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Living Standard
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1-20 of 2292 Search Results for
Living Standard
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Journal Article
Demography (2000) 37 (2): 155–174.
Published: 01 May 2000
...Mark R. Montgomery; Michele Gragnolati; Kathleen A. Burke; Edmundo Paredes Abstract Very few demographic surveys in developing countries have gathered information on household incomes or consumption expenditures. Researchers interested in living standards therefore have had little alternative...
Journal Article
Demography (2017) 54 (5): 1743–1772.
Published: 15 August 2017
... return to education as the family standard of living as measured by family income adjusted for family size. Our results indicate that women experienced significant progress in educational attainment and labor market outcomes over this time period. Ironically, married women’s progress in education...
Published: 03 January 2014
Journal Article
Demography (2005) 42 (3): 397–425.
Published: 01 August 2005
...Mark R. Montgomery; Paul C. Hewett Abstract In the United States and other high-income countries, there is intense scholarly and programmatic interest in the effects of household and neighborhood living standards on health. Yet few studies of developing-country cities have explored these issues. We...
Journal Article
Demography (2020) 57 (5): 1681–1704.
Published: 08 September 2020
...Filippo Temporin Abstract Three mechanisms related to household living standards might affect early-age mortality: the absolute level of deprivation, its level relative to the average of the community, and the inequality in the distribution of deprivation within communities. A large body...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (1978) 15 (4): 637–641.
Published: 01 November 1978
... to the population’s need to reestablish a balance between its size and sustenance organization, thus attaining its best possible living standard. However, the levels of net in- or out-migration needed to restore the balance should be affected by the degree of positive or negative growth of the indigenous labor force...
Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (4): 935–961.
Published: 01 November 2010
... levels of inequality within the labor market and educational system—a product of the Communist era—while household relations remained heavily steeped in tradition and patriarchy. We use micro-level data from the Albania 2005 Living Standards Measurement Study, including migration histories for family...
Journal Article
Demography (2022) 59 (2): 629–652.
Published: 01 April 2022
... leading to drastic improvements in living standards during adulthood and older age. However, the implications of life course socioeconomic status (SES) trajectories for healthy longevity in later life have not been systematically studied in China. We utilize data from the China Health and Retirement...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2021) 58 (1): 137–163.
Published: 01 February 2021
... that large parts of the improvement are explained by the improvement in the environments in all the countries being analyzed. I find that the reduction in family size, increased use of antenatal care, longer pregnancy periods, and improved living standards were associated with the improvement of the infant...
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Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2013) 50 (1): 311–332.
Published: 20 September 2012
... is theoretically underpinned by a simple Malthusian model, in which population, real wages, and vital rates are determined endogenously. My findings strongly support the existence of a Malthusian economy wherein population growth decreased living standards, which in turn influenced vital rates. However...
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Journal Article
Demography (1984) 21 (2): 141–155.
Published: 01 May 1984
... other women. Thus, late childbearing and small family size appear associated with the highest standard of living for these women. This study also relates the experience of this early cohort of women to that of more recent birth cohorts. 9 1 2011 © Population Association of America 1984 1984...
Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (4): 1013–1034.
Published: 01 November 2010
... already influenced by a process of standardization, in the sense that their life courses became more similar over time. Using data from a Dutch registry-based sample, we examine household trajectories: that is, sequences of living arrangements of young adults aged 15–40. Our study shows...
Journal Article
Demography (2006) 43 (1): 1–24.
Published: 01 February 2006
...Thomas A. Diprete; Claudia Buchmann Abstract Analysis of March Current Population Survey data from 1964 through 2002 shows that white women overtook white men in their rates of college completion and that this phenomenon occurred during a period in which women’s standard-of-living gains from...
Journal Article
Demography (1966) 3 (2): 566–573.
Published: 01 June 1966
... in the Standard Certificate of Live Birth and in the Standard Certificate of Fetal Death. An item on education of father and mother will provide detailed national data on education and fertility. The date of the last live birth to the mother and the date of the last fetal death will provide information...
Journal Article
Demography (1967) 4 (1): 126–134.
Published: 01 March 1967
... of the ever-widowed females by age, occupation, caste, and the number of living children, the standardized widow remarriage rates were obtained. The population of Saharanpur district was taken to be the standard population. As a result of standardization for age, number of living children, and caste...
Journal Article
Demography (1973) 10 (1): 85–98.
Published: 01 February 1973
... and greater saving. On the other hand, a fertility decline may eventually produce a higher real standard of living among rural workers, hence a higher supply price of secondary sector labor, lower profits and lower saving. These effects are investigated in a simulation of Mexican economic growth...
Journal Article
Arland Thornton, Georgina Binstock, Kathryn M. Yount, Mohammad Jalal Abbasi-Shavazi, Dirgha Ghimire ...
Demography (2012) 49 (2): 677–698.
Published: 09 March 2012
..., and that fertility declines enhance the standard of living and intergenerational relations. We also ask people about their expectations concerning future trends in fertility in their countries and whether they approve or disapprove of the trends they expect. The data show widespread linkage in the minds of ordinary...
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Journal Article
Demography (2016) 53 (5): 1555–1581.
Published: 21 September 2016
... about health gradients in migrant and nonmigrant populations from an overarching framework employed to account for the standard Hispanic paradox. Second, we use data that enable us to contrast gradients between Mexican migrants living in the United States and the U.S. non-Mexican resident population...
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Journal Article
Demography (2009) 46 (1): 1–25.
Published: 01 February 2009
.... ( 1989 ). Statistical Methods . Ames, IA : Iowa University . Soltow L. ( 1992 ). Inequalities in the Standard of Living in the United States, 1798–1895 . In R.G.
Gallman , & J.J.
Wallis (Eds.), American Economic Growth and Standards of Living Before the Civil War (pp...
Journal Article
Demography (2022) 59 (3): 857–875.
Published: 01 June 2022
...Viola Angelini; Marco Bertoni; Guglielmo Weber Abstract The age at leaving the parental home has significant implications for social and economic outcomes across the life course, highlighting the importance of examining nest-leaving patterns. We study the role of childhood standard of living...
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