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Published: 01 November 2008
Dwight D. Eisenhower: The Deserted Barn (also known as The Red Barn ), 1958, oil on canvas, 16 × 20 inches. Private Collection. More
Published: 01 March 2013
Figure 6   In many ways, searching for the vestiges of traditional Chinese society is still easier in rural areas than in big cities, where life is increasingly modernized. This situation also holds for religious revival. One could say that the government no longer considers religion the “opium More
Published: 01 March 2013
in rural China there are increasing numbers of adherents of so-called underground churches ( dixia jiaohui ), sometimes also called “house churches” ( jiating jiaohui ). (Photo: Hunan Province) More
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2024) 20 (3): 442–456.
Published: 01 November 2024
... realignment. Also a historian of the Holocaust, Amar reflects on his established study on the anomalous origins of “Soviet Ukraine” in the city of Lviv during the course of alternating occupation by Soviets and Nazis, in order to draw a sobering link between the twentieth century; the current, state-led...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2018) 14 (2): 244–262.
Published: 01 July 2018
... at the prestigious École normale supérieure (Jacques-Alain Miller, François Régnault, Alain Grosrichard and Jean-Claude Milner), with the participation of Alain Badiou in its later stages, the journal accorded great importance to Jacques Lacan and to psychoanalysis in general. But it also played a role...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (2): 289–310.
Published: 01 July 2011
... of Russians and communists, these films defy easy categorization because they not only reproduced these cinematic tropes but also weaved in politics, themes, and conventions outside the mainstream Cold War narrative. In this article, I examine four spy/cop action films made by Filipino director, Bobby Suarez...
Published: 01 March 2013
Figure 2   County seats are the closest and most relevant “urban centers” in the daily life of rural residents. They provide not only work opportunities in shops, restaurants, simple hotels, and small factories but also modern entertainments like KTV (karaoke nightclubs where people gather More
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 391–408.
Published: 01 November 2011
... that offers to individuals a means by which they can “escape” from their given realities by creating their own. However, the article also draws critical attention to the economic dimension of Second Life , and the disruptive, divisive and unstable nature of the virtual world (scamming, terrorism, social...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2021) 17 (2): 145–162.
Published: 01 July 2021
... approaches the most mysterious and unsettling aspect of tekhnē and who foresees the most threatening aspect of Gestell as a world in which Dasein loses its privilege as the questioning being. Yet this third Heidegger also failed to reflect on what Stiegler puts at the heart of the thought of his third phase...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2022) 18 (1): 12–27.
Published: 01 March 2022
...Srila Roy Abstract Young urban Indian women have made women's rights to seek pleasure and have fun, especially in public, central to a new repertoire of feminist resistance and also as a way of demarcating themselves from “joyless” feminisms of the past. Concerns around pleasure, fun, and joy...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2014) 10 (3): 333–353.
Published: 01 November 2014
...Phillip Roberts In Cinema 1 and Cinema 2 , Gilles Deleuze posits a huge change in the nature of cinematic time in the postwar years. In “Postscript on the Societies of Control,” he also claims to identify a change in power relations and control strategies that takes in a number of other media...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2016) 12 (3): 310–331.
Published: 01 November 2016
...Shannon Mattern For millennia, mud and its geologic analogues have bound together our media, urban, architectural, and environmental histories. Some of the first writing surfaces, clay and stone, were the same materials used to construct ancient city walls and buildings, whose facades also...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2009) 5 (3): 335–358.
Published: 01 November 2009
... that although increasingly reflecting the prime dynamics of industrialization, were also authentically “new” and “diverse” in that they could gestate in spaces and times not already colonized and commodified by capital. Since at least the late 1970s, these spaces and times have been capitalized; indeed capital...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2013) 9 (1): 70–85.
Published: 01 March 2013
... be completed). But Metabolism was also part of the rebuilding of Japanese identity after 1945 and the firebombing that erased large parts of most Japanese cities, not just Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Metabolists brought progressive values to the project and emphasized a need for public-sector initiatives...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2020) 16 (1): 50–69.
Published: 01 March 2020
... around creativity were driven not only by humanist intents of self-actualization but also by the aim of rendering individual creative potentials productive for both society and economy. Creativity was thus defined in terms of not mere novelty and originality but utility and productivity...
FIGURES | View All (5)
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2020) 16 (2): 147–170.
Published: 01 July 2020
... labor unrest in China, and thus have mostly been read through a political science prism. But these displays, precisely in their dramatic dimension, also open themselves up to a culturalist, even aesthetic analysis: they braid together mixed threads, from the Chinese tradition of suicide as righteous...
FIGURES | View All (10)
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2021) 17 (1): 55–68.
Published: 01 March 2021
... and simulations. The article addresses the data diagrams that describe and predict, advise and control actions during the pandemic. The authors argue that these curves and simulations are also crucial epistemic and aesthetic occurrences that produce the long tale of the epidemic as it pertains to a variety...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2022) 18 (3): 297–311.
Published: 01 November 2022
..., design, and “smart city” governance, digital twins are “digital-physical” databases purporting not only to represent the appearance of an object but also to capture or simulate all changes to its physical and informatic state, down to the bolt or data point. What are the media histories and stakes...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2016) 12 (3): 380–390.
Published: 01 November 2016
.... They not only support the idea of a nature-culture continuum but also provide the philosophical grounding for technological mediation to be defined not as a form of representation but as the expression of “medianaturecultural” ethical relations and forces. 1 Donna Haraway (1990 , 2003 ) is a pioneer...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2012) 8 (2): 207–231.
Published: 01 July 2012
...; it is also at odds with China's attempted/failed/ongoing revolution and trajectory since 1949. I offer an interdisciplinary analysis of area studies and other representations of China, especially in regard to Tiananmen and the Cultural Revolution. I then contrast this with current intellectual debates...