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life writing

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Journal Article
differences (2024) 35 (3): 139–149.
Published: 01 December 2024
... the correspondence as a Butlerian account clarifies why subjects choose a relational form like letter writing for the self-representation of trauma. It observes how particular forms of life writing—letters and the eulogy, among them—provide occasions for the reciprocity on which the account depends, even...
Journal Article
differences (2024) 35 (3): 1–13.
Published: 01 December 2024
.... To further the metarelational dialogue between ethical and political thought, then, this special issue draws Giving an Account of Oneself into conversations with queer theory, trans studies, Black studies, disability studies, postcolonial theory, feminism, psychoanalysis, life writing, and narratology...
Journal Article
differences (2024) 35 (2): 184–192.
Published: 01 September 2024
..., and the changing nature of these connections marks important milestones in Bailey’s academic and adult life. The essay waxes poetic about the substance of Hammonds’s “Black (W)holes” as its meanings exceed its arguments: its very writing serves as a possibility model both in terms of the kind of scholarship Bailey...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (2): 1–32.
Published: 01 September 2014
..., truthfully. At the Greek inception of the politics-philosophy nexus, Foucault argues, psychagogy offered a tekhne for governing this conjoint truth practice and thereby affecting its decisions, even while remaining “nonpolitical.” By tracing some of Foucault’s ideas about the ways that truth, life, politics...
Journal Article
differences (2018) 29 (1): 1–32.
Published: 01 May 2018
... and Freedom in Late Modernity . Princeton : Princeton UP , 1995 . Coetzee J. M. “ Idleness in South Africa .” White Writing . New Haven : Yale UP , 1988 . 119 – 39 . Coetzee J. M. Life and Times of Michael K . New York : Penguin , 1985 . Coetzee J. M. Waiting...
Journal Article
differences (2015) 26 (2): 106–120.
Published: 01 September 2015
..., whose commanding presence fills the screen. Still, the film narrates very little about Arendt’s life beyond her intellectual activity, and even though she is shown writing, teaching, lecturing, and conversing with friends, it is always her thought that occupies center stage. This thought...
Journal Article
differences (2017) 28 (2): 65–85.
Published: 01 September 2017
... ” (268), where the subject is taken as an object. Wittgenstein’s mystical solution allows him to establish an originary language in which there is no problem in the relationship between language and the subject. As Wittgenstein writes, “The solution of the problem of life is seen in the vanishing...
Journal Article
differences (2010) 21 (1): 161–168.
Published: 01 May 2010
...Jacques Khalip A response to Lee Edelman's essay “I'm Not There: The Absence of Theory,” this article explores the conceptual life of difference in queer theory and extends Edelman's formulations in the direction of post–de Manian aesthetics and theories of (un)becoming and identity shattering...
Journal Article
differences (2020) 31 (2): 30–57.
Published: 01 September 2020
... to then attempt to recuperate this distance within a narrative, recovering life from its death in writing and bringing it back under the control of the subject ( da ). But when autobiography thus sets down a life in writing—or a graphesis , as Edelman will later say—this process simultaneously allows the dead...
Journal Article
differences (2017) 28 (1): 64–93.
Published: 01 May 2017
... the self’s dispossession in Beckett’s later writings. Works Cited Ackerley C. J. Gontarski S. E. The Grove Companion to Samuel Beckett: A Reader’s Guide to His Works, Life, and Thought . New York : Grove , 2004 . Barthes Roland . Critical Essays . Trans. Howard Richard...
Journal Article
differences (1994) 6 (1): 1–27.
Published: 01 April 1994
... in the Confessions. ” Exemplaria 2 . 2 ( 1990 ): 403 - 48 . Braxton Joanna . Black Women Writing Autobiography: A Tradition Within a Tradition . Philadelphia : Temple UP , 1989 . Brodzki Bella and Schenck Celeste , eds. Life/Lines: Theorizing Women's Autobiography . Ithaca...
Journal Article
differences (2002) 13 (3): 121–142.
Published: 01 December 2002
... Renaissance Writings in Cultural Context . Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1987 . Pratt, Lloyd. “Progress, Labor, Revolution: The Modern Times of African American Life Writing.” Novel: A Forum on Fiction 34.1 ( 2000 ): 56 –76. Sedgwick, Catharine Maria. Hope Leslie; or, Early times in Massachusetts...
Journal Article
differences (2005) 16 (3): 35–40.
Published: 01 December 2005
... and philosophical texts and another called “Life Writing,” in which Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein, Sarah Kofman, and Carolyn Heilbrun fi gured strongly. In a way, I believe that Derrida had already answered...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (3): 92–117.
Published: 01 December 2019
... . Jefferson : McFarland , 2014 . Friedan Betty . It Changed My Life: Writings on the Women’s Movement . New York : Random House , 1976 . Goeman Mishuana R. Denetdale Jennifer Nez . “ Native Feminisms: Legacies, Interventions, and Indigenous Sovereignties .” Introduction . Wicazo...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (2): 1–29.
Published: 01 September 2019
... of loss is to write from the nowhere of a banished past. 20 Williams, a legal theorist, is discussing a modern but not unrelated paradox between agency, race, and women’s rights and the undying afterlife of slavery in the context of her own great-grandmother’s life; the only archive that might tell...
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Journal Article
differences (2012) 23 (1): 131–150.
Published: 01 May 2012
... Reading, Writing, and Masochism Why Deleuze? Deleuze is noticeably reticent on the subject of his personal life, preferring to let his words speak for themselves and cordoning off his affective response: “But what do you...
Journal Article
differences (2018) 29 (3): 137–154.
Published: 01 December 2018
... forces of rejection, by condescending to them, even: “I had thus a capacity for resisting social rejections that were less crucial for my life” (15). One could announce the manifestation of the active reject here, not to mention that Irigaray also understands that it was her writing style and behavior...
Journal Article
differences (2005) 16 (3): 27–34.
Published: 01 December 2005
... not an ambition of immortality, it’s structural; it is the constant form of my life. Every time I allow something to go forth, I see my death in the writing. The extreme test: one expropriates oneself—one...
Journal Article
differences (2023) 34 (1): 228–234.
Published: 01 May 2023
... lists to the Gaulois and Madame de Villeparisis writes her memoirs; a similar wish to attract the attention of people outside his ordinary social life—to attract their sexual attention, to awaken not merely social but sexual desires—leads Charlus into the risky pursuit of butchers and trolly...
Journal Article
differences (2020) 31 (1): 135–162.
Published: 01 May 2020
... of undecidability. Toward the end of the first volume of the seminar, he writes, At bottom, I would say by way of perhaps an excessive shortcut, that what we rebel against when we rebel against the death penalty is not death, or even the fact of killing, of taking a life; it is against the calculating decision...