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Journal Article
differences (1997) 9 (1): 68–94.
Published: 01 April 1997
... in Melanesia . Cambridge : Cambridge UP , 1991 . Herdt Gilbert H. and Stoler Robert J. Intimate Communications: Erotics and the Study of Culture . New York : Columbia UP , 1990 . Hook R. H. , ed. Fantasy and Symbol . London : AP , 1979 . Jackson Michael . Paths...
Published: 01 May 2017
Figures 33–35 Ignacio’s death is visualized as a jamming of the Symbolic’s machinery of signification. Bad Education , Pedro Almodóvar, 2004
Published: 01 May 2017
Figures 33–35 Ignacio’s death is visualized as a jamming of the Symbolic’s machinery of signification. Bad Education , Pedro Almodóvar, 2004
Published: 01 May 2017
Figures 33–35 Ignacio’s death is visualized as a jamming of the Symbolic’s machinery of signification. Bad Education , Pedro Almodóvar, 2004
Journal Article
differences (2017) 28 (3): 93–135.
Published: 01 December 2017
...Ani Maitra In radical Lacanian cultural critique, affirmations of unconscious desire and the reinvention of the symbolic order are frequently founded upon dismissals of the imaginary ego and its paranoid obsessions with meaning, coherence, and identity politics. By bringing Lacan’s theorization...
Journal Article
differences (2012) 23 (1): 32–61.
Published: 01 May 2012
...Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud This essay describes how women’s genitalia came to be symbolized in the hybrid beast-woman form of the “octopussy,” tracking its origins to Victor Hugo’s novel, Les travailleurs de la mer (1866). Highlighting the centrality and sensationalism of an octopus attack on a sailor...
Journal Article
differences (2022) 33 (2-3): 33–50.
Published: 01 December 2022
...Anna Kornbluh This essay argues that a specifically psychoanalytic theory of solidarity underscores its symbolic dimension. While other traditions conceive solidarity as primarily action or affect, psychoanalytic emphases on free association, punctuation, and construction opens onto a theory...
Journal Article
differences (2020) 31 (3): 59–75.
Published: 01 December 2020
...Emmanuel Bouju This paper argues that the “debt narrative,” quite like the Rosetta Stone, is a historical, symbolic, and aesthetic way for us to decipher the interfaces between the three languages of economy, politics, and ethics. Debt narrative is not a simple figure of speech, literature...
Journal Article
differences (2020) 31 (3): 76–90.
Published: 01 December 2020
...Raphaëlle Guidée Financially choked by economic and demographic decline, the city of Detroit filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy federal protection in 2013. In what sense can a situation of generalized insolvency be said to pave the way for the utopia of a debt-free world? Avoiding the easy symbolism...
Journal Article
differences (2017) 28 (2): 116–133.
Published: 01 September 2017
...Steven Miller This essay discusses the minor art form of high-wire walking in order to show that the agency of the death drive manifests itself by adding rather than removing something from the symbolic order. The essay focuses primarily on the work of Philippe Petit, especially the clandestine...
Journal Article
differences (2009) 20 (1): 40–86.
Published: 01 May 2009
... is written in symbolic logic, is later redescribed by Lacan in modal terms, and this later description alters Lacan's initial presentation, allowing for greater flexibility among these categories. The essay shows that Lacan eventually presents a model of discursive transformation in which each modal category...
Journal Article
differences (2013) 24 (1): 169–191.
Published: 01 May 2013
... for thinking of the sensation of cold without reducing it to symbolic meaning or assuming it is autonomic. Although Merleau-Ponty's account of spatiality begins from the body, however, his work does not consider the sensation of temperature. Turning to Rashmika Pandya's phenomenological essay “The Borderlands...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (1): 26–45.
Published: 01 May 2014
... the technocratic knowledge economy. But within that institutional situation, it has the capacity to tinker with the symbolic order of computing, such that it is not ultimately constrained by an agenda of efficiency, rationality, and optimization. Such an approach would contribute to the speculation of a less...
Journal Article
differences (2011) 22 (2-3): 249–275.
Published: 01 December 2011
...James A. Steintrager In 1997, Jacques Attali made great claims on behalf of noise in his book Noise . Noise would be a revolutionary force within music and, indeed, society—the name of resistance to symbolic violence and “channelization.” This essay examines what has happened to the discourse...
Journal Article
differences (2013) 24 (2): 150–171.
Published: 01 September 2013
..., benefitting from mass media like television and the Internet, and vice versa. While a capitalist logic is at work in Li Yugang’s rise as a national and international star and icon of Chinese popular culture, his popularity may also be read positively as a symbol of liminality for progress and liberalization...
Journal Article
differences (1992) 4 (3): 176–208.
Published: 01 November 1992
...Bracha Lichtenberg Ettinger Matrix and Metramorphosis BRACHA LICHTENBERG ETTINGER L this article,l I propose the concepts Matrix and metramorpho- sis to describe certain aspects of human symbolic experience and to relativize the prevailing status of the concept of the Phallus in Lacan's...
Journal Article
differences (1992) 4 (1): 133–171.
Published: 01 April 1992
.... And their inability to control the meaning oj the word phallus is evidence oj what Lacan calls symbolic castration. (Gallop, Thinking 126) All sorts oj things in the world behave like mirrors. (Lacan, Seminar 2: 49/65)2 After such a promising title, I knew that I could not possibly give a satisfying paper...
Journal Article
differences (1998) 10 (1): 30–74.
Published: 01 April 1998
..., the Symbolic, and the Imaginary . Trans. Simiu Devra Beck . New York : New York UP , 1994 . Klein Melanie . “ A Contribution to the Psychogenesis of Manic-Depressive States .” 1935 . The Selected Melanie Klein . Ed. Mitchell Juliet . New York : The Free P , 1986 . 115 – 45...
Journal Article
differences (1992) 4 (1): 40–75.
Published: 01 April 1992
... : Galilée , 1984 . Goux Jean-Joseph . Oedipe philosophe . Paris : Aubier , 1990 . Goux Jean-Joseph . Symbolic Economies: After Marx and Freud . Trans. Gage Jennifer Curtis . Ithaca : Cornell UP , 1990 . Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich . Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine...
Journal Article
differences (1994) 6 (2-3): 27–61.
Published: 01 July 1994
... asymmetry in a linguistic or symbolic realm, maintained problematically at a distance from sociohistorical practice? d fferences 39 As a second question, is there a way to affirm the political concerns implicit in this critique at the same time to insist on the continuing value of the "sexual difference...