About the Journal
Since its founding in 1964, the population research journal Demography has mirrored the vitality, diversity, high intellectual standard, and wide impact of the field on which it reports. Demography presents the highest-quality original research of scholars in a broad range of disciplines that includes anthropology, biology, economics, geography, history, psychology, public health, sociology, and statistics. The journal encompasses a wide variety of methodological approaches to population research. Its geographic focus is global, with articles addressing demographic matters from around the planet. Its temporal scope is broad, as represented by research that explores demographic phenomena from past to present and reaching toward the future.
Demography is the flagship journal of the Population Association of America.
The journal will be a Subscribe to Open journal, starting with the 2024 volume. Subscription fees will support publishing costs, and the current content for that year will be made fully OA if the funding threshold is met. The 2021, 2022, 2023 volumes that were published open access will remain open. Subscribers have perpetual access to the 2024 volume and term access to the journal's entire backlist (1964-2020). Articles with corresponding authors who are affiliated with S2O-subscribing institutions are guaranteed to be open access in perpetuity.