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Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2013) 37 (2): 1–25.
Published: 01 April 2013
..., to remain “Widow,” and to
retain the rights that title confers.
Manly, The Plain Dealer’s misanthropic hero, also must confront his
own crisis of identity as a result of his self-imposed dispossession. Hav-
ing sunk his ship with all his goods on board, and having left his remain-
ing fortune...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2001) 25 (1): 17–28.
Published: 01 January 2001
...Stephen H. Gregg The College of William & Mary 2001 “A Truly Christian Hero”: Religion, Effeminacy,
and Nation in the Writings of the Societies for
Reformation of Manners
In the critical discussion concerning manliness...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2004) 28 (3): 20–45.
Published: 01 September 2004
..., the opposition developed two strategies for justifying
war, strategies which help us to understand the political implications of the
female-soldier narratives at midcentury. The first strategy was to refash-
ion British masculinity and seamlessly unite the opposition’s stance with
proper “manliness...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2023) 47 (2): 261–272.
Published: 01 April 2023
... last. With the Letters that past; the Remarkable Trial; and other Incidents of the Extraordinary Adventure that happen'd to our Homeward-bound Knight Errants. By an honest sailor . London: Printed for G. Foster. Captain Manly. A Summer Voyage to the Gulph of Venice, in the Southwell frigate...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2006) 30 (2): 98–115.
Published: 01 April 2006
... was fascinated by local
culture and made friends with aborigines such as Baneelon (Bennelong) and
Colbee, even though it nearly cost him his life when he was hit by a spear at
Manly Cove while Baneelon looked on, apparently aware that the attack was
to be made. However, Phillip’s main task...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2012) 36 (2): 60–79.
Published: 01 April 2012
... to military defeat. Sermons addressed to
reforming societies condemned debauchery and effeminacy — a term that
could imply a debilitating attachment to luxury or to women — sometimes
contrasting these vices with traditional ideas of manly virtue, including
courage and readiness for war.26 In Addison...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2014) 38 (3): 30–63.
Published: 01 September 2014
... about the complex textures of actual Anglo-
Jewish experience.
1. Maria Edgeworth, Harrington [1817], ed. Susan Manly (Peterborough:
Broadview, 2004); all references to the novel will rely on this edition.
2. Michael Ragussis, Figures of Conversion: “The Jewish Question...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2021) 45 (3): 69–87.
Published: 01 September 2021
... spaces where order, duty, and the devotion of men to their leaders were used to exemplify and justify a paternalistic system. Dixon observes that in civil life, too, the “manly tear” could have “radical egalitarian potential,” but “tended to reinforce the existing paternalistic social order.” 30...
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Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2012) 36 (1): 30–53.
Published: 01 January 2012
..., and the Pedagogical Periodical,”
Children’s Literature 29, ed. Elizabeth Lennox Keyser and Julie Pfeifer (New Haven:
Yale Univ., 2001), 1 – 17.
7. Maria Edgeworth and Richard Lovell Edgeworth, Practical Education [1798],
vol. 11 of Novels and Selected Works of Maria Edgeworth, ed. Susan Manly (London...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2022) 46 (2): 88–112.
Published: 01 April 2022
... aggressive manliness. 51 The type of masculinity that makes Lovelace, by his own admission, a “mad fellow” and “rake,” makes it possible for him also to become a dueler ( Clarissa , 419, 430). 52 Such a characterization further illustrates what Philip Carter understands as the violence necessary...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2001) 25 (2): 3–18.
Published: 01 April 2001
... was thoroughly manly.”26
We can’t assume that each of these readers meant exactly the same
ECL25203-sb/18-Lewi.p65 8 10/19/01, 3:32 PM
thing when he invoked Dryden’s manliness...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2010) 34 (3): 88–93.
Published: 01 September 2010
..., was par-
tially resolved by presenting Tongans as industrious farmers who had peace-
fully improved the wilderness through cultivation. Displaying what naturalist
Johann Forster called an “Expression in their Musculation” (104), Tongan men
have an aptitude for manly labor and ingenuity that likens...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2005) 29 (2): 25–46.
Published: 01 April 2005
.... They who have never studied eloquence in its principles, nor
have been trained to attend to the genuine and manly beauties of good
writing, are always ready to be caught by the mere glare of language; and
when they come to speak in public, or to compose, have no other standard...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2013) 37 (1): 51–71.
Published: 01 January 2013
James Edward Stuart. At the court in exile, Horatio learns a “manly way
of thinking” and decides to leave to fight in the service of Charles XII of
Louisa meantime goes with Melanthe to the court at Venice, where
she is courted by a number of admirers, among them Count Bellfleur...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2017) 41 (1): 32–55.
Published: 01 January 2017
... of the English Poets from 1655 to
1738, inclusively.”13 Compared to the “manly melodies” of Paradise Lost’s
blank verse, Milton’s juvenile poetry is “professedly written in a lighter
strain” because, as Warton argues, much of its imagery derives from
“Romances and fabulous narratives” (Warton, x, xx...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2003) 27 (1): 72–84.
Published: 01 January 2003
the males of the novel, particularly in their manly parts.3 In offering a diff-
erent explanation of this episode I suggest that previous interpreters have
been misled by applying mid-twentieth-century conceptions of circumci-
sion to eighteenth-century Britain, where...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2009) 33 (3): 127–141.
Published: 01 September 2009
...: in a note to the preface for volume
1, Stuart states that “in the Collection of Antiquities published by Palladio,
there is no example of a Doric Building; and the Temple of Manly Fortune
is the only ancient example of the Ionic order he has given us. This Temple is
built of a coarse Stone, is ill...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2000) 24 (3): 73–102.
Published: 01 September 2000
... invariably
gender as female what is being proscribed—the sensational, the inter-
ested, the thoughtless are all labelled ‘effeminate.’ The complementary
virtues of manliness, improvement, and social responsibility reinforce this
gendering of reader and text” (p. 156...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2016) 40 (1): 1–31.
Published: 01 January 2016
... is not necessarily Pope himself, but the poet he would like
to be, one “That if he pleas’d, he pleas’d by manly ways” (l. 337, my empha-
sis); that is, he pleased in those virtues becoming to a man of courage and
honor, a good man who esteems himself yet is not proudly self-centered.32
Again, Pope invokes...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2001) 25 (2): 135–146.
Published: 01 April 2001
... in a crisis. In Threnodia, Dryden declares that
the king’s manner led his enemies to underrate his mental courage:
So much thy Foes thy manly Mind mistook,
Who judg’d it by the Mildness of thy look:
Like a well-temper’d...