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Journal Article
differences (2003) 14 (1): 53–73.
Published: 01 May 2003
.... Peggy Kamuf. Gates, “Race,” Writing, and Difference 329 -38. ____. “Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences.” Writing and Difference . Trans. Alan Bass. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1978 . 278 -93. Fuss, Diana. Introduction. Human, All Too Human . Ed. Diana Fuss. New York...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (1): 93–106.
Published: 01 May 2014
...Adeline Koh This essay explores the “social contract” of the digital humanities community. I argue that the social contract of the digital humanities is composed of two rules: 1) the notion of niceness or civility ; and 2) the possession of technical knowledge , defined as knowledge of coding...
Journal Article
differences (2003) 14 (1): 125–162.
Published: 01 May 2003
..., Samuel. Mass Mediauras: Form, Technics,Media . Stanford: Stanford UP, 1996 . athena athanasiou
Technologies of Humanness,
Aporias of Biopolitics, and the Cut Body of Humanity
What is nazism...
Journal Article
differences (2009) 20 (2-3): 250–278.
Published: 01 December 2009
... of the liberal representative state, the author argues that war is now a fully operational part of the organizational work that terms like community, culture , and humanity are now doing (and doing differently than before). War in the sense invoked here is activated at various levels of intensity and visibility...
Journal Article
differences (2003) 14 (2): 1–26.
Published: 01 September 2003
... is currently working on a manuscript on financialization, human rights, and the inhuman for Harvard University Press. Cassirer, Ernst. An Essay on Man . New Haven: Yale UP, 1944 . ____. Kant's Life and Thought . Trans. James Haden. New Haven: Yale UP, 1981 . Derrida, Jacques. “`Eating Well...
Journal Article
differences (2003) 14 (2): 27–48.
Published: 01 September 2003
... at the University of Virginia. Abram, David. The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than-Human World . New York: Harper, 1998 . Adam, Alison. Artificial Knowing: Gender and the Thinking Machine . New York: Routledge, 1998 . Berlinski, David. The Advent of the Algorithm: The 300...
Journal Article
differences (2003) 14 (2): 106–133.
Published: 01 September 2003
...JAN MIESZKOWSKI Brown University and differences : A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 2003 jan mieszkowski is Assistant Professor of German and Humanities at Reed College. He has recently completed a book on the models of productivity and praxis that arise at the intersection...
Journal Article
differences (2013) 24 (1): 104–136.
Published: 01 May 2013
... these initiatives as “humane-itarian media interventions” that merge the rhetorical immediacy of humanitarian witnessing with the disciplinary logic of humane reform, the author argues that they recapture animals within anthropocentric regulatory coordinates of agency. To examine how contemporary “posthumanist...
Journal Article
differences (2013) 24 (2): 22–50.
Published: 01 September 2013
...Li Xiaojiang The change in women’s historical circumstances and social status has no direct connection with the development of social formations in classical Marxism. It is, however, intimately linked to human progress. Up to the present, social development has undergone five stages, yet the change...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (1): 1–25.
Published: 01 May 2014
...Wendy Hui Kyong Chun; Lisa Marie Rhody Situating digital humanities within larger changes to university funding and structures, Chun and Rhody complicate rhetoric surrounding “the digital” as the bright future of the humanities and higher education. Chun confronts a general euphoria surrounding...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (1): 26–45.
Published: 01 May 2014
... and knowing negotiation of institutional demands for impact, outcomes, results; and consider the possibilities for action within the institutions in which we, as scholars, users, and makers of technology, are embedded. The digital humanities should not, and cannot, bear the burden of transforming...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (1): 46–63.
Published: 01 May 2014
...Matthew Kirschenbaum Taking as self-evident that the “dark side” under discussion is a discursive construct of the digital humanities rather than “actually existing projects” (a clarifying phrase taken from Rita Raley’s post- mla comments), this essay suggests that the construct is too often...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (1): 64–78.
Published: 01 May 2014
... to build a common ground, but rather, about declaring something to be unrecognizable within the confines of a field? The limits of recognition and misrecognition have been the site of some of the thorny debates over what constitutes the field of digital humanities, who can best relay its genealogy...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (1): 79–92.
Published: 01 May 2014
...Richard Grusin Digital humanities (DH) finds itself at a crossroads, particularly in its relation to the traditional humanities. As evidenced in current discussions of the future of the humanities, in print, online, and at recent mla conventions, there is a stark contrast, and according...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (1): 132–155.
Published: 01 May 2014
... humanities, understood as what the author calls, adapting a phrase from David Golumbia, a culture of computation —and grasped in its emergence after 2001, alongside a surge of u.s. national security legislation and institution-building. I thank Rita Raley and Ellen Rooney for their invitation...
Journal Article
differences (2013) 24 (3): 127–159.
Published: 01 December 2013
...Mark Garrett Cooper; John Marx The authors argue that contemporary discussions of crisis in the humanities are best understood as part of a longer genealogy of crises extending through the mid-twentieth century to the late nineteenth-century beginnings of the modern American research university...
Journal Article
differences (2014) 25 (1): 189–215.
Published: 01 May 2014
...Patrick Jagoda This essay approaches games and gamification as a major problematic of the still emerging digital humanities. Games—through their mechanics, procedurality, navigable worlds, and multimedia interactions—call for new literacies that exceed traditional reading and writing skills...
Journal Article
differences (2022) 33 (2-3): 198–219.
Published: 01 December 2022
..., however, it claims that this censored quest is not only unique to the individual analysand but something that articulates that subject to humanity as a whole. While Freud consistently underscores the fundamental solitude of the human being with respect to the free drive and the fantasies to which it gives...
Journal Article
differences (2004) 15 (3): 38–65.
Published: 01 December 2004
... and Technology behind the Human Genome Project . New York:Wiley, 1999 . Cavalli-Sforza, Luca. Letter to Robert Cook-Deegan . 22 Sept. 1989 . Cavalli-Sforza, Luca, Allan C. Wilson, Charles R. Cantor, Robert M. Cook-Deegan, and Mary-Claire King. “Call for a Worldwide Survey of Human Genetic Diversity...
Journal Article
differences (2009) 20 (2-3): 1–8.
Published: 01 December 2009
... armstrong and warren montag
The Future of the Human: An Introduction
To pose the question of the future of the human is to open
at least two distinct lines of inquiry. The first concerns the idea of the
human itself, an idea...