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Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2023) 19 (2): 261–287.
Published: 01 July 2023
... ) and Jussi Parikka ( 2020 ) in an attempt to incorporate media technology and to shed light on the exploitative and violent nature of the Cold War and its economic discourse of globalization. For Elias and Parikka, it is imperative to unfold the technoscientific visuality of the planetary concept...
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Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2019) 15 (1): 29–47.
Published: 01 March 2019
...Jennifer Smith Maguire The article offers a distinctive account of how the nouveaux riches serve as an anchor for a range of upper- middle- class ambivalences and anxieties associated with transformations of capitalism and shifting global hierarchies. Reflecting the long- term association of middle...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2005) 1 (2): 165–192.
Published: 01 July 2005
..., this article is equally interested in the film's production history and its reception by global audiences. While initial reactions to the film focused on its ideological commitments (e.g. racism, collusion between Hollywood and the Pentagon, post-September 11 th patriotism), these readings continually posed...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2007) 3 (3): 393–398.
Published: 01 November 2007
... part of the book, “the great interior,” presents a theory of the “global inner space of capital.” This theory of “the inside” is necessary as globalization repositions humankind: not by complete global inclusion, as is often claimed, but by local exclusion. Local “immunities” are created to cope...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2012) 8 (2): 283–306.
Published: 01 July 2012
...Marcia C. Inhorn As India becomes the center for global commercial surrogacy, infertile Indians themselves may be forced to seek assisted reproductive technology (ART) services elsewhere. The inability of Indian couples to access affordable, high-quality services in their home country may force...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 339–344.
Published: 01 November 2011
... irreducible that resists, a singularity of a metaphysical order that goes even beyond political commitment – not that that commitment has been entirely eliminated. So we must look to the singular for the antidote to the global. I have to tell you, in fact, that if I weren't convinced that there's something...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2017) 13 (1): 101–123.
Published: 01 March 2017
...Hanan Toukan This article studies the Picasso in Palestine exhibit in light of what it means to be a modern and resistant Palestinian colonial subject, living in a sovereign state-to-be in our contemporary global world. By drawing on theories of the imagination, resistance studies, art...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2005) 1 (3): 257–278.
Published: 01 November 2005
... and communicatively fluent societies. They represent the modernization of political culture guided by communicative rationality, paralleling the accelerated modernization of globalization. This view is elaborated and modified by an interpretation based on a philosophy of history as recurrence or “metempsychosis...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2007) 3 (1): 5–20.
Published: 01 March 2007
...Graeme Turner This article argues that the political success of the economic discourses of globalization within Australia over the last two decades has been accompanied by a compensatory and regressive revival of an exclusivist model of cultural nationalism. Within a society that once prided itself...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2018) 14 (2): 139–152.
Published: 01 July 2018
...Douglas Kellner Donald Trump can best be understood in the context of the rise of authoritarian populist, nationalist, and antiglobalist movements throughout the world. In this article, I focus on the assault on globalization in the Trump campaign, look at his administration and actions...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2008) 4 (2): 183–200.
Published: 01 July 2008
...Leonie Ansems De Vries Thinking back on the globally televised images of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, in which two airplanes flew into the World Trade Center, one aircraft hit the Pentagon in Washington, and another one crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, the questions “whose...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2021) 17 (1): 102–113.
Published: 01 March 2021
...James Der Derian; Phillip Gara Abstract Is COVID-19 our first global zombie event? The question leads to others that fall outside the decorum of official discourse, possibly because the answers reach beyond the pale of the state. Unable to understand the nature of the threat, national leaders...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2006) 2 (2): 193–212.
Published: 01 July 2006
...Kate Nash Sociological theories of cosmopolitanism address its development at different geographical scales, raising questions of the global demos and the global political community. This article considers international human rights as a resource for building global solidarity, and argues...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 465–476.
Published: 01 November 2011
... upon the theory developed in The Intelligence of Evil or the Lucidity Pact , I begin with Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared? and show how Baudrillard explains the emergence of globalized integral reality in the disappearance of the world in a blizzard of signification and simulation...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2014) 10 (2): 132–150.
Published: 01 July 2014
...John Beck; Mark Dorrian Space colonization and subterranean dwelling have been staples of speculative fiction since at least the nineteenth century, but the invention of nuclear weapons and the prospect of global environmental collapse have, certainly since the Cold War, made proposals offering...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2019) 15 (3): 289–302.
Published: 01 November 2019
...Michael E. Gardiner In The Imagination of the New Left: A Global Analysis of 1968 , Katsiaficas suggests the first genuine revolution against “boredom”—a rejection of social conformity, stultifying work, and facile consumerism—occurred in Paris during May ’68. Yet, this event was only the most...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2021) 17 (1): 135–144.
Published: 01 March 2021
...John Beck Abstract The phrase “on the beach” originates as naval slang for being between assignments or unemployed and was used as the title for Nevil Shute's bestselling novel of 1957 about the last remaining survivors of a global nuclear conflict as they await their inevitable demise. The novel...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2021) 17 (3): 255–278.
Published: 01 November 2021
...Joseph Packer; Ethan Stoneman Abstract Hillary Clinton and Katy Perry drink the blood of murdered children to live forever, Barack Obama and Tom Hanks participate in the sex trafficking and molestation of children, and a cabal of Satan worshippers control global events from behind the scenes...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2019) 15 (1): 1–14.
Published: 01 March 2019
...Paula Serafini; Jennifer Smith Maguire The authors outline how multiple dimensions—historical and contemporary; global and local; political, economic, social, and cultural—inform an understanding of the super-rich. Recent super-rich scholarship is reviewed with regard to three themes: discourses...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2006) 2 (1): 97–114.
Published: 01 March 2006
... today. This is so when one takes into account the technics of the global “War on Terror” as directed by the American political-economic-military complex. Through that, the world is seeing but the accelerated intensification and dissemination of military and civilian surveillance technologies. Everything...