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Published: 06 July 2016
Fig. 1 Abortion and contraception trends in Nepal. Sources: Panel 1: abortion: Sedgh et al. ( 2011 ); contraception: 1970–1987 from Mauldin and Segal ( 1988 ), 1990–1995 from United Nations ( 2004 ), and 1996–2011 from MOHP et al. ( 2012 ). Panel 2: authors’ calculations are based
Journal Article
Demography (2008) 45 (4): 817–827.
Published: 01 November 2008
...Melanie Guldi Abstract This article empirically assesses whether age-restricted access to abortion and the birth control pill influence minors’ fertility in the United States. There is not a strong consensus in previous literature regarding the relationship between laws restricting minors’ access...
Journal Article
Demography (1994) 31 (1): 115–132.
Published: 01 February 1994
...Barbara A. Anderson; Kalev Katus; Allan Puur; Brian D. Silver Abstract This paper presents results of a validation survey of abortion conducted in Tallinn, Estonia in April and May 1992. The sample was drawn from patient records in a maternity hospital. Women who had an abortion in that hospital...
Journal Article
Demography (1992) 29 (3): 409–429.
Published: 01 August 1992
...Barbara Mensch; Denise B. Kandel Abstract The relationship between adolescent drug use and premarital teen pregnancy and abortion as a pregnancy outcome among sexually active women is investigated in a sample of white women from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. Event history analysis...
Journal Article
Demography (1992) 29 (1): 113–126.
Published: 01 February 1992
...Elise F. Jones; Jacqueline Darroch Forrest Abstract Although research on reproductive behavior depends heavily on information from surveys, abortions are characteristically underreported in such data. Estimates of the level of reporting are made for each of the recent major surveys of U.S. women...
Journal Article
Demography (1992) 29 (1): 127–137.
Published: 01 February 1992
...Karen G. Foreit; Dorothy L. Nortman Abstract Accurate measurement of induced abortion is necessary for understanding the fertility dynamics of a population and for making projections about the future. Changes in abortion rates can amplify or dampen the impact of changes in contraception. This paper...
Journal Article
Demography (1987) 24 (2): 229–244.
Published: 01 May 1987
...Theodore Joyce Abstract This paper examines the impact of induced abortion on birth outcomes by treating abortion as an endogenous input into the production of infant health. To gauge the direct and indirect effects of abortion, three measures of infant health are considered simultaneously...
Journal Article
Demography (1983) 20 (1): 87–98.
Published: 01 February 1983
...Sandra Rosenhouse-Persson; Georges Sabagh Abstract Contrary to observed trends in religious fertility and contraceptive use differentials, Catholic/non-Catholic differentials in attitudes toward abortion have not been converging. This study suggests that this may be due to an interaction between...
Journal Article
Demography (1987) 24 (4): 553–561.
Published: 01 November 1987
...Eve Powell-Griner; Katherine Trent 12 1 2011 © Population Association of America 1987 1987 Pregnancy Outcome Fetal Death Abortion Rate Unmarried Woman Abortion Service References Burnham, D. 1983. Induced terminations of pregnancy: Reporting states, 1980. Monthly...
Journal Article
Negativism, Equivocation, and Wobbly Assent: Public “Support” for the Prochoice Platform on Abortion
Demography (1981) 18 (3): 309–320.
Published: 01 August 1981
...Judith Blake; Jorge H. Del Pinal Abstract Although disapproval of all justifications for abortion is rare in the United States, our analysis of numerous surveys taken in the 1960s and 1970s shows that support for the full prochoice platform is also rare. This means that respondents who endorse some...
Journal Article
Demography (1978) 15 (3): 381–388.
Published: 01 August 1978
...B. Krishna Singh; Peter J. Leahy Abstract This study examines the contextual and ideological dimensions of attitudes toward discretionary abortion using two national surveys. The abortion attitudes are dichotomized in terms of consistent opposition versus consistent support. Discriminant analysis...
Journal Article
Demography (1976) 13 (4): 495–505.
Published: 01 November 1976
...Kathleen Ford Abstract This paper demonstrates how family-building models can be used for checking the quality of abortion data. A family-building model, called FERMODA, is presented and used to check whether the available data on abortion for Hungary are consistent with Hungarian data on other...
Journal Article
Demography (1964) 1 (1): 119–125.
Published: 01 March 1964
... abortos y nacimientos. A un cuando la evidencia no es completemente clara, parece, que este programa ha aumentado grandemente el número total y la tasa de abortos inducidos y ha ocasionado una moderacion única en el crecimiento de poblcaión. Live Birth Spontaneous Abortion Crude Birth Rate Legal...
Journal Article
Demography (1968) 5 (2): 785–799.
Published: 01 June 1968
...Requena B. Mariano 15 1 2011 © Population Association of America 1968 1968 Pregnant Woman Family Planning Pregnancy Rate Married Woman Spontaneous Abortion References 23 T. Monreal, “Evaluacion del Programe de Prevencion del Aborto Inducido y de Planificacion de...
Journal Article
Demography (2021) 58 (1): 31–50.
Published: 01 February 2021
...Tiziana Leone; Laura Sochas; Ernestina Coast Abstract Responses to survey questions about abortion are affected by a wide range of factors, including stigma, fear, and cultural norms. However, we know little about how interviewers might affect responses to survey questions on abortion. The aim...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (1976) 13 (1): 65–82.
Published: 01 February 1976
...Robert G. Potter; Kathleen Ford Abstract A reanalysis of the repeat abortion experience of New York City residents during July 1, 1970 to June 30, 1972 is undertaken on the basis of a probability model that generates repeat abortion ratios as a function of assumptions about fecundity, contraceptive...
Journal Article
Demography (1974) 11 (3): 377–395.
Published: 01 August 1974
...Ira Rosenwaike; Robert J. Melton Abstract In the brief period between 1967 and 1971 about one-third of the state legislatures passed abortion reform bills, and in states such as Maryland the number of legal abortions soared. Maryland with its good reporting system for legal abortions, as well...
Journal Article
Demography (1975) 12 (1): 129–141.
Published: 01 February 1975
...R. G. Potter; K. Ford; B. Moots Abstract Because of their similar timing in pregnancy, spontaneous and induced abortions can be viewed as competing outcomes. Some intended abortion operations are anticipated by earlier miscarriages while some potential miscarriages are forestalled by earlier...
Journal Article
Demography (2020) 57 (3): 899–925.
Published: 26 May 2020
...Laura Lindberg; Kathryn Kost; Isaac Maddow-Zimet; Sheila Desai; Mia Zolna Abstract Despite its frequency, abortion remains a highly sensitive, stigmatized, and difficult-to-measure behavior. We present estimates of abortion underreporting for three of the most commonly used national fertility...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Article
Demography (2021) 58 (6): 2019–2028.
Published: 01 December 2021
...Amanda Jean Stevenson Abstract In this research note, I estimate one component of the mortality impact of denying all wanted induced abortions in the United States. This estimate quantifies the magnitude of an increase in pregnancy-related deaths that would occur solely because of the greater...