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Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2022) 18 (2): 247–263.
Published: 01 July 2022
...) misses a crucial point regarding the relation between philosophy and comedy. Insofar as philosophy, love of wisdom, is irreducible to wisdom—insofar as, in other words, philosophy is also a matter of taste (a concept which seeks to combine knowledge and pleasure)—the Clouds can be read as an ironic-comic...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2012) 8 (3): 413–427.
Published: 01 November 2012
... Alighieri's Divine Comedy , Jean-Luc Godard's Le mèpris , and Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey . Kittler is concerned with the linkage of poetry, music, and sex from the Greeks to media- and computer-driven modernity. © 2012 Duke University Press 2012 Homer The Odyssey alphabetization Dante...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2008) 4 (3): 375–390.
Published: 01 November 2008
..., is undoubtedly popularly filtered through the characters of George C. Scott’s Buck Turgidson and Slim Pickens’s Major Kong, while the scene of Kong whooping and hollering as he rides the plunging phallic H-bomb to destruction – that scene in the film in which terror and comedy achieve perfect equilibrium – has...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2015) 11 (1): 53–69.
Published: 01 March 2015
... have taken properly liberal positions). A corporate cable network, Comedy Central, broke new ground with The Daily Show with Jon Stewart , which critiques conservative politicians and media. Comedian Jon Stewart took over as host of The Daily Show in January 1999, focusing his satirical news...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2008) 4 (3): 261–268.
Published: 01 November 2008
... pursuit of what Steven Morrison here calls “comedy’s anarchic and centrifugal urges all the way to the end of everything” seems to suggest nothing but the ability of nuclear fantasy to enter every part of culture, even those which might seem an antidote. If the desire to aggregate and define sites...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2015) 11 (3): 301–314.
Published: 01 November 2015
... is the very work of writing and, as a result, he’s precisely a sort of absolutely pluralized being. As I see it, his is a pluralized work and it comes to me unbidden; it’s the direct, manifest intertext . There’s the turn of the sentences, the gaps between the paragraphs and a comedy, too, a certain comedy...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2015) 11 (3): 417–420.
Published: 01 November 2015
... present familiar scenarios and characters with enough of a skewed, abjected undercurrent to render them deeply off-putting or transgressive—consider, for instance, the stock scenario of a man meeting his girlfriend’s parents at their home for dinner in any romantic comedy, then consider Lynch’s treatment...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (1): 59–78.
Published: 01 March 2011
... at New York University (NYU), “Comedies of Fair U$e,” organized by writer Lawrence Weschler and Harvard law professor and founder of the Creative Commons, Laurence Lessig. Susan and I met for the first time, and then spoke publicly about our conflict, each from our own perspective. 2 Figure 1...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2016) 12 (1): 98–109.
Published: 01 March 2016
... coincided with the launch of Air America Radio in 2004, which brought the kind of overheated energy to left-wing talk radio that had been a staple of the right. With hosts such as Al Franken, Randi Rhodes, and Rachel Maddow, Air America’s shows, much like Comedy Central’s The Daily Show and The Colbert...
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Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (2): 289–310.
Published: 01 July 2011
... comedy? Baumgärtel feels that as exploitation films, these four movies “were thrown together without too much regard for character development, logic or psychological depth” (2010b) and should not be seen as works requiring thematic, character, or even genre consistency. Establishing reasons aside...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2012) 8 (3): 429–442.
Published: 01 November 2012
... narrative is one not of progress but of recursions, set forth in Friedrich Kittler's quirkily comic variant of Friedrich Nietzsche's monumental history: an anecdotal series of four snapshots or moments, namely, the Odyssey itself, Dante Alighieri's Comedia ( Comedy ), Jean-Luc Godard's Le mépris...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2019) 15 (2): 223–243.
Published: 01 July 2019
... in Occupied Palestine: Comedy and Identity in Art and Film . London : I. B. Tauris . Morreall John . 1987 . The Philosophy of Laughter and Humour . New York : State University of New York Press . MSUV (Vojvodina Museum of Contemporary Art) . 2017 . Mladen Miljnović: Strike . Novi Sad...
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Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2017) 13 (1): 58–80.
Published: 01 March 2017
... they are. 6 These rules, and general philosophy, seem to have dated rapidly, even for those not in the ambit of second wave feminism; a 1993 episode of the comedy The Larry Sanders Show (“Broadcast Nudes”) sees Hefner, playing himself, reject an offer of a photo spread of the personal assistant to the talk...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2020) 16 (3): 387–407.
Published: 01 November 2020
... before the 2016 election, the New Yorker ran a cover ironically depicting Trump as a fat beauty queen recently crowned “Miss Congeniality” ( Blitt 2016 ). The cable television channel Comedy Central even offered a sadistic election day diversion on its website. To play “How Fat Can You Make Donald...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2012) 8 (3): 375–384.
Published: 01 November 2012
...? FK: I am disconsolate when books aim to provide solace. You have to achieve freedom yourself; you cannot rely on books to simulate it. I took after Friedrich Dürrenmatt, whose guidelines for comedy dictated that things always have to be presented a bit worse than they actually are. Ultimately...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2020) 16 (2): 171–191.
Published: 01 July 2020
... “laughed their eyes out” from watching Zolotov’s monologue, Naval′nyi likened it to a comedy about an “Arabic or Latin American dictator with all those ridiculous uniforms with gold and medals.” Simultaneously, he showed a sequence of Sacha Baron Cohen 2012 The Dictator , one of the best-known comedies...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2020) 16 (2): 147–170.
Published: 01 July 2020
...) to the prosaic (comedy), and from the sublime to the ridiculous. For this reason, it is not simply the addition of a word; it represents a profound revamping of what Hall et al. (1978) call the ‘primary definition’ of the situation. . . . These actors are no longer perceived as fighters for justice. Instead...
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Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2014) 10 (1): 40–61.
Published: 01 March 2014
... number and his sartorial metonym, his bathrobe (omnipresent in Grand Guignol sketch comedy and in political cartoons) ( Faure 2012 : 66). Régis Jauffret is writing a novel, and Abel Ferrara is planning a film with “French actress Isabelle Adjani and Belgian comedian Gérard Depardieu,” in the words...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2012) 8 (3): 399–412.
Published: 01 November 2012
... country and his generation; these are his terrorists. Indeed, so familiar is the ground that despite the grim subject matter a certain lightness creeps in. At times the story of the face-off between the RAF and the German security apparatus reads like a comedy of terrors. Yet once the lecture moves beyond...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2013) 9 (3): 323–336.
Published: 01 November 2013
... (shoplifting) leads to another (a life-threatening fall). The theme of moral corruption is a central component within the bombsite imaginary. In a very different vein, the Ealing film comedy Hue and Cry from 1947 is a lighthearted thriller for adolescents and centers its narrative on the warren of London...