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black nihilism

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Journal Article
differences (2023) 34 (3): 69–78.
Published: 01 December 2023
... object a ). Reading the Lacanian pass and erotogenic zones as heuristic features of the hieroglyph, this meditation presents black nihilism as an analytic setting enabling the hieroglyph to speak its ineffable repetition, rather than just a repertoire of hedonistic pleasures and destructive behaviors...
Journal Article
differences (2021) 32 (3): 85–113.
Published: 01 December 2021
... holocaust; it is not a solution to antiblackness. The spirit will not transform an antiblack world into some egalitarian landscape—the antiblack world is irredeemable. Black nihilism must rest in the crevice between the impossibility of transforming the world and the dynamic enduring power of the spirit...
Journal Article
differences (1997) 9 (1): 95–128.
Published: 01 April 1997
... tablet," waiting to be "furnished" with ideas from sense impression. Ideas are "simple and unmixed" when they first enter the mind-for instance, ideas such as those of "heat and cold, light and darkness, white and black, motion and rest." When the mind begins to perform acts of its own, however, "simple...
Journal Article
differences (2023) 34 (2): 27–57.
Published: 01 September 2023
...: Policing, Prisons, and the Call for Abolition . Toronto : Biblioasis , 2021 . Wang Jackie . Carceral Capitalism . South Pasadena : Semiotext(e) , 2018 . Warren Calvin . Ontological Terror: Blackness, Nihilism, and Emancipation . Durham : Duke UP , 2018 . Whitlock Gillian...
Journal Article
differences (2006) 17 (3): 177–194.
Published: 01 December 2006
.... of George Steiner. Real Presences: University of Toronto Quarterly 58.3 (1989). http://www.utpjournals.com/product/utq/593/593_review_solecki.hml . Waters, Lindsay. “Literary Aesthetics: The Very Idea.” The Chronicle of Higher Education 16 Dec . 2005 : B6 -B9. Wellek, René. “The New Nihilism...
Journal Article
differences (2008) 19 (3): 90–125.
Published: 01 December 2008
.... And just as the modern will to truth culminates in nihilism and self-destruction, so, too, is Pentheus undone by his pursuit and desire; in his attempt at consummation/control, he is dismembered. This narrative trajectory defines...
Journal Article
differences (1992) 4 (2): 45–71.
Published: 01 July 1992
...: Black Women, Racism, and Sexism .” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 3 ( 1977 ): 339 - 61 . Obeyesekere Gananath . The Work of Culture: Symbolic Transformation in Psychoanalysis and Anthropology . Chicago : U of Chicago P , 1990 . Ricoeur Paul . Freud...
Journal Article
differences (1996) 8 (1): 1–30.
Published: 01 April 1996
... .” Benstock 150 – 60 . Austin J. L. “ Pretending .” Philosophical Papers . 3rd ed. Oxford : Oxford UP , 1979 . Bambara Toni Cade . The Black Woman: An Anthology . New York : New American Library , 1970 . Bell Susan Groag and Yalom Marilyn , eds. Revealing Lives...
Journal Article
differences (2023) 34 (3): 175–200.
Published: 01 December 2023
... and distinguish the comparata , leaving no “substantial similarity.” Judicial monochromacy, the translation of the black and white of print, of so-called black letter law and gothic typeface, to the social scene is ironically both antinomic and antipathetic. To think and see in monochrome is to privilege...
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Journal Article
differences (1994) 6 (2-3): 27–61.
Published: 01 July 1994
... examples of feminist critiques of Eurocentrism can be found in the work done by black and migrant women commissioned by Brussels. These women include prominent academics such as Helma Lutz, Philomena Essed, and Nira Yural-Davis, who wrote books and official reports denouncing the "Fortress Europe...
Journal Article
differences (2012) 23 (1): 131–150.
Published: 01 May 2012
...” (129). Deleuze reads Nietzsche’s project of affirmation as endorsing creativity and “freeing [. . .] thought from nihilism and its various forms” (35). This shift toward affirmation rescripts pain so that it is not in reaction...
Journal Article
differences (1992) 4 (1): 205–224.
Published: 01 April 1992
..., and frozen, "postcarded" images of native subjects indiscriminately shuffled between black, brown, metis, Asiatic, Arab, Kabylian, Moorish, Ottoman, Bedouin, Islamic, and Byzantine cultural frames.3 The reader risks reinforcing these stereotypes even in endeavoring to undo them. Equally complicated...
Journal Article
differences (2001) 12 (2): 1–46.
Published: 01 September 2001
... is the meaning of this particular ideology of masculine domination? Strange timing: the subject is now annulled by . . . white western wizards while women’s, black and Third World liberation move- ments are claiming their voices” (qtd...