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sexual harassment

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Journal Article
differences (1994) 6 (1): 129–166.
Published: 01 April 1994
....” Signs 11 . 2 ( 1986 ): 304 - 10 . MacKinnon Catherine . Sexual Harassment of Working Women . New Haven : Yale UP , 1979 . Martin Biddy . “ Feminism, Criticism, and Foucault .” Feminism and Foucault . Ed. Diamond Irene and Quinby Lee . Boston : Northeastern UP...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 24–33.
Published: 01 May 2019
... recent iteration has been its elucidation of sexual harassment in the workplace. While there has undoubtedly been political utility in acknowledging the pervasiveness of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other kinds of sexual injury writ large, we risk losing the lessons of what must be remedied...
Journal Article
differences (2018) 29 (2): 96–125.
Published: 01 September 2018
.... Remedies for these injuries frequently gesture toward heteronormative or otherwise regulatory racialized sexual scripts. Stories of African American male celebrities accused of sexual harassment and assault are frequently marked by stories of marital alibis. In discussions of Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson...
Journal Article
differences (1995) 7 (2): 1–15.
Published: 01 July 1995
...Jane Gallop Works Cited Bravo Ellen . English Department Sexual Harassment Workshop . University of Wisconsin Milwaukee . 28 January 1993 . Dank Barry M. . Letter to the Author . 22 April 1994 . Dziech Billie Wright and Weiner Linda . The Lecherous...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 34–54.
Published: 01 May 2019
... Cited Alexander v. Yale University , 459 F. Supp. 1 (D. Conn. 1977). Baker Carrie N. “ Race, Class, and Sexual Harassment in the 1970s .” Feminist Studies 30 . 1 ( 2004 ): 7 – 27 . Bellafante Ginia . “ Before #MeToo, There Was Catharine MacKinnon and Her Book, ‘Sexual...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 157–188.
Published: 01 May 2019
... to overhaul not only its policies but its sexual culture. © 2019 by Brown University and differences : A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 2019 epistemology Larry Nassar Michigan State University queer theory sexual harassment sports Title IX The 2014 report that cleared Larry Nassar...
Journal Article
differences (2002) 13 (2): 127–158.
Published: 01 September 2002
...- homa, accused the judge, a candidate for the Supreme Court, of sexual harassment. These allegations concerned a prior period (1981–1983), when he was her supervisor in Washington. Of course, it was a matter of Congressional...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 15–23.
Published: 01 May 2019
...-levine-will-feminisms-past-mistakes-haunt-metoo . Sayej Nadja . “ Alyssa Milano on the #MeToo Movement: We’re Not Going to Stand for It Anymore .” Guardian 1 Dec. 2017 . https://www.theguardian.om/culture/2017/dec/01/alyssa-milan-me-too-sexual-harassment-abuse . Ward Jane...
Journal Article
differences (2007) 18 (2): 1–23.
Published: 01 September 2007
... Films, 2000 . Lévi-Strauss, Claude. The Elementary Structures of Kinship . Trans. James Harle Bell, John Richard, and Rodney Needham. Boston: Beacon, 1969 . MacKinnon, Catharine. Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination . New Haven, ct: Yale up, 1979 . Meritor...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 91–99.
Published: 01 May 2019
... specter of the gay pedophile commentators were attempting to ward off. As a series of men—now numbering thirty—began to come forth with new charges against Spacey, one issue was clarified: Spacey was a serial sexual harasser, not very different from the scores of powerful heterosexual men accused...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 148–156.
Published: 01 May 2019
... to Campus . New York : Harper and Row , 2017 . MacKinnon Catharine Siegal Reva B. Directions in Sexual Harassment Law . Cambridge, MA : Harvard UP , 2004 . Martin François-Xavier . A General Digest of the Acts the Legislatures of the Late Territory of Orleans and the State...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 197–227.
Published: 01 May 2019
... to affirmative consent as a virtuous practice, the training skit is often the vehicle for imparting this crucial knowledge. (Importantly, these same training skits are now used in the military and in workplaces and might be in even more demand in the wake of #MeToo highlighting the ubiquity of sexual harassment...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 1–14.
Published: 01 May 2019
... discrimination, harassment, and violence while offering student generations a larger venue for the protests they staged on college campuses that had institutionalized an approach to sexual assault largely as problems of public relations and underage drinking. For many women, some of whom held no special...
Journal Article
differences (2024) 35 (3): 14–33.
Published: 01 December 2024
... be “a certain site, a position, a structural place” as much as a person. Sometimes we are called upon to receive a complaint because we share a site, a position, or a structural place with the one who gives it. For example, I was called upon to receive complaints about sexual harassment made by students...
Journal Article
differences (1999) 11 (3): 107–136.
Published: 01 December 1999
... of the flaws that the first generation of American feminists targeted), the effort to get social recognition for problems of sexual harassment and domestic violence. These feminists know that they live...
Journal Article
differences (2002) 13 (3): 64–82.
Published: 01 December 2002
... . ———. The World in Fragments . Ed. and Trans. David Ames Curtis. Stanford: Stanford UP, 1997 . Cornell, Drucilla. At the Heart of Freedom: Feminism,Sex, and Equality . Princeton: Princeton UP, 1998 . ———. The Imaginary Domain: Abortion,Pornography, and Sexual Harassment . New York: Routledge, 1995...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 100–118.
Published: 01 May 2019
... can claim innocence of, or complete mastery over, this dynamic. 16 Almost every paragraph of the book consistently articulates what it considers to be the impossibility of women’s sexuality: “Top-down relations feel sexual” (147). “[W]omen notice that sexual harassment looks a great deal like...
Journal Article
differences (2006) 17 (3): 151–166.
Published: 01 December 2006
..., 2003) with Dick Blau, Anecdotal Theory (Duke University Press, 2002), Feminist Accused of Sexual Harassment (Duke University Press, 1997), Around 1981: Academic Feminist Literary Theory (Routledge, 1991), and Reading Lacan (Cornell University Press, 1987). Frug, Mary Joe...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 82–90.
Published: 01 May 2019
... convictions or criminal behavior. The two categories, legal and cultural, become intermeshed and overlapped within sex panics, most often seen in the interchanging of terms such as rape , sexual assault , sexual predator , pedophile , and sexual harassment , all of which have specific legal meanings even...
Journal Article
differences (1991) 3 (1): 144–158.
Published: 01 April 1991
... contacts as constituting by definition and without exception the abuse of one body by another. All urgent pressures and intensities of relation that are physically expressed become targets for accusation. Third, we find in segments of the population hyper-alert to the sexual harassment and abuse ofwomen...