This article analyzes how Egyptian nationalists utilized a European propaganda campaign aimed at combating and delegitimizing British colonial rule. In particular, it focuses on Ya'qub Sannu”s (1839-1912) and Mustafa Kamil's (1874-1908) political activities in late-nineteenth- to early-twentieth-century France. Aside from writing dozens of newspaper articles and letters appearing in the French press, both men conducted interviews, made countless speeches, and held many conferences and presentations throughout France and Europe in their continuing attempts at externally forcing a resolution to the Egyptian question. In examining many of these discourses, this article takes into account Sannu”s and Kamil's manipulations of European colonial rivalries, their repeated Francophile appeals, and their frequent exploitation of Anglophobic discourse. Through examining some of the “foreign policy” resistance strategies of colonized intellectuals, the article expands the geographic playing field of colonial-colonized encounters and contestations from the colonies to the heart of the metropole.

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