tacitus, or more modestly, the Catharine Macaulay of her country. It is clear that she had previously admired Macaulay's republican history of the Stuarts...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2005) 29 (1): 50–81.
Published: 01 January 2005
... and reinforced in more recent publications. These responses are visible in the specifi c portrayals of two aristocratic fi gures involved in the events surrounding the Bastille — the prison’s governor, the French Marquis de Launay, and its supposed prisoner, the British Earl of Massereene — who...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2009) 33 (1): 34–36.
Published: 01 January 2009
... happens to be a poet. Bongie’s familiarity with ancien régime police files and prisoners’ writings goes back a good many years. His Sade: A Biographical Essay (1998, reviewed in Eighteenth-Century Life 24:2) is a case in point. Julie and Sade, however, have little in common aside from having both...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2003) 27 (3): 124–139.
Published: 01 September 2003
... degrees one or other of these experiences were those of Colley’s cap- tives, Daniel Vitkus’ escapees, and William Dalrymple’s officers and gentlemen. They languished in prison, toiled for Moslem masters, converted in the hope of improving their lot, escaped to tell the tale of how they remained steadfast...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2010) 34 (1): 56–72.
Published: 01 January 2010
... Henry Morgan’s persecution of a strong-willed female prisoner after the conquest of Panama City.7 Designing to force her to submit to his sexual desires, Morgan imprisons and nearly starves her; Exquemelin, disgusted by this brutality, reports, “I helped by bringing her food, though this had...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2022) 46 (2): 61–87.
Published: 01 April 2022
... Rakewell is saved from the Fleet Prison by the charity of Sarah Young. Rakewell's rejected lover, rather than any higher authority, attempts to “redeem” him financially ( HGW , 135). Her role is emblematized by the oil dripping on the rake's head in the (parodic) religious sense of redemption. Sarah...
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Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2020) 44 (1): 74–97.
Published: 01 January 2020
... of the charitable Literary Fund in 1790 (the Royal Literary Fund from 1842) to save desti- tute authors from debtors prison. This more impersonal mode of minis- tering relief could be said to avoid the dominance by a single powerful, often aristocratic individual associated with the traditional patronage sys- tem...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2019) 43 (3): 41–60.
Published: 01 September 2019
... of cases documented in the specific morals series and the general prisoners series in the Archives of the Bastille, the police used the religious label sodomy, derived from the name of the ancient city whose offenses and destruction are recounted in the book of Genesis 19. In the last decade...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2010) 34 (3): 94–98.
Published: 01 September 2010
... that she be able to stay in prison until she could secure admission to the Refuge (4:196), or when Ann Stevenson, after spending a month in St. Bartholomew’s Hospital for some unknown illness, applied immediately upon her discharge for support from the Magdalen Hospital, and received two shillings...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2023) 47 (2): 261–272.
Published: 01 April 2023
... in the year MDCCLXXIV . London: printed for G. Wilkie. Phillip Freneau. The British Prison Ship: A Poem in Four Cantos . Philadelphia, F. Bailey. Edward Rushton. The Dismember'd Empire. A Poem . Liverpool: W. Nevett for J. Johnson, London: and J. Gore, Liverpool. Thompson, Edward (Capt...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2017) 41 (2): 139–153.
Published: 01 April 2017
... complicated by his occasional expressions of pity, and by his readi- ness to hear and investigate prisoners’ complaints of official mistreatment.9 However we recollect him, Collins’s invocation of race reflects a trope not uncommon in eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century writing on Irishry...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2001) 25 (3): 43–61.
Published: 01 September 2001
... be prisoners, and Plume’s dis- ECL25304-61-Gard.p65 48 12/28/01, 4:06 PM 49 tinction between enlisting soldiers and stealing slaves may only be tech- nical (2:63...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2001) 25 (3): 20–42.
Published: 01 September 2001
... his worries about Canisius’ treachery and blackmail, and asked for help. These letters, which must have been smuggled out of prison, reached Van Ommeren, for they were later impounded by the court and are now in the archival dossiers. It sounds almost too good...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2007) 31 (1): 22–38.
Published: 01 January 2007
... and the history of sexuality. On the 23rd of February 1748, John Cleland was committed to the Fleet Prison for failing to pay debts to two men: James Lane, who sought payment of £20 damages, and our protagonist Thomas Cannon, who Ancient and Modern Pederasty Investigated and Exemplify’d 2 5...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2024) 48 (1): 92–112.
Published: 01 January 2024
.../ >. 22. Michelle Levy and Betty A. Schellenberg, How and Why to Do Things with Eighteenth-Century Manuscripts (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ., 2021), 21, online at < http://doi.org/10.1017/9781108921855 >. 21. Caroline titles the excerpt “From Dodd's Prison Thoughts.” It is a singular choice...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2016) 40 (2): 66–87.
Published: 01 April 2016
...), and in the next (figure 7), he is incarcerated in the Fleet debtor’s prison, before being sent away to Bedlam, where, in the final scene (figure 8), his dismal predicament provides entertainment for the two fashionable ladies who are enjoying their visit to the asylum. Throughout these stages of ironic...