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Fertility decline

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Journal Article
Demography (1994) 31 (2): 347–373.
Published: 01 May 1994
... marital fertility, M, given the age at marriage. Some fraction of this gap is averted, depending on the propensity to avert unwanted births, D. Although none of these components is observed directly, we can estimate each indirectly under strong assumptions. Decline in N*/s accounts for twice as much...
Journal Article
Demography (1995) 32 (2): 159–182.
Published: 01 May 1995
...Adrian E. Raftery; Steven M. Lewis; Akbar Aghajanian Abstract Is the onset of fertility decline caused by structural socioeconomic changes or by the transmission of new ideas? The decline of marital fertility in Iran provides a quasi-experimental setting for addressing this question. Massive...
Journal Article
Demography (1993) 30 (3): 443–457.
Published: 01 August 1993
... of fertility using these and other demographic characteristics as independent variables. The conclusions emphasize the importance of the overall trend toward fertility decline in the United States, as well as the role of religion and of occupational differences, in determining changes in fertility behavior...
Journal Article
Demography (1991) 28 (3): 467–479.
Published: 01 August 1991
...Griffith Feeney Abstract Taiwan’s decline in fertility is studied by using period parity progression ratios. Levels of marriage and motherhood are found to have been high and essentially constant though the late 1980s, suggesting that the decline has been due almost entirely to declines in second...
Journal Article
Demography (1990) 27 (3): 357–367.
Published: 01 August 1990
... control among educational and urban elites does not, however, minimize the awesome effects on fertility of the powerful Chinese family planning programs, once begun. 7 1 2011 15 1 1990 1 8 1990 © Population Association of America 1990 1990 Birth Control Fertility Decline...
Journal Article
Demography (2003) 40 (4): 637–657.
Published: 01 November 2003
...P. N. Mari Bhat; A. J. Francis Zavier Abstract Although it is widely acknowledged that the preference for sons is a barrier to a decline in fertility, considerable disagreement exists as to what actually happens to this preference when fertility declines in a region of low female autonomy...
Journal Article
Demography (1976) 13 (4): 513–519.
Published: 01 November 1976
... been carried out to examine the effect on Iwhen fertility decline is more rapid at higher ages. In particular, the effect of the reduced age-specific rates such as m x e − rx (which also produces a stationary population) has been analyzed, and simplifications of the results carried out separately...
Journal Article
Demography (1968) 5 (2): 855–865.
Published: 01 June 1968
...José L. Vazquez 15 1 2011 © Population Association of America 1968 1968 Fertility Decline Family Planning Program Marital Fertility Local Registrar Crude Birth Rate References 1 José L. Vazquez, “The Demographic Evolution of Puerto Rico” (unpublished doctoral...
Journal Article
Demography (2017) 54 (4): 1353–1373.
Published: 05 July 2017
... was that Q-Q trade-offs were substantially larger for girls than for boys. If interpreted causally, this would suggest that girls’ secondary education attainment benefits more strongly from fertility decline than does boys’. To further explore this phenomenon, Fig. 5 plots the predicted educational...
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Includes: Supplementary data
Published: 05 July 2017
Fig. 5 Education increase attributable to fertility decline. Education change “explained” is the change in education predicted per decade with the IV model. Countries are sorted by both continent and proportion explained among girls More
Journal Article
Demography (1975) 12 (3): 431–445.
Published: 01 August 1975
...G. Edward Ebanks; P. M. George; Charles E. Nobbe Abstract This paper examines the role of emigration in the recent fertility declines which have occurred on the island of Barbados. Barbados with a history of over two centuries of out-migration has experienced in the period 1951–1970 very...
Journal Article
Demography (2016) 53 (5): 1261–1281.
Published: 16 September 2016
...Ridhi Kashyap; Francisco Villavicencio Abstract We present a micro-founded simulation model that formalizes the “ready, willing, and able” framework, originally used to explain historical fertility decline, to the practice of prenatal sex selection. The model generates sex ratio at birth (SRB...
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Journal Article
Demography (2016) 53 (6): 1657–1692.
Published: 18 October 2016
.... The results show a significant lag between the onset of marital fertility decline in the nation’s northeastern census divisions and its onset in western and southern census divisions. Empirical models indicate the presence of cultural, economic, and legal impediments to the diffusion of marital fertility...
Journal Article
Demography (2016) 53 (2): 541–566.
Published: 01 March 2016
... are born earlier than their male siblings, and son-biased fertility behavior is persistent in response to decline in fertility over time and across households with parents from different backgrounds. Parents use contraceptive methods to halt fertility following a male birth. The sibling sex composition...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2014) 51 (2): 535–561.
Published: 25 March 2014
...Kathryn M. Yount; Sarah Zureick-Brown; Nafisa Halim; Kayla LaVilla Abstract The influences of recent dramatic declines in fertility on girls’ and boys’ well-being in poorer countries are understudied. In panels of 67–75 poorer countries, using 152–185 Demographic and Health Surveys spanning 1985...
Journal Article
Demography (2015) 52 (1): 281–313.
Published: 18 December 2014
... 2008 ; Bolivia: Zenga et al. 2012 ; Brazil: Ponczek and Souza 2012 ). These results have led researchers to assert that fertility declines are associated with improved schooling of children and, more generally, with their well-being (Becker 1991 ; King 1987 ). A number of recent studies have...
Journal Article
Demography (2012) 49 (3): 965–988.
Published: 20 June 2012
...Jona Schellekens; Frans van Poppel Abstract Previous studies of the fertility decline in Europe are often limited to an earlier stage of the marital fertility decline, when the decline tended to be slower and before the large increase in earnings in the 1920s. Starting in 1860 (before the onset...
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Journal Article
Demography (2019) 56 (4): 1463–1493.
Published: 18 June 2019
...Nathan Seltzer Abstract In the years since the Great Recession, social scientists have anticipated that economic recovery in the United States, characterized by gains in employment and median household income, would augur a reversal of declining fertility trends. However, the expected post...
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Includes: Supplementary data
Published: 01 August 2024
Fig. 2 Mortality and fertility decline in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean, 1950–2020. Source: United Nations Population Division Data from 2021. More
Journal Article
Demography (1981) 18 (4): 627–634.
Published: 01 November 1981
... impact. A new estimate is derived to account more completely for the effects of the social context and socioeconomic development on fertility. This estimate indicates that 5 percent of the variation in crude birth rate decline for 89 developing countries is due to family planning programs...