Irish Literature in Transition is the first volume in a six-volume series covering literature from 1700 to the present, which, according to a general opening statement, aims to capture “the dynamic energies transmitted over more than 300 years of the established literary landmarks that constitute Irish literary life.” The goals of the series will strike as pertinent and wise to those eighteenth-century scholars for whom the temporal, and indeed, cultural boundaries of their chosen field have always been unstable and somewhat arbitrary, awkwardly encompassing as they do a number of much-discussed transitions, from Restoration to Augustan literatures, to literatures of Sensibility and Romanticism. Specifically Irish evolutions are at issue in this volume, which very compellingly accounts for linguistic, political, religious, philosophical, geographical, genre, and gender ambiguities and transitions borne by the Irish eighteenth century, conceived in the longest sense. The volume casts light upon new writers and streams of thought...

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