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Published: 01 May 2024
Figures 14–16 Subjective Camera, Roberto Rossellini, Europa ’51 (1952) More
Published: 01 May 2024
Figures 14–16 Subjective Camera, Roberto Rossellini, Europa ’51 (1952) More
Published: 01 May 2024
Figures 14–16 Subjective Camera, Roberto Rossellini, Europa ’51 (1952) More
Journal Article
differences (1995) 7 (1): 146–164.
Published: 01 April 1995
... , 1994 . Subject of Politics, Politics of the Subject ERNESTO LACLAU L.e question of the relationship (complementarity? tension? mutual exclusion?) between universalism and particularism occupies a central place on the current political and theoretical agenda. Universal values are seen either...
Journal Article
differences (1999) 11 (2): 106–133.
Published: 01 September 1999
...JAMES A. FUJII 1999 james a . fujii is Associate Professor of Japanese Literature at the University of California, Irvine. The author of Complicit Fictions: The Subject in Modern Japanese Prose Narrative (University of California Press, 1993), he is presently working on a translated...
Journal Article
differences (2001) 12 (1): 79–111.
Published: 01 May 2001
...LISA WALSH 2001 lisa walsh is Visiting Assistant Professor of French at Southwestern University. Her first book, Subjects of Love and Desire:Readings of Maternity and Ethicity , is forthcoming from Rowman &Littlefield. She is currently at work on a new book on paternity...
Journal Article
differences (2001) 12 (3): 69–100.
Published: 01 December 2001
...: or, Why is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For? London: Verso, 2000 . ———. The Plague of Fantasies . London: Verso, 1997 . marcia ian The Primitive Subject of Female Bodybuilding: Transgression...
Journal Article
differences (2008) 19 (1): 96–127.
Published: 01 May 2008
... to and in varying degrees dependent on other people. This investigation of the “fetal subject” in Cartesian metaphysics reveals a relational side to the Cartesian “cogito,” a surprising revelation insofar as Descartes often takes the blame (or credit--depending on one's adherence to liberal ideals) for providing...
Journal Article
differences (2010) 21 (2): 46–72.
Published: 01 September 2010
... the topic of ``sexual difference.'' Questions about transgender subjectivities afford a point of entry for thinking through the impasses and political purchase of a necessarily contestatory integration of these two domains; however, imagining this integration requires in part an analysis of each discourse's...
Journal Article
differences (2011) 22 (2-3): 10–30.
Published: 01 December 2011
..., and consonance) under his infamous mind-body dualism, Descartes invokes resonance to think through what is his most important project—to model the unity of body and mind. veit erlmann Descartes’s Resonant Subject The reception...
Journal Article
differences (2012) 23 (1): 151–183.
Published: 01 May 2012
... Modernity.” © 2012 by Brown University and differences : A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 2012 zahid r. chaudhary Subjects in Difference: Walter Benjamin, Frantz Fanon, and Postcolonial Theory As commonplace...
Journal Article
differences (2013) 24 (3): 63–100.
Published: 01 December 2013
... project, “Imperial Attachments: Gender, Nation, and the Sciences of Subjectivity in Colonial and Postcolonial Bengal,” traces the encounter between imperial discourses of subjectivity and development and anticolonial discourses of resistance and self-determination in Bengal between 1880 and 1971. ©...
Journal Article
differences (1995) 7 (2): 127–149.
Published: 01 July 1995
..., Racism and History . London : Verso , 1992 . Wolff Leon . Little Brown Brother . New York : Doubleday , 1982 . VICENTE L. RAFAEL Mimetic Subjects: Engendering Race at the Edge of Empire aited States imperialism at the turn of the century, not unlike other European colonial enterprises...
Journal Article
differences (1994) 6 (1): 1–27.
Published: 01 April 1994
... : Cornell UP , 1988 . Brown Peter . Augustine of Hippo: A Biography . Berkeley : California UP , 1969 . Buckley Jerome . The Turning Key: Autobiography and the Subjective Impulse Since 1800 . Cambridge : Cambridge UP , 1984 . Carlisle Janice . John Stuart Mill...
Journal Article
differences (2022) 33 (1): 92–118.
Published: 01 May 2022
...Emily Waller This study places Longus’s Daphnis and Chloe in dialogue with Foucault and Freud, arguing that within the liminality of adolescence, the formation of gendered subjectivity is a condition of “reversible potentiality” in which any given act of the subject represents the radical potential...
Journal Article
differences (2018) 29 (3): 33–57.
Published: 01 December 2018
...Robert Hughes This essay illuminates the recent philosophy of Luce Irigaray by following how she develops her key trope of home . Thus, it elaborates her critique of a certain closed “homely” formation of man’s subjectivity and advances her thesis that woman might function as the salutary advent...
Journal Article
differences (1990) 2 (2): 41–54.
Published: 01 July 1990
...Karen Newman Copyright © 1990 by Brown University and differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 1990 Works Cited Adorno Theodor . “ Subject and Object .” Arato 497 - 511 . Adorno Theodor . Minima Moralia . Trans. Jephcott E. F. N. . London : Verso...
Journal Article
differences (1990) 2 (2): 126–152.
Published: 01 July 1990
...: Writings on South Asian History and Society . Delhi : Oxford UP , 1989 . 210 - 309 . Heidegger Martin . “ The Origin of the Work of Art .” Basic Writings . Ed. Krell David Farrell . New York : Harper , 1977 . 149 - 87 . Henriques Julian et al. , eds. Changing the Subject...
Journal Article
differences (1991) 3 (2): 112–134.
Published: 01 July 1991
... UP , 1985 . Jackson Earl Jr. “ Kabuki Narratives of Male Homoerotic Desire in Saikaku and Mishima .” Theatre Journal 41 . 4 ( 1989 ): 459 - 77 . Jameson Fredric . “ Imaginary and Symbolic in Lacan: Marxism, Psychoanalytic Criticism, and the Problem of the Subject .” Yale...
Journal Article
differences (1993) 5 (3): 31–51.
Published: 01 November 1993
...Anthony Vidler ANTHONY VIDLER Bodies in Space/Subjects in the City: Psychopathologies of Modern Urbanism re following essay is a part of a larger work on the construction of the modern spatial imaginary entitled "Psychopathologies of Modern Space." This project is an attempt to write what...