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Central Province

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Journal Article
Demography (2006) 43 (1): 25–52.
Published: 01 February 2006
... children. 14 1 2011 © Population Association of America 2006 2006 Family Size Birth Order School Dropout Central Province Gross National Income References Akresh, R. 2004. “Adjusting Household Structure: School Enrollment Impacts of Child Fostering in Burkina Faso.” BREAD...
Journal Article
Demography (1997) 34 (3): 355–368.
Published: 01 August 1997
... in polygyny levels. Central province consistently maintained the lowest polygyny level in all three survey periods, while Coast, Nyanza, and Western Provinces maintain the highest levels of polygyny. In KDHS1, the prevalence of polygyny ranged from about 8% in Central Province to more than 37% in Nyanza...
Journal Article
Demography (1991) 28 (1): 83–99.
Published: 01 February 1991
... provinces that were covered by both surveys: Nairobi, Central, Nyanza, Coast, Rift Valley, Western, and Eastern Provinces. We expect that Nairobi, Central, and Eastern Provinces will have higher rates of contraceptive use than the other regions because factors that favor contraceptive use (less polygamy...
Journal Article
Demography (2010) 47 (4): 989–1012.
Published: 01 November 2010
... Provinces of India, 1901 Kashmir Punjab Ra jpu tan a United Provinces Bengal Central Provinces Assam Hyderbad Bom bay Mysore Ma dra s C ochin sex ratio > 1.25 1.25 sex ratio > 1.11 1.11 sex ratio > 1.05 1.05 sex ratio > 1.00 1.00 sex ratio Kinship Institutions and Sex Ratios in India 999...
Journal Article
Demography (2021) 58 (4): 1401–1421.
Published: 01 August 2021
... 0.36 .15 0.35 –.00  Kikuyu .09 0.28 .10 0.29 .01  Kisii .06 0.24 .06 0.24 –.00  Luhya .13 0.34 .11 0.32 –.02 *  Luo .11 0.32 .11 0.31 –.00 Provinces  Nairobi .04 0.20 .04 0.21 .00  Central .08 0.27 .09 0.29 .01 †  Coast .13 0.34 .12...
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Journal Article
Demography (1967) 4 (2): 780–797.
Published: 01 June 1967
... percent of the women were born in Nairobi. The most common points of ori- gin were Central Province, Nyanza Prov- ince, and Western Province which 12 Included here are many different sects which have a basic Protestant origin or tradition in common. 13 Western and Nyanza Provinces are 150-250 miles...
Journal Article
Demography (1991) 28 (2): 275–291.
Published: 01 May 1991
... of temporary migration in China. Before doing so, we will tum briefly to the role of migration in Shanghai's growth and to the data source for this study. The Growth of Shanghai and the Role of Migration Shanghai, with its population of 6.9 million in the central city and 12.1 million in the total municipality...
Journal Article
Demography (1997) 34 (4): 481–491.
Published: 01 November 1997
... is that temporary migrants move expressly to avoid the strictures of the one- child policy; therefore they are not interested in adopting lower fertility norms. Thus, their fertility is likely to be higher than that of the urban natives. Hubei Province in central China is a good research set- ting for the problem...
Journal Article
Demography (1965) 2 (1): 309–316.
Published: 01 March 1965
... Population in the Philippines (pp. 27 – 45 ). Manila : Institute of Public Administration, University of the Philippines . Hawley , Amos H. ( 1955 ). Rural Fertility in Central Luzon . American Sociological Review , XX , 21 – 27 10.2307/2088195 . Hongpairoch , Nawarat ( 1962...
Journal Article
Demography (1992) 29 (3): 333–341.
Published: 01 August 1992
... to 22.7 years; in the Transcaucasian and central Asian republics the pattern was Asian-African, with mean ages from 16.2 to 18.2 years. The Baltic areas experienced a 10% decline in fertility before 1900; in Georgia and the non-Baltic European republics, fertility fell 10% below its earlier plateau...
Journal Article
Demography (1998) 35 (4): 421–434.
Published: 01 November 1998
.... , & Caldwell , P. ( 1992 ). Fertility Decline in Africa: A New Type of Transition . Population and Development Review , 18 , 211 – 42 . 10.2307/1973678 Census '96: Preliminary Estimates of the Size of the Population of South Africa . ( 1997 ). Pretoria : Central Statistics . Chimere-Dan, O...
Journal Article
Demography (1985) 22 (3): 309–325.
Published: 01 August 1985
...Dennis P. Hogan; David I. Kertzer Abstract This study examines patterns of male migration in central Italy during its transformation from an agrarian to an urban-industrial society. The Italian population registers provide data on the extent and type of emigration among more than 3,500 men (ages 10...
Journal Article
Demography (2022) 59 (2): 535–562.
Published: 01 April 2022
... by either the CEL or the minimum working age and thus were not exposed to the reform. Finally, the provinces could implement the CEL on different schedules (see Table A1 in the online appendix). Some provinces started as early as 1986, and some postponed implementation until the 1990s. The central...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2001) 38 (3): 391–409.
Published: 01 August 2001
... are excluded from the analysis because they tend to arrive fully fluent in English. These immigrants include persons from the United States and the United Kingdom, and those born in Central America, Caribbean, Bermuda, and South America with an English mother tongue.9 Among adult male immigrants in Canada...
Journal Article
Demography (2022) 59 (2): 761–786.
Published: 01 April 2022
.... Our calculations also simplify some complexities. The .4878 probability of a child being female is based on a biologically normal sex ratio at birth of 105. Normal sex ratios at birth are indeed 105 in South and West Asia, as well as North Africa, but are slightly higher at 106 in Central, Southeast...
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Journal Article
Demography (2013) 50 (1): 71–95.
Published: 06 September 2012
..., residents of the Cape provinces (Northern, Eastern, or Western Cape), KwaZulu-Natal, and Gauteng/Free State had significantly higher log odds of moving compared to those in the north. Mobility in these southern and central areas of the country is likely higher than in the north because these are highly...
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Journal Article
Demography (1996) 33 (3): 375–384.
Published: 01 August 1996
... to students of migration and urbanization (Cheng and Sheldon 1994; Goldstein and Goldstein 1990; Kasarda and Crenshaw 1991). Perhaps less well known is the evidence that significant mi- gration occurred even during the most restrictive periods of China's centrally planned economy. During the Cultural...
Journal Article
Demography (1968) 5 (2): 627–631.
Published: 01 June 1968
... the, government was making a stronger effort to rationally plan the economy through the development of a stronger central planning authority. At least three elements appear to have significance in highlighting the population problem. The first was the influence of the Tunisian Family Planning Program which h...
Journal Article
Demography (1972) 9 (1): 13–33.
Published: 01 February 1972
... metropolitan center for 1960 and 1965, is found to decrease sharply from the central zone to the next zone (25–49 kilometers from the center), and then change very little with increasing distance from the center, for both urban and rural populations. None of several alternative mathematical models describes...
Journal Article
Demography (2018) 55 (6): 2345–2370.
Published: 27 November 2018
... Council of China 1978 ). During the sample period, most urban residents were employed directly or indirectly by the government (Xie et al. 2009 ). Work units typically gave allowances in excess of the amounts stipulated by the central government. Based on our surveys of residents of the three provinces...
Includes: Supplementary data