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Matching Rule

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Journal Article
Demography (1976) 13 (3): 381–395.
Published: 01 August 1976
...Francis C. Madigan; H. Bradley Wells Abstract There are generally three stages to the development of rules for matching vital events data from two sources covering the same population: (a) establishing a set of “true” matches and nonmatches; (b) determining the best tolerance limits for each single...
Journal Article
Demography (2006) 43 (3): 463–490.
Published: 01 August 2006
..., is exogenously predetermined. Without a model of how T will respond to changes in M and F, we cannot predict how the marriage distribution, , will respond to changes in M and F.3 Instead, demographers usually work with matching functions with a zero spillover matching rule (Pollak 1990b): ij ij i j ijm fM...
Journal Article
Demography (1992) 29 (4): 565–580.
Published: 01 November 1992
... from a stricter matching rule, causing an underestimate of the extent of age agreement. We do not use age in any way in establishing a match, and thus we avoid one potential source of match bias. Reliance on the MBR, however, leaves us vulnerable to another source of such bias, illustrated...
Journal Article
Demography (2012) 49 (1): 219–237.
Published: 13 December 2011
... implement kernel matching and use a normal kernel. For the bandwidth parameter, we use Silverman’s ( 1986 ) rule of thumb method as suggested by Smith and Todd ( 2005 ). The Silverman rule suggests that , where σ is the standard deviation of the outcome variable (i.e., hourly wages) and n is the number...
Journal Article
Demography (1967) 4 (2): 759–772.
Published: 01 June 1967
... as a birth be- tween Rounds 1 and B (in accordance with rule Ta bl e 1. -B IR T H S : E V ID E N C E FR O M D IF FE R E N T QU ES TI ON NA IR ES A N D T H E IN TE R PR ET A TI O N S A D O PT ED R ou nd s, o bs er va ti on s, a n d in te rp re ta ti o n s 1 2 O bs er ve d c o m bi na ti on s o f e v id en ce...
Journal Article
Demography (2005) 42 (3): 559–574.
Published: 01 August 2005
... , J.D. ( 1982 ). Search for Rules for Search . Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , 3 , 65 – 81 . 10.1016/0167-2681(82)90004-X Kalick , S.M. , & Hamilton , T.E. ( 1986 ). The Matching Hypothesis Reexamined . Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 51...
Journal Article
Demography (1973) 10 (3): 469–478.
Published: 01 August 1973
... deaths based on counting rule r, where 471 N ,Ai = L: ,Ila, i/ ,8 a a=l denotes the weighted number of deaths enumerated at Hi(i = 1, , L). A one-way match of deaths enumer- ated in the census is made against the complete file of X deaths that were reg- istered. Let the indicator variable rVa,i specify...
Journal Article
Demography (2014) 51 (1): 141–172.
Published: 10 September 2013
... of the “one-drop rule” (the century-old U.S. social and legal practice of treating individuals with any amount of African ancestry as black) that the influence of bio-ancestry on racial classification depends on how black and white are historically and socially defined. In the absence of bio-ancestry...
Journal Article
Demography (2013) 50 (6): 2105–2128.
Published: 14 June 2013
... funding under the (federal) Title X scheme were not directly affected by the ruling, while clinics not funded by Title X were affected directly. By identifying those counties with such directly affected clinics, we are able to use statistical matching methods to help isolate any causal effect...
Journal Article
Demography (2011) 48 (4): 1401–1428.
Published: 02 September 2011
... of fitting the observed age profile of HIV infection, rejecting age-independent models rules out this latter class of models as well. Instead, the age-death profile prefers a model of decreasing risk, with risks of new infection declining at around age 30 for women (shortly after the median age of first...
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Journal Article
Demography (1988) 25 (1): 145–154.
Published: 01 February 1988
... protection systems (see "Data protection becoming worldwide," 1986). Data protection laws establish regulations for the ereation and maintenanee of data sets, and they establish agencies to enforce the rules. There are two types of systems, regulatory and advisory. Regulatory systems require the registration...
Journal Article
Demography (2014) 51 (3): 1041–1068.
Published: 10 April 2014
...)  Social problems –0.015 0.259 –0.307* (0.086) (0.144) (0.144)  Rule-breaking behavior –0.130 0.014 –0.376*** (0.094) (0.147) (0.111)  Somatic complaints –0.095 0.483** –0.196 (0.093) (0.155) (0.114)  Thought problems –0.113 0.173 –0.270* (0.088) (0.153) (0.134...
Journal Article
Demography (2017) 54 (2): 745–773.
Published: 16 February 2017
... children: Evidence on the structure of peer effects from hurricane evacuees . American Economic Review , 102 , 2048 – 2082 . 10.1257/aer.102.5.2048 . Jackson , K. C. ( 2012 ). Single-sex schools, student achievement, and course selection: Evidence from rule-based student assignments...
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Journal Article
Demography (2020) 57 (5): 1853–1879.
Published: 25 August 2020
... . The social security system’s decision whether to grant DI benefits will depend on the prevailing policy rules ( POL ) that govern the generosity of DI benefits, the stringency of the application process, labor market policies, rehabilitation measures, and so on. DI benefit receipt may also be dependent...
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Journal Article
Demography (1999) 36 (3): 399–407.
Published: 01 August 1999
... individual record in the CPS and con- tinue until a match is found. Ifno match is found after a com- plete search of the CPS sample, I search based only on race and sex. I impute multiple ex-spouses independently, ruling out repeated marriages to the same individual. The imputation method in effect assumes...
Journal Article
Demography (2018) 55 (4): 1423–1446.
Published: 12 June 2018
...Robin Fisher; Geof Gee; Adam Looney Abstract This article provides new estimates of the number and characteristics of same-sex married couples after U.S. Supreme Court rulings in 2013 and 2015 established rights to same-sex marriage. The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue...
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Journal Article
Demography (2023) 60 (6): 1877–1901.
Published: 01 December 2023
... as the median racial wealth gap (gray vertical rules). The left panels are scaled at $1,000, and the right panels are scaled at $1 million. White households at the left tail of the PSID sample have lower (more negative) net worth because they can more easily borrow unsecured debt. Fig. 1 Black–White wealth...
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Journal Article
Demography (2014) 51 (2): 673–698.
Published: 21 December 2013
... acceptable balance according to Rubin’s ( 2001 ) rule of thumb. Finally, Table  7 in Appendix  B shows the robustness of the final results to caliper size. It also demonstrates the direct relationship between the size of the caliper and the size of the matched sample (both of which are inversely related...
Journal Article
Demography (1969) 6 (4): 413–423.
Published: 01 November 1969
... in contrast with the comparatively high agreement in age in the white group suggests that response error among nonwhites may determine age discrepancies. On the other hand, where the level of agreement is similar among all subgroups, response error can- not be ruled out but probably other causes are involved...
Journal Article
Demography (2013) 50 (5): 1845–1871.
Published: 26 April 2013
... patterns. Ruling out all other theories with full confidence would require us to specify and estimate a model of the marriage market in which all relevant attributes that are potentially correlated with consanguinity are controlled for, but this is beyond the scope of these data. In this section, we look...
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