Leo Bersani is well known for making a case for the pleasures of sameness. But “to circulate within sameness,” he notes, “we must first of all welcome [ . . . ] lessness.” This essay explores that hospitable gesture in Bersani’s work, focusing on the self-abnegating practice of willing ourselves “to be less than who we are.” What does it mean to be “uncontaminated by a psychology of desire” and “unaccompanied by an essentially doomed and generally anguished interrogation of the other’s desire”? There can be no single answer to that ethically consequential question, which explains the jubilant restlessness of Bersani’s oeuvre. The author concludes with a reading of Freud’s infamous fort/da game, arguing that the child lessens his stake in a magisterial and anxious identity so as to extend himself, or parts of himself, joyfully and impersonally, into the world.
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May 1, 2023
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Research Article|
May 01 2023
David L. Clark
david l. clark is a professor in the Department of English and Cultural Studies and an associate member of the Department of Health, Aging and Society at McMaster University, where he is also a member of the Council of Instructors of the Arts and Science Program. Recent publications include “Abolish the University: Build the Sanctuary Campus” (New Centennial Review, 2021), “Insult to Injury: Romantic Wartime and the Desecrated Corpse” (European Romantic Review, 2019), and “Quarantine Theory” (World Picture, forthcoming). He is completing a monograph titled “Bodies and Pleasures in Late Kant.”
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differences (2023) 34 (1): 165–174.
David L. Clark; Less. differences 1 May 2023; 34 (1): 165–174. doi: https://doi.org/10.1215/10407391-10435730
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