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Forced migration

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Journal Article
Demography (2009) 46 (3): 575–587.
Published: 01 August 2009
... Migration. Summary of A Workshop . Washington, DC : National Academy Press . H. Reed , & C. Keely ( 2001 ). Forced Migration & Mortality . Washington, DC : National Academy Press . Riphahn R. , & Zimmermann K. ( 2000 ). The Mortality Crisis in East Germany...
Journal Article
Demography (2019) 56 (1): 25–47.
Published: 29 November 2018
...Thomas K. Bauer; Matthias Giesecke; Laura M. Janisch Abstract We examine the long-run effects of forced migration for individuals who were displaced from Eastern Europe to Germany in the aftermath of World War II. Evidence suggests that displaced individuals were worse off economically, facing...
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Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2022) 59 (2): 707–729.
Published: 01 April 2022
...Jan Saarela; Ben Wilson Abstract It is well known that migrant fertility is associated with age at migration, but little is known about this relationship for forced migrants. We study an example of displacement in which the entire population of Finnish Karelia was forced to move elsewhere...
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Includes: Supplementary data
Published: 06 September 2012
Fig. 3 Forced migration: Displacement and resettlement over time More
Journal Article
Demography (1966) 3 (1): 58–67.
Published: 01 March 1966
... Office, 1946], Table 10). MIGRATION DIFFERENTIALS IN LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION: UNITED STATES, 1960 ANN R. MILLER University of Pennsylvania RESUMEN Esto trabajo examina la relaci6n entre migraci6n y el statusde la fuerza de trabajo en los Estados Unidos. Las ratasespecificas porsezo y...
Journal Article
Demography (2011) 48 (2): 401–424.
Published: 04 May 2011
...Pratikshya Bohra-Mishra; Douglas S. Massey Abstract The existing literature on forced migration limits our understanding of how violence affects migration to competing destinations. This article adds to the literature on forced migration by studying how armed violence during a period of civil...
Published: 01 April 2022
Fig. 2 Difference in children ever born between forced migrants (those born in ceded areas) and people born in present-day Finland, by age and age at migration. Negative numbers for the difference in children ever born indicate a lower level of children ever born for forced migrants who were More
Published: 01 April 2022
Fig. 1 Difference in completed fertility between forced migrants (those born in ceded areas) and people born in present-day Finland, by age at forced migration. Negative numbers indicate a lower level of completed fertility for forced migrants who were born in ceded areas. Estimates More
Journal Article
Demography (2013) 50 (1): 71–95.
Published: 06 September 2012
...Fig. 3 Forced migration: Displacement and resettlement over time ...
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Journal Article
Demography (1983) 20 (3): 299–311.
Published: 01 August 1983
... . Donnermeyer Joseph F. ( 1975 ). Forced Migration: A Bibliography on the Sociology of Population Displacement and Resettlement. Exchange bibliography #880 . Monticello, Il. : Council of Planning Librarians . Fredrickson Carl , Heaton Tim B. , Fuguitt Glenn V. , & Zuiches James J...
Journal Article
Demography (1980) 17 (2): 145–158.
Published: 01 May 1980
... . Bowles G. K. ( 1978 ). Contributions of Recent Metro-Nonmetro Migrants to the Nonmetro/Population and Labor Force . Agricultural Economics Research , 30 , 15 – 22 . Brown, David L. 1978. Some Spatial Aspects of Work Force Migration in the United States, 1965–1975. Presented at the Population...
Published: 01 April 2022
Fig. 3 Ratio of completed fertility comparing forced migrants (those born in ceded areas) and people born in present-day Finland, by age at forced migration. Model 1 has no controls; model 2 controls for home ownership and education; and model 3 is the same as model 2 with additional controls More
Published: 01 April 2022
Fig. 3 Ratio of completed fertility comparing forced migrants (those born in ceded areas) and people born in present-day Finland, by age at forced migration. Model 1 has no controls; model 2 controls for home ownership and education; and model 3 is the same as model 2 with additional controls More
Journal Article
Demography (1969) 6 (1): 13–16.
Published: 01 February 1969
...Ann R. Miller Abstract Movements of young men into and out of the armed forces and youth entering and leaving the college population are an important component of the migration between 1955 and 1960 recorded in the 1960 Census of the, United States. Measures of the migration behavior of persons...
Journal Article
Demography (1966) 3 (2): 352–377.
Published: 01 June 1966
... and interviews were taken without regard to the migration status of the household. The interview schedules were designed to obtain data on the demographic and social aspects of the migrant as contrasted with the non-migrant population. Migration history, the objective and subjective factors that appear to have...
Published: 24 February 2017
Fig. 6 Decline in two-year (panel a) and one-year (panel b) interstate migration rates for individuals in and out of the labor force: PSID data (panel a) and CPS data (panel b). In panel a, “In the labor force” is defined as in the labor force in the current year and in the previous two years More
Journal Article
Demography (1969) 6 (4): 455–471.
Published: 01 November 1969
... traditionalism, (3) demographic and ecological pressure, (4) nonwhite poverty, and (5) nonwhite home ownership. The dominant migration forces, as evidenced by correlations with component indicator variables, are the “pull” factor of change in nonprimary industrial employment, the “push” factor of population...
Journal Article
Demography (1978) 15 (4): 637–641.
Published: 01 November 1978
... to the population’s need to reestablish a balance between its size and sustenance organization, thus attaining its best possible living standard. However, the levels of net in- or out-migration needed to restore the balance should be affected by the degree of positive or negative growth of the indigenous labor force...
Journal Article
Demography (1967) 4 (2): 479–496.
Published: 01 June 1967
... is an analysis of these migration patterns, primarily in terms of economic differentials by guberniya. Because only limited income data are available for the period around1926 and because other economic data are scarce or unusable owing to boundary changes, census data on labor force distribution, literacy...
Journal Article
Demography (1972) 9 (4): 635–653.
Published: 01 November 1972
...Roger K. Baer Abstract This paper evaluates hypotheses which incorporate designated socioeconomic variables and male age specific incidences of labor force participation. Salient independent variables include education, net migration, unemployment, and earnings. The multiple regression method...