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Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2005) 1 (1): 135–138.
Published: 01 March 2005
... engage issues of redistribution and question the legitimacy of “free” markets, such as radical democracy, green politics or even anarchist and syndicalist programs. I would therefore hope that the discourse could be broadened, lest we completely move away from the more utopian and inventive thinking...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2014) 10 (2): 163–181.
Published: 01 July 2014
...Mark Chou In late 2011, the Wall Street Journal published a curiously titled editorial, “Democrats against Democracy.” Written by James Taranto, one of the Journal ’s conservative columnists, the piece documented a disturbing trend besetting democracy in America. Taranto claimed that American...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2022) 18 (3): 312–329.
Published: 01 November 2022
...Sergio Meijide Casas Abstract Unlike its English version, first published in 2011, Discours, figure was published in Spanish in 1979, four years after Francisco Franco's death, during the Spanish transition to democracy. The relevance of this information is connected to the fact that the man who...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2015) 11 (1): 53–69.
Published: 01 March 2015
... was deemed vitally necessary to maintain a democratic society, and it is often claimed by champions of democracy that freedom of the press is one of the features that defines the superiority of democratic societies over competing social systems. Democracy, however, requires informed citizens and access...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2010) 6 (2): 171–180.
Published: 01 July 2010
...Bernard Stiegler The text we publish here is the first chapter of Bernard Stiegler's La Télécratie contre la Démocratie . The broad argument of Stiegler's book (and of this introductory chapter) is that what he terms “telecracy” is ruining democracy by short-circuiting the normal mechanisms...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2005) 1 (3): 339–352.
Published: 01 November 2005
...Paul Virilio © BERG 2005 PRINTED IN THE UK 2005 “Democracy of Emotion” seems almost eerily apt in the wake of the global disaster that occurred around the Indian Ocean on Boxing Day 2004. 1 Now known as “the Asia Tsunami”, the series of tsunamis that were thrown up by an earthquake off...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2005) 1 (2): 215–232.
Published: 01 July 2005
... of critical language and criteria. If arts prize juries follow the rules of political reality, they also aspire to a political ideal. They represent themselves as democracies. They see themselves as embodying (different) forms of democratic deliberation and democratic procedure. Thus one judge records...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2005) 1 (2): 243–246.
Published: 01 July 2005
... moment: the import of class in the founding and perpetuation of the nation; the role of property and privilege in US governance; the illusion of democracy the populace clings to; the role of the Electoral College in both thwarting majority rule and maintaining class privilege in governance; the import...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2006) 2 (2): 193–212.
Published: 01 July 2006
... that the way in which international human rights are made and enforced primarily by national states must be taken seriously if they are to be considered as such. “Ethical cosmopolitanism” (Benhabib 2002) must be forged among the citizens of national territories for global social democracy to be a real...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2015) 11 (1): 70–88.
Published: 01 March 2015
...) argued for participatory democracy, an experimental theater troupe called The Performance Group (TPG) developed a theatrical style that blurred the lines between audience and performer. These three developments were interrelated. All three, moreover, were connected to the continuation and escalation...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2010) 6 (3): 331–356.
Published: 01 November 2010
... that draws upon Debord's theory of “the spectacle.” The comparative analysis is structured by way of the normative categories “liberty,” “equality,” and “the demos,” which both discourses embrace in different ways when speaking of digitally enabled democracy. The critical political economy reading identifies...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (1): 133–156.
Published: 01 March 2011
... secret,” a structuring secrecy beyond the logic of revelation – this article questions transparency's link with democracy and its cultural place today as a force of good. Through Derrida's work we must face the proposition that although the choice between secrecy and transparency is presented as one...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2018) 14 (1): 95–108.
Published: 01 March 2018
...)communicative communist pedagogy that is oriented against communicative capitalism. We show that there is a taut connection between capitalism and democracy that consists of a shared logic, pedagogy, and aesthetic that revolves around communication, inclusion, and transparency. Without grasping this aesthetic...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2021) 17 (1): 28–36.
Published: 01 March 2021
...Douglas Kellner Abstract This article engages the contemporary crises of health, the economy, and democracy in the United States during the era of Trump and the COVID-19 pandemic. The author begins with a discussion of the COVID-19 pandemic and Trump's chaotic and inept responses. The author...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2024) 20 (3): 458–471.
Published: 01 November 2024
... constitutes, in itself an articulation of autonomy. Emphasizing economic democracy, or pragmatically generated pools of shared resources—emblematically and practically associated with the Indonesian rice house, the lumbung —Darmawan, Afisina, and Hartono respond obliquely to charges of anti-Semitism...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2019) 15 (2): 184–201.
Published: 01 July 2019
... of despotism, economy, and voluntary servitude. Discussing this nexus in an ancient context, the article turns to The Circle , a dystopic novel from 2013, which elaborates on how the attempt at creating a transparent society results in the perversion of democracy to the point where a despotism fueled...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2022) 18 (2): 119–129.
Published: 01 July 2022
... Front, and thus of a growing regressive tendency in the politics of the Western representative democracies. But Stiegler's concern in this regard can be traced back to his first book and is present throughout his work, which has always been concerned with the positive technical (default of) origin...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (2): 249–264.
Published: 01 July 2011
... democracy on the other. © BERG 2011 PRINTED IN THE UK 2011 Carl Schmitt James Joyce Nietzsche political theology dictator A recent compendium ( de Vries and Sullivan 2006 ) describes the field of “political theology” in terms of the reemergence of religion into politics and public life...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2005) 1 (3): 365–378.
Published: 01 November 2005
...Verena Andermatt Conley “Virilio's Electronic Dérive ” provides a summary of Ville panique . It shows that the culture critic joins a contemporary debate on the city, democracy, and citizenship. It argues that by writing at the limit of a shift in style and mode of communication, the critic takes...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2008) 4 (1): 5–24.
Published: 01 March 2008
... that he evolved and by the processes that legitimated him as a representative of, and expert on, the cause he espoused. We set this analysis against the background of the specific literature on music’s role in social movements; the general literature on post-democracy; and the rise of celebrity politics...