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Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2023) 47 (2): 216–260.
Published: 01 April 2023
... of originality by drawing imagery from his seafaring experience. The poem was published in the St James's Magazine 1 (1762): 110–12. Falconer's phrase, “Phocian throng” (35r) alludes to Phocis, the region of Greece where Delphi is located. [34v–35v] “To Cleora”; early draft of poem later published...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Published: 01 January 2023
Figure 3. Draft portrait of Oh Myeonghang, 1751, Korea, Joseon dynasty (1392–1910), ink on colors on paper, Asian Art Museum, gift of Arthur J. McTaggart, 1992.203.b. Photograph © Asian Art Museum. More
Published: 01 January 2023
Figure 6. Draft portrait of Yi Ikpil, 1751 (reverse), Korea, Joseon dynasty (1392–1910), ink on colors on paper, Asian Art Museum, gift of Arthur J. McTaggart, 1992.203.b. Photograph © Asian Art Museum. Yi was one of the five Bunmu officers who survived long enough to have a second portrait More
Published: 01 January 2023
in military attire and the set of three versions of Oh Myeonghang's portrait: draft, half-length painting, and full-length painting. The other wall (to the right) served as a screen on which to project a video demonstration of the steps involved in creating an official portrait from draft to completion. More
Published: 01 January 2023
, or renowned military officials, who were honored for having taken essential roles in suppressing the insurrection against Yeongjo's rule. The survival of a full set of full-length and half-length painted portraits, along with a paper draft of the same subject, is extremely rare. This example was a high point More
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2023) 47 (1): 63–80.
Published: 01 January 2023
...Figure 3. Draft portrait of Oh Myeonghang, 1751, Korea, Joseon dynasty (1392–1910), ink on colors on paper, Asian Art Museum, gift of Arthur J. McTaggart, 1992.203.b. Photograph © Asian Art Museum. ...
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Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2023) 47 (2): 13–45.
Published: 01 April 2023
... the first two leaves, he returns to redrafting this lyric on another three leaves (45–47). This further draft reveals that this was intended to be sung to a popular tune of the period, “Is There a Charm, ye Powers Above.” 46 The second major section of the manuscript leaves contains Falconer's...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2023) 47 (1): 81–87.
Published: 01 January 2023
... a fascinating instance of a member of the network serving as scribe, for a draft of Helen (the only full draft of an Edgeworth novel known to exist) reveals that part of the text is not written in Edgeworth's hand. While scholars have debated whether this means her half sister, Lucy, wrote that piece...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2014) 38 (1): 128–133.
Published: 01 January 2014
..., “Laurence Sterne, the Apos- trophe, and American Abolitionism, 1788 – ​­1831,” warrants special attention here. Gerard analyzes four key passages in Sterne’s corpus that address the question of slavery. The first is the oft-­cited “Consider slavery, . . . how bitter a draught” passage from the sermon...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2018) 42 (2): 38–55.
Published: 01 April 2018
...” (Burney to Johnson, April LCB, The surviving draft shows Burney anx- iously searching for the right word: thus “literature,” in the sentence above, was originally “Learning”; “honoured,” in the second paragraph, was origi- nally “favoured,” and so forth. At the end of the letter, he announces...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2023) 47 (2): 3–12.
Published: 01 April 2023
... some writers directly refer to Falconer, there is no question that his achievement created the grounds of possibility for subsequent authors. Finally, this special issue presents a transcription of the draft poems found in Falconer's logbook of 1760–61, along with several images of key pages...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2008) 32 (3): 23–179.
Published: 01 September 2008
.... Endorsement (by Sir William): Mr St Johns. Geneva./23. May. 98./ R[eceived]. 7. June. O.S./wth my Answr.28 June./sent his Father. G 2. Sir William Trumbull to Henry St. John [Easthampstead] 28 June 1698 fols. 36 – 37 [draft] Yor extreamely kind & most obliging L[ett]re...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2024) 48 (1): 262–267.
Published: 01 January 2024
... “manuscript” as shorthand for the “rough draft” of a printed object, the scholars in this collection are engaging with the functions of the manuscript book for their compilers or curators, including the multiple ways in which the physical form of those blank pages can be shaped and organized to make meaning...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2013) 37 (3): 29–54.
Published: 01 September 2013
... to focus on its uncertain compositional history.13 Due to discrepancies between the only extant manuscript draft and the published text, many scholars argue that Dampier had the assistance of a coauthor or a ghostwriter who helped introduce more detailed natural histories (or, as Kelly points out...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2004) 28 (3): 118–127.
Published: 01 September 2004
... watered-down from the original draft. They read mostly like excerpts drawn straight from earlier, contemporary, or later utopian fiction. Barring a short passage seemingly in contradiction with earlier statements on social equality, they depict an idyllic land of plenty there- fore given the name...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2022) 46 (3): 1–9.
Published: 01 September 2022
... in draft or in fair copies. All of these letters bear her characteristic editorial marks. Their existence belies her complaint about her father's letters not having been preserved; far from having too few letters to edit, she was overwhelmed by the plethora of material that she had inherited. Despite...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2023) 47 (1): 35–62.
Published: 01 January 2023
... such as Andrew Millar had begun to rely on reader reports to test the commercial viability of potential projects. According to a letter that Lennox wrote to Samuel Richardson on 21 November 1751, Millar had received unfavorable readers’ reports on a partial draft of The Female Quixote from a Mr. Gray and two...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2020) 44 (2): 43–77.
Published: 01 April 2020
... and a hatter named Richard Hodgson wrote a draft prospectus for a weekly magazine to be entitled (provocatively) The Politician, priced at one penny an issue. His draft was deemed unsatisfactory, and approaches were made to a series of well- known authors to produce an alternative prospectus. These included...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2022) 46 (1): 56–78.
Published: 01 January 2022
..., just days later, that his offer had prompted Addison to undertake the task himself. 10 The fifth act was thus written at considerable speed—“in less than a Week's time,” according to Steele—a full decade after Addison had produced a draft of the first four acts and as much as two decades after he...
Journal Article
Eighteenth-Century Life (2013) 37 (3): 1–28.
Published: 01 September 2013
... Life d’Arblay, survives in the Berg Collection at the New York Public Library (Burney, Journals, 12:796n7). In another source, Hemlow indicates the sur- vival of a draft defense of the Memoirs by Alex d’Arblay but not of the “Retort Sarcastic” (Hemlow, 459). Thus far, my searches have turned up...