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Path Analysis

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Published: 26 July 2017
Fig. 2 Path analysis of the intergenerational effect of racial residential segregation on neighborhood income attainment for black and white PSID families, 1968–2011. Unstandardized coefficients with cluster robust standard errors. Models control for all the individual characteristics More
Published: 26 July 2017
Fig. 3 Path analysis of the intergenerational effect of racial residential segregation on neighborhood racial composition for black and white PSID families, 1968–2011. Unstandardized coefficients with cluster robust standard errors. Models control for all the individual characteristics More
Journal Article
Demography (1973) 10 (3): 329–350.
Published: 01 August 1973
... of path analysis for this type of research are briefly mentioned. 27 1 2011 © Population Association of America 1973 1973 Path Analysis Child Mortality Path Coefficient Living Child Marriage Cohort References Chandrasekaran, C. n.d. India’s Fertility in a Changing Economic...
Journal Article
Demography (1981) 18 (4): 421–442.
Published: 01 November 1981
... on child quality—an impact compounded by the fact that, when couples are at a stage in life to make family-size decisions, most background factors (however important to the quality of their children) are no longer readily manipulable. A special path analysis of college plans among boys uses a modification...
Journal Article
Demography (1980) 17 (4): 413–427.
Published: 01 November 1980
...David A. Swanson Abstract This paper reports a mildly restricted procedure for using a theoretical causal ordering and principles from path analysis to provide a basis for modifying regression coefficients in order to improve the estimation accuracy of the ratio-correlation method of population...
Journal Article
Demography (1972) 9 (4): 603–615.
Published: 01 November 1972
... mortality differential. A comparative approach based on aggregate measures of socioeconomic differentiation is utilized to compare sixty-one United States urban places. Path analysis shows that neonatal mortality differentiation is virtually unaffected by socioeconomic differentials while decreased racial...
Journal Article
Demography (2023) 60 (3): 675–705.
Published: 01 June 2023
... and stressors in contributing to racial inequities in health (mediation processes). We conceptually and analytically integrate these areas using race theory and a novel moderated mediation approach to path analysis to formally quantify the extent to which an array of socioeconomic resources and stressors...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (1): 125–144.
Published: 01 February 2010
... opposing effects on fertility, the net effect of improvements in childhood nutrition on a woman’s fertility are uncertain. Using path analysis, we estimate the strength of the pathways between childhood growth and subsequent fertility outcomes in Guatemalan women studied prospectively since birth. Height...
Journal Article
Demography (2012) 49 (2): 651–675.
Published: 14 February 2012
..., ethnic differences in marriage and cohabitation with other racial or ethnic minorities are strong. Our analysis supports that unions with whites remain a major path of integration, but other paths of integration also become viable options for all ethnic groups. The Puerto Rican case is an interesting...
Journal Article
Demography (2017) 54 (1): 93–118.
Published: 04 January 2017
...Yao Lu; Julia Shu-Huah Wang; Wen-Jui Han Abstract Despite a large literature documenting the impact of childbearing on women’s wages, less understanding exists of the actual employment trajectories that mothers take and the circumstances surrounding different paths. We use sequence analysis...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2007) 44 (3): 669–685.
Published: 01 August 2007
... environment; and tornado watches and warnings, as well as mobile homes, correspond to technology. Findings suggest a strong relationship between the size of a tornado path and both fatalities and injuries, whereas other measures related to technology, population, and organization produce significant yet mixed...
Journal Article
Demography (1970) 7 (1): 93–120.
Published: 01 February 1970
... repetitive cycle, age composition must also be repetitive with the same cycle length. Under these conditions annual births follow a path that is an exponential multiplied by a periodic time-function. If the time variation of fertility is a small amplitude sinusoidal oscillation, the periodic component...
Journal Article
Demography (1974) 11 (1): 57–73.
Published: 01 February 1974
... Career Plan Educational Aspiration Fertility Intention Status Deprivation References Bird Caroline ( 1970 ). Born Female . New York : David McKay Co., Inc. . Boyle Robert P. ( 1970 ). Path Analysis and Ordinal Data . American Journal of Sociology , 72 , 461 – 480...
Journal Article
Demography (1972) 9 (1): 159–171.
Published: 01 February 1972
... Beverly ( 1964 ). Variables in urban morphology . In Ernest W. Burgess , & Donald J. Bogue (Eds.), Contributions to Urban Sociology . Chicago : University of Chicago Press . Duncan Otis Dudley ( 1966 ). Path analysis: sociological examples . American Journal of Sociology...
Journal Article
Demography (1974) 11 (3): 457–472.
Published: 01 August 1974
... : University of Michigan Press . Dixon Ruth B. ( 1971 ). Explaining Cross-Cultural Variations in Age at Marriage and Proportions Never Marrying . Population Studies , 25 , 215 – 233 . 10.2307/2173211 Duncan Otis Dudley ( 1966 ). Path Analysis: Sociological Examples . American...
Journal Article
Demography (1970) 7 (3): 329–339.
Published: 01 August 1970
... Determinant References Davis , K. , & Blake , J. ( 1956 ). Social structure and fertility: an analytic framework . Economic Development and Cultural Change , 4 , 211 – 235 10.1086/449714 . Duncan , Otis Dudley ( 1966 ). Path analysis: sociological examples...
Journal Article
Demography (1973) 10 (1): 19–36.
Published: 01 February 1973
... . New York : The Free Press . Heise , David R. ( 1968 ). Problems in Path Analysis and Causal Inference . In Edgar F. Borgatta (Ed.), Sociological Methodology: 1969 (pp. 38 – 77 ). San Francisco : Jessey-Bass, Inc. . Jones , Gavin , & Nortman , Dorothy ( 1968...
Journal Article
Demography (1977) 14 (1): 19–31.
Published: 01 February 1977
... Methodology, 1973–1974 (pp. 189 – 231 ). San Francisco : Jessey-Bass . Duncan , B. ( 1956 ). Factors in Work-Residence Separation: Wage and Salary Workers, Chicago, 1951 . American Sociological Review , 21 , 48 – 56 . 10.2307/2089340 Duncan , O. D. ( 1966 ). Path Analysis...
Journal Article
Demography (1993) 30 (4): 523–532.
Published: 01 November 1993
... demography have continued, equally significant are changes in multivariate statistical methodology. To name a few developments, recent years have seen the appearance of path analysis (structural equation models or LISREL), log-linear models and hazard-rate models. New computer technology has allowed...
Published: 27 September 2011
Fig. 2 Endogenous switching by retirement of mortality or longevity processes. This is not an additive path model. f , μ, η, and γ are functions and can include transformations of independent and dependent variables; ε jt and ϖ jt are errors; E is the expectation operator. Equations ES1 More