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Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2012) 8 (1): 73–78.
Published: 01 March 2012
... another up. “Chance: Three Days in the Desert” is an initiative of teacher and publisher Sylvère Lotringer and his partner, Chris Kraus. The unrivaled star of the show, for whom some of the audience have traveled thousands of miles, is none other than Jean Baudrillard. Affable and nonchalant, he moves...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 325–338.
Published: 01 November 2011
... of control and ultimately unhinging itself , incapable as it is of escaping its own logic, as though it were caught in its own trap. (Jean Baudrillard) We would like to offer our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the editors of Cultural Politics – John Armitage, Ryan Bishop, and Douglas Kellner...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 339–344.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Jean-François Paillard © BERG 2011 PRINTED IN THE UK 2011 Jean-François Paillard: How does one become a major French intellectual? 4. Baudrillard published the short text L'effet Beaubourg: Implosion et dissuasion (Paris: Galilée) in September 1983 [Trans.]. 3. Jean...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 345–358.
Published: 01 November 2011
.... 40. Terrien 1874 . 41. De Quevedo 1958 [1626] , vol. 1. 42. Mâle 1932 . 43. Huxley 1930: 167 . 44. Baudrillard 1976: 7 (translation modifed). References Alegambe P. 1657 . Mortes illustres et gesta eorum de Societate Jesu. Rome : J. Nadasi...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 391–408.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Lee Barron Employing Jean Baudrillard's concept of integral reality, as articulated within The intelligence of evil or the Lucidity Pact , and linking it with Tim Guest's journalistic/anthropological account of his experiences within Second Life , the article assesses the extent to which...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 431–444.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Douglas Morrey The french crime and science fiction novelist Maurice G. Dantec shares with Jean Baudrillard a profound Nietzschean inspiration and a postulation that the death of God has brought about a consequent murder of the real and the installation of twin illusions: that of an integral...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 445–464.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Bran Nicol Baudrillard appeared uninterested in the detective story and his work barely features in studies of the genre. This essay argues, however, that analyzing detective fiction from a Baudrillardian perspective – concentrating in particular on how the genre is structured around a tension...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2020) 16 (2): 233–252.
Published: 01 July 2020
... but a few—have taken up and advanced poststructuralist emphases on language and discourse that are derivative of postmodern theory. In this context, the article considers two of the most central and original postmodern thinkers, Jean-François Lyotard and Jean Baudrillard, to illustrate the political...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2014) 10 (1): 40–61.
Published: 01 March 2014
...Diane Rubenstein This essay is a rhetorical invention. It projects what Jean Baudrillard would have found theoretically interesting in the recent Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK) affair, configured as a transpolitical media pseudo event revealing the immunodeficiency of Europe’s political class...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2014) 10 (1): 105–119.
Published: 01 March 2014
...Kim Toffoletti Jean Baudrillard’s claim that we inhabit a transaesthetic and integral reality raises significant questions for feminists seeking to analyze how women are represented in Western media through the neoliberal guises of empowerment and choice. These questions relate to the impossibility...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2010) 6 (3): 303–318.
Published: 01 November 2010
...Stanley Raffel This article seeks to develop the significance of the 1960s as a period of cultural revolution. Early Baudrillard is treated as the cultural revolution's equivalent to Marx. The idea of unproductive expenditure is seen as the era's central idea. having discussed, as does Baudrillard...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 371–390.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Mike Gane Baudrillard's theories developed dramatically over his intellectual career of forty years, and throughout these years he contributed considerably to the thematic of cultural fetishism. Consistent with his conception of the consumer society, he developed the notion of sign-fetishism...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 409–430.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Gary Genosko This article focuses on two phases of Baudrillard's theorizing about models; the first from his early analyses of consumer society and its array of objects, and the second from his concern with simulation. Baudrillard often used the concepts of model and simulation interchangeably...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2011) 7 (3): 465–476.
Published: 01 November 2011
...Mark Featherstone In this review essay I explore three of Baudrillard's late works, Why Hasn't everything Already disappeared?, The Agony of Power , and Carnival and Cannibal , and explain how they represent his final word on the notion of integral reality and the intelligence of evil. Expanding...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2015) 11 (1): 1–17.
Published: 01 March 2015
... that escape the rigors of the market and competition induce a new serfdom. This article examines, through the writings of Jean Baudrillard on the cultural logics of neoliberalism as implosion, transpoliticization, and catastrophe, the thesis that neoliberalism marks not the high point of capitalism...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2005) 1 (1): 23–26.
Published: 01 March 2005
...Jean Baudrillard Translated by Chris Turner And what is it, in fact, that we want to make these men confess? What secret are we trying to force out of them? We quite simply want them to tell us how it is – and in the name of what – that they are unafraid of death. This explains the “zero...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2008) 4 (2): 201–220.
Published: 01 July 2008
...John Armitage This illustrated article is a brief psychological and geographical narrative of a visit the author and his partner made to the grave of the well-known French cultural theorist Jean Baudrillard in Cimetière du Montparnasse in Paris. However, it is simultaneously an attempt...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2014) 10 (1): 1–20.
Published: 01 March 2014
... objects, through to its incorporation of electronics and its contemporary success. Building upon Jean Baudrillard’s analysis, the article explores how digital technology has changed the gadget’s nature and capacities. It argues that the digital gadget’s success lies in its hyperfunctionality, hyperludic...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2015) 11 (2): 260–274.
Published: 01 July 2015
...Neil Turnbull In contemporary philosophical and theoretical debates, Paul Virilio is relegated to a minor figure, often to a kind of “lesser Baudrillard” or a “diminutive Foucault.” This article contests this view and repositions Virilio as a leading intellectual of the so-called theological turn...
Journal Article
Cultural Politics (2008) 4 (2): 183–200.
Published: 01 July 2008
... 11, 2001. This article addresses the question of whether the attacks were a sign of strength, or rather a symptom of ultimate despair. The article first engages with and develops a critique of Baudrillard’s contention that the dominant Western order, which is based on the extrapolation of Good...