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Journal Article
differences (2006) 17 (2): 1–32.
Published: 01 September 2006
..., and Watanabe Naomi. “Nakagami Kenji to `kindai bungaku no owari'” [Nakagami Kenji and `The End of Modern Literature']. Waseda Bungaku 29.6 ( Nov . 2004 ): 22 -53. Cornyetz, Nina. Dangerous Women, Deadly Words: Phallic Fantasy and Modernity in Three Japanese Writers . Stanford: Stanford up, 1999...
Journal Article
differences (2002) 13 (3): 24–63.
Published: 01 December 2002
... no bungaku [Tanizaki Jun'ichirô, a literature of play]. Tokyo:Kokusho kankôkai, 1983 . Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.” Visual and Other Pleasures . Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1989 . 14 –26. Nakagami, Kenji. “Monogatari no keifu, danshô”[Fragments of a Genealogy of Narrative...
Journal Article
differences (2001) 12 (3): 101–127.
Published: 01 December 2001
... Western critics writing about early Japanese cinema have well described how filmmakers such as Mizoguchi Kenji, Mikiso Naruse, and Ôzu Yasujirô offered radical perspectives on space, time, and subject in a filmic syntax different...