The collection gathers some of the most prominent and promising scholars in the field of digital media contributing intriguing discussions on the temporalizing force of digital infrastructures as well as the infrastructuring of temporality. The volume Media Infrastructures and the Politics of Digital Time, edited by Axel Volmar and Kylie Stine, constitutes an in-depth and theoretically driven engagement with the question of what is specific about the temporality of digital media infrastructures. Instead of focusing on speed, the volume explores diverse layers of infrastructural temporality and their political implications that range from the velocity of microdecisions to the lived experience of infrastructural slowness as well as the embodied temporality of software knowledge.
In four sections, sixteen essays delve into the intricate entanglements of time and digital infrastructures. The section “Media Philosophies of Time Patterning” gathers conceptual pieces from John D. Peters, Gabriele Schabacher, Yuk Hui, and Wolfgang Ernst to...