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Compositional effects

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Journal Article
Demography (2009) 46 (1): 193–202.
Published: 01 February 2009
... OF NONMARITAL BIRTHS: IS IT ONLY COMPOSITIONAL EFFECTS?* JOHN ERMISCH A recent article by Gray, Stockard, and Stone contended that the increase in the proportion of births to unmarried women since 1974 in the United States was not caused by any major change in underlying fertility behavior, but rather...
Journal Article
Demography (2009) 46 (1): 203–208.
Published: 01 February 2009
... for compositional effects that Ermisch (2009) challenged with alternative statistical tests. I propose an alternative model for compositional shifts based not on theory but on observed marriage and fertility patterns. The results from this alternative model are consistent with Ermisch’s findings yet support Gray et...
Journal Article
Demography (1985) 22 (3): 395–414.
Published: 01 August 1985
...Clifford C. Clogg; James W. Shockey Abstract The effect of changing age-sex composition on trends in unemployment and underemployment from 1969 to 1980 is estimated. This effect is positive as anticipated, but negligible in both absolute and relative terms. For example, no more than .35 percent...
Journal Article
Demography (1973) 10 (4): 507–515.
Published: 01 November 1973
... ( 1963 ). An Econometric Analysis of Population Growth . American Economic Review , 53 , 314 – 339 . Coale , Ansley J. ( 1956 ). The Effects of Changes in Mortality and Fertility Rates on Age Composition . Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly , 34 , 79 – 114 . 10.2307/3348332 Coale...
Journal Article
Demography (1976) 13 (2): 251–257.
Published: 01 May 1976
... Models of Marriage. Presented to the Fourth Conference on the Mathematics of Population, Honolulu, July 28–August 1. DEMOGRAPHV© Volume 13, Number 2 May 1976 EFFECT OF ADJUSTMENT FOR SEX COMPOSITION IN THE MEASUREMENT OF FERTILITY ON INTRINSIC RATES S. Mitra Department of Sociology and Anthropology...
Journal Article
Demography (1996) 33 (4): 511–521.
Published: 01 November 1996
... of Comparable Worth . Cambridge, MA : Ballinger . Baron J. , & Newman A. ( 1989 ). “Pay the Man: Effects of Demographic Composition on Prescribed Wage Rates in the California Civil Service . In R. Michael , H. Hartmann , & B. O’Farrell (Eds.), Pay Equity: Empirical...
Journal Article
Demography (2014) 51 (6): 2155–2178.
Published: 25 November 2014
.... ( 2010 ). The effects of recession on household composition: “Doubling up” and economic well-being (SEHSD Working Paper No. 2011-4). Washington, DC : U.S. Census Bureau . Pew Research Center . ( 2010 ). The return of the multi-generational family household . Washington, DC : Pew Research...
Journal Article
Demography (2009) 46 (3): 429–449.
Published: 01 August 2009
... of the contribution of variables to compositional effects for each variable and an overall rate effect. This study demonstrates that the resolution of differences is attainable at the categorical level for both compositional effects and rate effects. Refinements to Das Gupta’s equations yield a complete decomposition...
Journal Article
Demography (1989) 26 (1): 37–51.
Published: 01 February 1989
...Teresa Castro Martin; Larry L. Bumpass Abstract The post-1980 decline in the crude divorce rate must be interpreted in the context of the long-term trend and in terms of what we know about composition effects on crude measures—particularly given shifts in age at marriage and the age composition...
Journal Article
Demography (1979) 16 (1): 55–71.
Published: 01 February 1979
...Robert D. Mare Abstract This paper examines the impact of intercohort changes in social background composition on changes in grade progression rates at selected schooling levels. It presents formal arguments that the relative and absolute effects of background composition on grade progression rates...
Journal Article
Demography (1988) 25 (1): 129–139.
Published: 01 February 1988
... these two areas. Composition effects played a secondary role, mainly counteracting the negative impact of changing rates. Although the rate of change in out-migration from metropolitan areas has been reduced and out-migration from nonmetropolitan areas declined during the most recent period, the propensity...
Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (2): 459–479.
Published: 01 May 2010
... differences in endogamy across groups. After taking compositional effects into account, we find that both structural and cultural group-level factors have significant effects on endogamy. Cultural explanations (which focus on the role of norms and preferences) play a more important role than structural...
Journal Article
Demography (2021) 58 (5): 1715–1735.
Published: 01 October 2021
... than for women born in 1955. Accounting for compositional effects, we anticipate the largest improvements in regions of the Global South, where offspring mortality continues to be a common life event. This study quantifies an unprecedented shift in the timing of parental bereavement from reproductive...
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Includes: Supplementary data
Published: 01 July 2014
periods: pretreatment period (1981 through September 1987, no compositional effect, transfer effect from the existence of marriage subsidy), treatment period (β 3 ; October through December 1987, compositional effect from marginal marriages and transfer effect), and post-treatment period (β 4 ; 1988 More
Journal Article
Demography (2017) 54 (2): 745–773.
Published: 16 February 2017
...Ozkan Eren Abstract Using data from a well-executed randomized experiment, I examine the effects of gender composition and peer achievement on high school students’ outcomes in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Results show that having a higher proportion of female peers in the classroom improves girls...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2018) 55 (1): 223–247.
Published: 30 November 2017
...Claus C. Pörtner; Yu-hsuan Su Abstract The developing world is rapidly urbanizing, but an understanding of how child health differs across urban and rural areas is lacking. We examine the association between area of residence and child health in India, focusing on composition and selection effects...
Includes: Supplementary data
Published: 28 January 2016
that there are significant fertility differences between indigenous and ladino women that are not due to the measured rural/urban and education compositional effects More
Journal Article
Demography (1981) 18 (2): 201–216.
Published: 01 May 1981
... behavior can be decomposed into the effects produced by age-sex composition and those produced by the underlying preferences. 30 12 2010 © Population Association of America 1981 1981 Marriage Market Marriage Rate Female Marriage Harmonic Means Marriage Squeeze References...
Journal Article
Demography (2011) 48 (3): 1203–1229.
Published: 25 June 2011
..., higher levels of satisfaction in integrated neighborhoods can largely be attributed to the fact that these places have better socioeconomic conditions and fewer social problems than predominantly minority communities. At the same time, effects of racial/ethnic composition persist in unique and somewhat...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2012) 49 (4): 1285–1306.
Published: 11 August 2012
..., the local micro-neighborhood, or the broader tract best explain the race/ethnicity of the new residents in a housing unit. The results show that the racial/ethnic composition of the local micro-neighborhood has even stronger effects on the race/ethnicity of the new residents than does the racial/ethnic...