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Journal Article
differences (2024) 35 (3): 117–138.
Published: 01 December 2024
... in the potty; it was I who did because the preschool we applied to had required it, and it felt dishonest to pretend I wasn’t forcing her to do something she didn’t want to do. In 1925, the Hungarian psychoanalyst Sandor Ferenczi coined the term “sphincter-morality” to describe what happens to children...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 55–62.
Published: 01 May 2019
...Mairead Sullivan This keyword explores how the Pence machine, as the regulatory policy driver behind the Trump administration, is rolling back rights for women and LGBTQ communities. Of note, this work is being done in the name of a moral majority, even against the backdrop of a braggart president...
Journal Article
differences (2010) 21 (3): 97–111.
Published: 01 December 2010
...Samuel Solomon This article traces some of the crossings of the literary, political, moral, and epistemological valences of “narcissism” in the work of literary critic Barbara Johnson, exploring how Johnson implicitly works within and against the view, as expounded by the Practical Criticism...
Journal Article
differences (2016) 27 (3): 132–144.
Published: 01 December 2016
...Penelope Deutscher A response to Lynne Huffer’s Mad for Foucault and Are the Lips a Grave ?, this article considers Huffer’s critical reaction to characterizations of feminism as dominated by a more moral tenor repudiated by queer theory. Huffer argues that a stronger distinction should...
Journal Article
differences (2011) 22 (1): 17–63.
Published: 01 May 2011
... cultural violence; the elements of popular fantasy that animate it; the forms of modern state and transnational power the category occludes; and the ahistorical and divisive civilizational thinking it encourages. Drawing both on ethnography from one Egyptian Bedouin community in which honor is a key moral...
Journal Article
differences (2009) 20 (1): 102–116.
Published: 01 May 2009
... violence, which is where Klein takes that critique fifteen years later. What starts as a question for Freud about how it is that war legitimizes a murderous representation of the other becomes, in Klein, a question about the morality of mourning. In wartime, this morality becomes political, as Klein's...
Journal Article
differences (2012) 23 (2): 20–41.
Published: 01 September 2012
...Iain Morland In debates about the medical management of intersex, also known as “disorders of sex development,” it is often assumed that morally good treatment can make patients, families, and doctors feel comfortable and, conversely, that morally bad treatment generates feelings of discomfort...
Journal Article
differences (2013) 24 (1): 55–103.
Published: 01 May 2013
...Joseph Fischel This essay argues that the “consenting adult,” while politically seductive and exonerative, is ultimately a perverted figure for progressive sexual politics. Valorized, the “consenting adult” generates a moralized portraiture of good and bad sexual personae rather than propelling...
Journal Article
differences (2018) 29 (3): 107–136.
Published: 01 December 2018
... that performatively presence the actresses and singers who animate them, in other words morally charged acts for which such animators are held accountable. Drawing on linguistic anthropology and film theory, this article explores vision-image and sound-image as distinct modes of performative presence, noting...
Journal Article
differences (2010) 21 (3): 73–96.
Published: 01 December 2010
... reducible to its visual representative of a rotting thing nor is it immediate or visceral or marked by obviousness; and decay is not a metaphor for moral declivity or ideological distaste. Instead, this article claims that putrescence is a structure-in-process, a textually constituting gesture that must...
Journal Article
differences (2018) 29 (1): 1–32.
Published: 01 May 2018
...Nancy Armstrong During the 1840s, British novels suddenly abandoned the country manor house and advocated a greatly diminished, single-family household as the only way of life that was necessary, natural, desirable, and morally right. Insofar as they indicated that the unpaid labor of a wife...
Journal Article
differences (2018) 29 (2): 191–195.
Published: 01 September 2018
...Patricia J. Williams This essay responds to the “perils” of Katherine Franke’s subtitle by examining some of the ways in which the conventionalism of wedlock made it a fraught marker of morality and citizenship for her comparison group, the newly emancipated black men and women who sought its...
Journal Article
differences (2013) 24 (2): 109–129.
Published: 01 September 2013
... and ethical practice; during the Han and Wei (220-65 ce ) dynasties, she plays an important role in the integration of yin and yang metaphysics, social morality, expressions of individual feeling, and legal order into a harmonious and cohesive aesthetic and ideological structure. This article examines...
Journal Article
differences (2023) 34 (1): 252–258.
Published: 01 May 2023
... intuition of the virtual One-All. The conception of the co-immanence of the One-All and the multiplicity of beings is pertinent to considerations of contemporary pandemics as well as to the climate crisis insofar as it offers neither hermeneutic resolution, policy diktats, or moral judgment, but simply one...
Journal Article
differences (2023) 34 (3): 21–48.
Published: 01 December 2023
... condenses the collapse of narrativity structured by normative, moral, religious, and ideological values, has been accompanied by the elimination of limits on which the social state has always relied. Social engineering, based on the calculated and extreme exploitation of man’s helplessness, has replaced...
Journal Article
differences (2016) 27 (1): 25–47.
Published: 01 May 2016
... of prelapsarian experience. Hogarth’s version of wantonness is pragmatic, characterized by the duration and quality of the beholder’s attention and divested of moral overtones. Because the wanton chase transcends sex, it orients Hogarth’s aesthetics toward women as agents of discernment. Close readings of each...
Journal Article
differences (2024) 35 (3): 1–13.
Published: 01 December 2024
...Teagan Bradway This essay provides an introduction to the special issue of difference s titled Unaccountably Queer , which commemorates the twentieth anniversary of Judith Butler’s contribution to moral philosophy, Giving an Account of Oneself (2005). Through Butler’s work, the introduction...
Journal Article
differences (2024) 35 (3): 34–62.
Published: 01 December 2024
...Lynne Huffer What happens to ethical discourse when it begins by interrogating the givenness of the moral subject? This question lies at the heart of Butler’s ethics. The stakes of that question emerge most saliently in Butler’s reading of Foucault in Giving an Account of Oneself , where...
Journal Article
differences (2024) 35 (3): 178–201.
Published: 01 December 2024
...Megan Cole Paustian In Giving an Account of Oneself , Judith Butler asks how we justify our lives through narrative and what this means for ethical relations with others. This essay repositions Butler’s work in a humanitarian frame, foregrounding how moral commitments play out on a transatlantic...
Journal Article
differences (1993) 5 (3): 1–30.
Published: 01 November 1993
.... As the Health of Towns committee described it, the problem epitomized by these cities was the moral impact that urban conditions had on the laboring poor. According to the report issued in 1840, overcrowding, poor sanitation, and dirt were major causes of pauperism, that moral debility that encompassed...