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Rural-Urban continuum

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Journal Article
Demography (2016) 53 (4): 1027–1049.
Published: 09 June 2016
..., while net migration of people over age 60 further segregated people. Migration up and down the rural-urban continuum (including suburbanization among people of color) did most to decrease segregation, while interregional migration had only a small impact. People of color tended to move toward more...
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Journal Article
Demography (1968) 5 (1): 93–103.
Published: 01 March 1968
...-Western countries. In an effort to throw further light on this subject, this paper examines the relation of selected marital characteristics to a rural-urban continuum for Taiwan. The continuum was constructed on the basis of both the population sizes and the administrative types of communities...
Published: 09 June 2016
Fig. 1 Map of county-level classification scheme for the rural-urban continuum. Note that Alaska and Hawaii are not drawn to scale and are not represented in their physical location More
Journal Article
Demography (1978) 15 (3): 239–258.
Published: 01 August 1978
... is valid. For each of the characteristics and for migration and fertility, a clear urban-rural continuum emerges, with the sanitary districts generally resembling the smaller urban places more than they do the rural areas under which they are usually subsumed. The evaluation thus suggests the importance...
Journal Article
Demography (1971) 8 (1): 49–69.
Published: 01 February 1971
... women with proven fertility in five Brazilian communities were interviewed to determine various attitudes, their work experience, their participation in family decisions, their fertility ideals, and actual fertility. The five communities were selected along a rural-urban-industrialization continuum...
Journal Article
Demography (1983) 20 (3): 313–331.
Published: 01 August 1983
... with earlier research indicate that the measurement is reason- ably reliable and valid. Residence is measured along a rural- urban continuum in which all townships have been classified according to their affiliation with metropolitan centers. This procedure, developed by Liu and Sun (1979, p. 18), yields...
Journal Article
Demography (1968) 5 (2): 866–873.
Published: 01 June 1968
...? Classic sociology recognizes this difference independently of the difficulties of marking out bound- aries within the rural-urban continuum. Today we can raise questions about the reality of these differences, or at least about the possibility of explaining many differences through the introduction...
Journal Article
Demography (1973) 10 (2): 225–241.
Published: 01 May 1973
... to approximate an urban-rural "continuum," with metropolitan Bang- kok at the urban extreme, smaller urban places intermediary, and the rural, agri- eultural eategory at the other extreme of the five eategories established. (See Table 1 for the fuIl five categories.) Operating within these eategories, data from...
Journal Article
Demography (2020) 57 (5): 1929–1950.
Published: 31 August 2020
... metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas . Federal Register , 74 , 37245 – 37252 . Scala , D. J. , & Johnson , K. M. ( 2017 ). Political polarization along the rural-urban continuum? The geography of the presidential vote, 2000–2016 . Annals of the American Academy of Political...
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Journal Article
Demography (2024) 61 (2): 541–568.
Published: 01 April 2024
... of the first demographic transition, variation in rural and urban family behaviors receives scant attention in theoretical or empirical studies focusing on the SDT. One of the few exceptions is a study in Poland and the United Kingdom examining spatial variation in the SDT across the ruralurban continuum...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (1964) 1 (1): 177–185.
Published: 01 March 1964
.... The administrative distinction between incor- porated cities and unincorporated "rural" areas is most frequently used because it is the most accessible division of the rural- urban continuum. However, variations from country to country in the criteria used for this division, as well as variations historically...
Journal Article
Demography (1967) 4 (1): 210–217.
Published: 01 March 1967
...J. Mayone Stycos; Robert H. Weller Summary Using survey data gathered in Turkey in 1963, the relationship between female employment status and fertility is examined. Controlling for urban-rural residence, education, and exposure to conception within marriage, no differences in fertility by labor...
Journal Article
Demography (1987) 24 (4): 497–516.
Published: 01 November 1987
..., these are located in north- eastern states that were major producers of export staples in the early 1900s.6 To place our contextual indices in a broader perspective, the traditional-contem- porary continuum represented by STRUCTURE corresponds somewhat to an area's rural-urban character (Berry, 1969; Brown, 1981:ch...
Journal Article
Demography (1965) 2 (1): 456–462.
Published: 01 March 1965
... could be observed for each variable when the effects of the other variables were controlled. Residential variations in school organi- zations are considerable, and the relative availability of kindergartens is a case in point. Although the kindergarten move- ment has spread from urban to rural areas...
Journal Article
Demography (1967) 4 (2): 937–941.
Published: 01 June 1967
...- ministering the allocation of surpluses be- tween urban and rural sections so as to assure industrial capital formation while sustaining, at minimum levels during the 940 DEMOGRAPHY interim, an increasing mass of rural con- sumers. Full participation of the rural population in a mature, urbanized econ- omy...
Journal Article
Demography (1991) 28 (4): 549–570.
Published: 01 November 1991
... multistaged clustered sampling design yielded a sample of 1,587 ever-married women aged 15 to 44 and a subsample of 888 of their husbands, stratified by three distinct residential groups: rural, urban lower-class, and urban middle-class.' Because this approach yields a rather cumbersome analysis of six...
Journal Article
Demography (1984) 21 (1): 9–18.
Published: 01 February 1984
... areal groups are viewed as a continuum, there is little consistent evidence for the "modern" fertility areas to have unusually low or high proportions completing intervals within 24 months. One possible excep- tion is evident. The urban and North Atlantic rural women, both relatively low in overall...
Journal Article
Demography (1977) 14 (4): 519–537.
Published: 01 November 1977
... ). Multivariate Data Analysis . New York : John Wiley and Sons . Duncan , Otis D. , & Reiss , A. J. ( 1956 ). Social Characteristics of Urban and Rural Communities, 1950 . New York : John Wiley and Sons . Duncan , Otis D. , Scott , W. R. , Lieberson , S. , Duncan , B...
Journal Article
Demography (2019) 56 (6): 2193–2227.
Published: 11 November 2019
.... metropolitan areas . Social Science Research , 68 , 117 – 131 . Lee B. A. , & Sharp G. ( 2017 ). Ethnoracial diversity across the rural-urban continuum . Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science , 672 , 26 – 45 . Lee J. , & Bean F. ( 2004...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2014) 51 (5): 1955–1976.
Published: 22 August 2014
... in transition: Young people’s risk for HIV in Chiang Mai, Thailand . Qualitative Health Research , 14 , 328 – 344 . 10.1177/1049732303261624 Nauman , E. ( 2013 ). Health impacts of rural-to-urban migration among young adults in Thailand (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Tulane University...