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Journal Article
differences (1998) 10 (3): 82–118.
Published: 01 November 1998
..., Furetiere quotes Madeleine de Scudery as calling compliments a "commerce of courteousness."13 Other words in the French language reflect this duplicity as well. "Obligation," for example, refers to both that which constrains one to do something and a kind act. 14 The verb louer, to praise, can mean...
Journal Article
differences (2017) 28 (1): 37–63.
Published: 01 May 2017
... is singled out by the attention he receives and given only measured praise for attending to the world around him. He is someone whose education involves one effort after another to recognize elements of his world—not a character like William Words worth’s little actor who “cons another part” in the attempt...
Journal Article
differences (2023) 34 (1): 6–13.
Published: 01 May 2023
... everyone else reductively seems to take, no matter the rhetorical context or erotic scenario, as simply the binarized opposite, even antagonist of feminism—when midway through the book he restates that claim more lyrically in suggesting that it may be time “to sing the praise of the penis once again” (103...
Journal Article
differences (1991) 3 (1): 144–158.
Published: 01 April 1991
..., and if we are too much tempted by them we abandon those higher and better things, your truth, your law, and you yourself, 0 Lord our God. (48) Thus he admonishes men: "If the things of this world delight you, praise God for them but turn your love away from them and give it to their Maker (82). Augustine's...
Journal Article
differences (1994) 6 (1): 28–45.
Published: 01 April 1994
... acknowledged, with her author's authentic word. When a reviewer praised her for rendering Strauss's text "word for word, thought for thought, and sentence for sentence," then went on to cite this passage in a later discussion, Mary Ann Evans reported this gleefully in a letter: Is it not droll that Wicksted...
Journal Article
differences (1992) 4 (2): 154–170.
Published: 01 July 1992
... considered "a fundamental instrument of the transmission of a culture" (Cantarella 134). Writing in the late first century AD, Tacitus approvingly recalls the time when "every citizen's son, the child of a chaste mother," was raised by her and not a hired nurse. He praises "the mothers of the Gracchi...
Journal Article
differences (1990) 2 (3): 1–13.
Published: 01 November 1990
... French feminisms" (1), meaning the feminisms of Kristeva, Irigaray, 6 Women, Reason, Etc. and a certain Le Doeuff, and there you find a praise of "the great antihumanists of the nineteenth century" (2), Marx, Freud, and Nietzsche, and an account, written with reverence and respect, of Kojeve, Althusser...
Journal Article
differences (2010) 21 (1): 169–177.
Published: 01 May 2010
... who populate James Agee’s Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Vollmann suggests that “few of its subjects could have read, let alone written it” (xii). Vollmann pronounces Let Us Now Praise Famous Men a failure, if a qualified one: “[I...
Journal Article
differences (2009) 20 (2-3): 250–278.
Published: 01 December 2009
... within North American and European scholarship on postliberal bio- political potential. To do so, I will focus on Foucault’s curious (if not also ironic) claim to be “in praise [of] the discourse of race war or race...
Journal Article
differences (1999) 11 (2): 1–21.
Published: 01 September 1999
... century, including those who most highly praised it, even then generally saw it as skirting the boundaries of distastefulness, of the dégoutant. Furthermore, it cannot be denied that Chardin never 4...
Journal Article
differences (2023) 34 (1): 165–174.
Published: 01 May 2023
... to impose another identity on him. It makes sense for a thinker who praised the “strangely undemanding” nature of “Gidean homosexuality,” “almost to the point of being indistinguishable from a homophobic rejection of gay sex” ( Homos 121 ), to ask something similarly doable and even quotidian of his...
Journal Article
differences (2023) 34 (3): 106–128.
Published: 01 December 2023
... The act of teaching, at least in this moment, functions as a form of salvation—“after all,” says Victor Brombert, Levi “claims to have ‘saved’ ( salvato ) a given line on Dante from oblivion” ( In Praise 116 ). But this optimistic vision of teaching as a force linking people from radically different...
Journal Article
differences (1999) 11 (1): 38–67.
Published: 01 May 1999
.... “The Deconstructor as Politician: Melville'sConfidence-Man.” Glyph 4 ( 1978 ): 32 –56. Thiers, A. Histoire de Law . Paris: Michel Lévy, 1858 . Trithemus, Johannes. In Praise of Scribes [De Laude Scriptorum] . Trans. Roland Behrendt. Lawrence, Kansas: Coronado P, 1974 . Weber, Samuel. Mass Medauras...
Journal Article
differences (2020) 31 (1): 135–162.
Published: 01 May 2020
... in the way in which Derrida draws on the death drive in the book. For Derrida’s brief comments on the stakes of his argument, see “In Praise of Psychoanalysis” in For What Tomorrow. . . : A Dialogue . 6 For another trajectory of Derrida’s engagement with the concept of “radical evil,” refer to his...
Journal Article
differences (2008) 19 (3): 90–125.
Published: 01 December 2008
... on pregnancy as the signature activity of the redemptive and exclusively male artist-creator. And he repeatedly—although often coyly—praises sexual abstinence and solitude, and with no significant allusion to mas- turbation. Now, whether...
Journal Article
differences (2001) 12 (1): 50–78.
Published: 01 May 2001
... and Racial Reconstructions At the time of its release in 1919, D. W. Griffi th’s fi lm Broken Blossoms was widely praised for its poetic beauty, its aesthetic innova- tions, and its liberal message of racial tolerance. The New York Times...
Journal Article
differences (2017) 28 (2): 65–85.
Published: 01 September 2017
... life is saintly and beautiful” (107). While Badiou’s reading of Wittgenstein indeed points to the ethical stakes of the Tractatus , it is important to distinguish Badiou’s praise for Wittgenstein’s ethics from Lacan’s own reading of the Tractatus . For while Bruno Bosteels suggests...
Journal Article
differences (2006) 17 (3): 52–68.
Published: 01 December 2006
... of “belles lettres” for the Westmin- ster Review in the 1850s, George Eliot extravagantly praised Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “novel in verse,” Aurora Leigh (1856), as poem. But she could find nothing good to say about thestory...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (2): 72–92.
Published: 01 September 2019
... it engages so explicitly with psychoanalytic and feminist theory, Bechdel’s book has met with largely positive reception in academic circles, and a number of feminist critics have now taken up the book as an attention-worthy object. These analyses tend to praise Are You My Mother? as a near-utopian triumph...
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Journal Article
differences (1992) 4 (2): 134–153.
Published: 01 July 1992
... its tone because of praises" (38). Elsewhere, in a discussion of the cure of the soul, bodily metaphors abound, and the soul is likened to a 144 Mortifying the Body, Curing the Soul head whose hair has been removed but within which worms remain which ought also to be removed: We have performed...