This essay examines the game played in the first act of Barry Jenkins’s 2016 film Moonlight. “Smear the queer” is a game most resembling tackle football. The author examines how the “rules” of the game manifest as a type of power, one whose function is to set the terms of relation. Smear the queer engenders a calculus of violence, as the game represents a mode of policing, and the film highlights the ways race, gender, and sexuality are marshaled to regulate queer Black people’s embodied expression. Focusing on those who touch protagonist Chiron’s life, the author considers smear the queer as it comes into play off the field, arguing that the smear—a framework for relation and a politic of touch—seeks to exploit queer vulnerability in order to make violence intimate and permanent in day-to-day interactions so that it no longer figures as spectacular. Such a tactic seeks to foreclose the otherwise world-making possibilities of being and becoming, living and creating “with.”
The Smear: Vibrational Flesh and the Calculus of Black Queer Becoming in Barry Jenkins’s Moonlight
dionte harris is a PhD candidate in English at the University of Virginia and current Provost Predoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania. His dissertation project, “Black Boyhood and the Queer Practices of Impossibility in African American Literary and Cultural Productions,” examines the ways writers and artists mobilize queer Black boyhoods—and the figure of the queer Black boy—to engage and complicate discourses on Black and queer life and being, Black queer masculinities, and Black childhoods. His analysis is grounded in a framework he calls Black queer becoming—a mode of Black and queer theorizing that interrogates the relationship between anti-Blackness and queerphobia to understand how queer Black boys experience race, gender, and sexuality as a lived reality, social identification, and relation to power structures. His research has been supported by a Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, a Yale lgbt Studies Research Fellowship, a uva Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship, as well as the University of Pennsylvania’s Provost’s Predoctoral Fellowship.
Dionte Harris; The Smear: Vibrational Flesh and the Calculus of Black Queer Becoming in Barry Jenkins’s Moonlight. differences 1 May 2022; 33 (1): 1–27. doi:
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