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Journal Article
differences (1998) 10 (3): 82–118.
Published: 01 November 1998
... . Capasso Ruth Carver . “ Artamène or the Great Cyrus: Scudéry Renames the Hero .” Names: A Journal of Onomastics 44 . 3 ( 1996 ): 225 – 36 . “ Compliment .” Dictionnaire historique de la langue française . Paris : Dictionnaires le Robert , 1992 . Courtin Antoine de . Nouveau...
Journal Article
differences (1998) 10 (3): 185–186.
Published: 01 November 1998
... of the Medieval Romance .” 10 . 1 : 98 – 174 . Lajer-Burcharth Ewa . “ Antoni's Difference .” 10 . 2 : 127 – 70 . Nierenberg Ona . “ A Hunger for Science: Psychoanalysis and the ‘Gay Gene .” 10 . 1 : 209 – 42 . Popkin Suzanne . “ Taking Compliments: J. L. Austin with Madeleine de...
Journal Article
differences (1995) 7 (2): 1–15.
Published: 01 July 1995
... be the necessity to think about "conduct of a sexual nature" that is not "imposed on the basis of sex." For example, consider the blithely heterosexist, and otherwise unreal, suppositions behind statements such as: "Male faculty members do not compliment male students on their bodies or clothing...
Journal Article
differences (1992) 4 (1): 116–132.
Published: 01 April 1992
... referential vehicle? More concretely, what would it mean if my lover were to qualify my penis as phallic? Should I consider this a compliment? The epithet could imply a certain distanciation on my lover's part, a viewing of my organ as inert, insensible, unresponsive to variations in context and circumstance...
Journal Article
differences (1989) 1 (2): 93–104.
Published: 01 July 1989
... these compliments to Derrida's words seems to me whistling in the dark - saying that it would be nice if there were words which had this impossible combination of properties without explaining how the combination is supposed to have been made possible~' (124 n.6). As T. S. Eliot's Sweeney says, "I've gotta use...
Journal Article
differences (1992) 4 (1): 172–204.
Published: 01 April 1992
... at the bodybuilder and picturing what he would do with him. You have toface it ifyou have a good body, and it is somehow a compliment to a bodybuilder. Sometimes girls are attracted to your body; sometimes homosexuals are attracted to your body. (92) How to read this? Within the heterosexual/sexist construction...
Journal Article
differences (2006) 17 (3): 3–19.
Published: 01 December 2006
... tossed her, a word in Spanish for which there is no translation in English, except perhaps ‘harassment’ (in another age, these were called ‘gallantries (156). The practices of flirting and aggres- sively complimenting a woman get...
Journal Article
differences (2010) 21 (1): 194–208.
Published: 01 May 2010
... blunt. Eve Kosofsky Sedg- wick calls Klein’s work “chunky,” and she means this as a compliment. She compares Klein’s corpus to the kind of oversized doll she (Sedgwick) had once demanded as a young child: “I needed [. . .] something...
Journal Article
differences (1991) 3 (2): 39–54.
Published: 01 July 1991
... body, and clearly derives pleasure from compliments about her looks. Her whole body becomes the phallus to compensate for her genital deficiency, which she is able to disavow d fferences 49 through her narcissistic self-investment. She can utilize these techniques to mask or cover over this "secret...
Journal Article
differences (2020) 31 (1): 163–180.
Published: 01 May 2020
... ended her presidential bid in December, largely escaped being called out of her name by the trash-tweeting Trump who once even complimented her for delivering the best rollout among the myriad Democratic candidates. Of course, he couldn’t resist mocking the senator’s withdrawal from the race...
Journal Article
differences (1998) 10 (2): 67–86.
Published: 01 July 1998
... century to that of "one of the most modern American cities, which in a few decades has grown from a village to a city of millions."4 In neither case were these comparisons to capitalism and Chicago meant as a compliment. The classical philologist and Akademie Secretary Hermann Diels was still more pointed...
Journal Article
differences (2019) 30 (1): 197–227.
Published: 01 May 2019
... initiates it” was imagined to require students to pose robotic questions like “May I compliment you on your halter top?” and “May I elevate the level of sexual intimacy by feeling your buttocks?” (qtd. in Humphreys and Herold 36 ). Saturday Night Live ’s representation of Antioch was echoed in myriad...
Journal Article
differences (2006) 17 (2): 132–160.
Published: 01 September 2006
... abstract painter is to say that she was a great painter whose abilities with drawing and paint, and the risks she took in paint, complimented and enriched the other skills she brought to her representation of women and men. Those...
Journal Article
differences (1995) 7 (2): 127–149.
Published: 01 July 1995
..., "for the child is apt to adduce a positive and not relative meaning from a compliment" or criticism (92). There is a risk, then, of constant miscommunication between teacher and student, to the extent that Filipinos, unlike Americans, take any praise or criticism in absolute terms as the total verification...
Journal Article
differences (1995) 7 (2): 16–40.
Published: 01 July 1995
..., in search of the pleasure that fled before me, and tantalized me with that unknown something that was out of my reach (108). The girls of Mrs. Cole's brothel are "a little troop of love" who provide compliments, caresses, and congratulation for their fellow whores' erotic achievements. These are tales...
Journal Article
differences (1994) 6 (1): 46–68.
Published: 01 April 1994
... while you compliment them both," they advise, offering the following suggested routine: "'This is a beautiful doll. It looks just like you. Look at her hair. It's just like yours. Did you know your nose is as pretty as your doll's (119) They also suggest that parents use "complimentary words...
Journal Article
differences (1991) 3 (2): 112–134.
Published: 01 July 1991
... pleasures as a contagious disease whose prime carrier is the 'Jewish element,' with its perpetual drive toward miscegenation" (Theweleit 2: 7-B). 11 This is written not as a confrontation, but a compliment to his depiction of heterosexual male sexuality. I should also note that having no "subject position...
Journal Article
differences (2010) 21 (3): 73–96.
Published: 01 December 2010
... for her alone, compliments of the house, and a different set of ordinary dishes to a petulant Spica. To the whining, “Why haven’t I got one?” Richard responds “I doubt, Mr. Spica, if you’ll like it. [. . .] We have grown accustomed...
Journal Article
differences (2015) 26 (2): 1–28.
Published: 01 September 2015
... when she was thirteen, when she began to frequent webcam chat sites with friends. Online, she received many compliments: she was called “stunning, beautiful” and asked to flash, which she did. A year later, a blackmailing capper threatened to circulate her topless photo if she did not put on a show...
Journal Article
differences (1990) 2 (3): 52–108.
Published: 01 November 1990
... in intellectual and academic institutions of those whose points of view have been traditionally ignored? Or does this new academic position result in the maintenance of the visibility and power of those who have always had it? I suppose I should take it as a "compliment" that at least the literature of some d...